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tell me story Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Sarah who lived in a small

village with her family. Sarah was a curious and adventurous girl and she often dreamed of
exploring the world. One day, Sarah decided to take a journey and explore the world beyond
her village. She packed her bags and set off on her journey, not knowing what lay ahead.
She traveled for days and weeks, meeting new people and seeing new places. She
experienced so many new and exciting things, and soon she had filled her bags with stories
and souvenirs from her journey. Finally, after months of travelling, Sarah returned home to
her village. She was tired and excited to tell her family and friends all about her adventures.
She shared her stories and showed everyone the souvenirs she had collected along the
way. Everyone in the village was amazed and inspired by Sarah's journey, and they all
wanted to go on a journey themselves. From then on, Sarah's story was told and retold
throughout the village and soon, everyone wanted to follow in her footsteps and explore the
world beyond their village. And that is how Sarah's story inspired a village full of adventurers.

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