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2316/22, 9:42 112 Final Exam 112 Final Exam: Vidual 202206 inlermecio 12 08:45-10:15 Due No due date Points 100 Questions 30 Available until Jun 23 at 9:50am Time Limit 50 Minutes Instructions Dear student, Next, you will be assessed on the contents of the course. This written exam consists of 4 sections: Grammar Use, Vocabulary Use, Question Formulation and Tasks, and Open-ended Responses. You will only have one opportunity to take the test. You will have 50 minutes to complete the test. Good luck! Proctorizer Este examen ya no esta disponible Attempt History Attempt Time Score LATEST Attempt 1. 39 minutes 60 out of 100 * * Some questions not yet graded © Correct answers are hidden. Submitted Jun 23 at 9:36am Section 1: Grammar Use ans 2392, 942 112 Final Exam: Vitual 202206 Items 12 0846-10-15 Complete each item with the appropriate choice. Mark your answer, {3 points each / subtotal = 30 points) Ques! 3/3 pts Complete each item with the appropriate choice. Apple, __was started by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, is the most profitable computer company. hat which Question 2 3/3 pts Complete each item with the appropriate choice. Who was ___man you met in__ Hotel Suiza? the-@ he - the @-the hitps:tfepnainstructure.convcourses/60847iqulzzess341978 ans. 236122, 0:42 112 Final Exam: Vital 202206 Inlermedio 12 08:45-10:15 3/3 pts Complete each item with the appropriate choice. When my mother gets lke this, she is angry___ sad. We don't know. either - or neither - or 3/3 pts Complete each item with the appropriate choice. A: Ive just bought _ book. B: Nice! What's book about? a-the an- the a-a Question 5 3/3 pts hitps:tiepnainstructure.convcourses/60847iqulzzess341978 ans 236122, 0:42 112 Final Exam: Vital 202206 Inlermedio 12 08:45-10:15 Complete each item with the appropriate choice. My parents bought a painting in a store owner is a famous local artist. Question 6 3/3 pts Complete each item with the appropriate choice. The neighbors’ dog barks. at night that | can't get any sleep. any much so much Question 7 3/3 pts Complete each item with the appropriate choice. That lady has always been toward the poor. hitps:tiepnainstructure.convcourses/60847iqulzzess341978 ans 236122, 0:42 112 Final Exam: Vitual 202206 Inlermedio 12 08:45-10:15 such a generous so generous Question 8 3/3 pts Complete each item with the appropriate choice, The airline company ___ sold us the tickets has just declared bankruptey. which whom Question 9 3/3 pts Complete each item with the appropriate choice. His father believed his son his friend, He thought that both were lying. neither - nor neither - or hitps:tiepnainstructure.convcourses/60847iqulzzess341978 515 236122, 0:42 112 Final Exam: Vitual 202206 Inlermedio 12 08:45-10:15 either - nor Question 10 3/3 pts Complete each item with the appropriate choice. You can use this computer the other one. Someone must fix them first. either - nor neither - nor Section 2: Vocabulary Use Complete each item with the appropriate choice. Mark your answer. (3 points each / subtotal 0 points) 3/3 pts Complete each item with the appropriate choice. | thought you said this shirt was made of natural fiber, mom, but here it says it's made of hitps:tfepnainstructure.convcourses/60847iqulzzess341978 ans 236122, 0:42 112 Final Exam: Vitual 202206 Inlermedio 12 08:45-10:15 silk polyester Question 12 Complete each item with the appropriate choice, 3/3 pts When | went camping, | remember | woke up very early. twas __and the rain forest was beautiful twilight he night at dawn Question 13 Complete each item with the appropriate choice. | ust bought this blouse, black larg silk larg hitps:tiepnainstructure.convcourses/60847iqulzzess341978 313 pts 715 236122, 0:42 112 Final Exam: Vitual 202206 inlermedio 12 08:45-10:15 large black silk silk b Question 14 3/3 pts Complete each item with the appropriate choice. They said their goodbyes at just before the sun came up. dawn the dead of light Question 15 3/3 pts Complete each item with the appropriate choice. Ineed to ‘on some expenses because I'm saving some money to buy a bicycle. cut back hitps:tiepnainstructure.convcourses/60847iqulzzess341978 ans 112 Final Exam: Vidual 202206 inlermecio 12 08:45-10:15 22162, 9:42 Question 16 3/3 pts Complete each item with the appropriate choice. To be eco-friendly, you can buy reusable water bottles aluminum Question 17 3/3 pts Complete each item with the appropriate choice. We need more if we want to start our business right away. benefits capital 3/3 pts Complete each item with the appropriate choice. hitps:tiepnainstructure.convcourses/60847iqulzzess341978 ans 236122, 0:42 112 Final Exam: Vital 202206 Inlermedio 12 08:45-10:15 | got a beautiful present for my birthday, My aunt gave me a beautiful scarf, pine silk cardboard mahogany Question 19 3/3 pts Complete each item with the appropriate choice. ‘A: How did you come up with such a great idea? B: I don't know. I guess it was just a gimmick a flash of inspiration Question 20 3/3 pts Complete each item with the appropriate choice. ‘The government has announced plans to ‘on education spending by 10 percent next year. hitps:tiepnainstructure.convcourses/60847iqulzzess341978 sons. 2316/22, 9:42 112 Final Exam: Vidual 202206 inlermacio 12 08:45-10:15 cut back Section 3: Question Formulation and Tasks Imagine you need the information below. Follow the instructions and write the necessary question / response. If you do not understand the instructions, ask your teacher. (4 points each /subtotal = 20 points) Question 21 Not yet graded / 4 pts Follow the instructions below. Ask a question / write your statement in the box. Tell me what you think about your phone, (Use so or such.) Your Answer: think that my cell phone is such a smart device because | can take photos and listen to music at the same time. in 22 Not yet graded / 4 pts ans 236122, 0:42 112 Final Exam: Vidual 202206 inlermecio 12 08:45-10:15 Follow the instructions below. Ask a question / write your statement in the box. How are you doing these days? (Use different tenses) Your Answer: These days I'm doing very well. By the end of the week, | will have finished writing my essay about endangered animals. | had never hear of this topic before | started writing this essay. Not yet graded / 4 pts Follow the instructions below. Ask a question / write your statement in the box. Your best friend just told you about an accident she had yesterday. Show sympathy and ask for extra information. Your Answer: Poor thing! So, what happend? Did you go to the hospital? Tell me more about it, please. Not yet graded / 4 pts Quest Follow the instructions below. Ask a question / write your statement in the box. Your brother bought the latest cell phone, but he was victim of robbery. (Show interest. and ask for extra information) Your Answer: hitps:tiepnainstructure.convcourses/60847iqulzzess341978 sans. 2316/22, 9:42 112 Final Exam: Vitual 202206 Items 12 0846-10-15 No way! Poor thing! So, what happened? | guess you went to the police station to tell the police about it. Question 25 Not yet graded / 4 pts Follow the instructions below. Ask a question / statement in the box. your Tell me something you want to do before your next birthday. (Use Future Perfect) Your Answer: Before my next birthday. | will have finished studying English at lepna. That's one thing I want to do before my next birthday. Section 4: Open-ended Responses Write your responses to the questions / comments below using complete ideas. Add a comment or additional information when necessary. (4 points each /subtotal = 20 points) Question 26 Not yet graded / 4 pts Use complete answers or short answers + additional information. For example: When is your birthday? My birthday is on May ‘st. | usually celebrate it with my friends and family. Describe your new laptop. (Use adjectives about inventions) hitps:tiopnainstructure.conm/courses/60847/quizzess341978 4308 2316/22, 9:42 112 Final Exam: Vidual 202206 inlermecio 12 08:45-10:15 Your Answer: My new laptop is a commercial success throughout Europe. This one comes at a high price but is a truly cutting-edge piece of hardware. Question 27 Not yet graded / 4 pts Use complete answers or short answers + additional information. For example: When is your birthday? My birthday is on May ‘st. | usually celebrate it with my friends and family. What electronic device has had the biggest impact in your life? Describe it using adjectives about inventions. Your Answer: The electronic device that has had the biggest impact in my life is my tablet. My tablet has been considered a commercial success throughout the word. It's a truly cutting-edge piece of hardware and it has a lot of nice features. Question 28 Not yet graded / 4 pts Use complete answers or short answers + additional information. For example: When is your birthday? My birthday is on May ‘st. | usually celebrate it with my friends and family. What are some problems your country has? (Use *so/such") Your Answer: My country is very beautiful but one of the problems is that it has so much crime on the streets. Such crime affects all citizens and puts us at risk every day, hitps:tiopnainstructure.conm/courses/60847/quizzess341978 sans. 2316/22, 9:42 112 Final Exam: Vidual 202206 inlermecio 12 08:45-10:15 Not yet graded / 4 pts Use complete answers or short answers + additional information. For example: When is your birthday? My birthday is on May ‘st. | usually celebrate it with my friends and family. Where do you work? (Use Relative clauses) Your Answer: | work in a Movistar building, wich is handled by my mother, and also in public ministry oficce that is in the center of Lima. in 30 Not yet graded / 4 pts Ques! Use complete answers or short answers + additional information, For example: When is your birthday? My birthday is on May ‘st. I usually celebrate it with my friends and family. What are the pros and cons of working from home? Your Answer: One pro of working from home is that you can wake up late or nor so early. On the other hand, one disadvantage is that you have to do more work than before. Imagine getting calls from your boss all day. hitps:tiopnainstructure.conm/courses/60847/quizzess341978 sss.

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