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June 17th, 1954 Dad told us that we are running the bar now, me and Randy are

having mixed ideas on what to call it. On another note, this shelter is quite
drafty and I’ll probably end up staying here some nights. It’s quite for what it is
of course I can’t forget what’s going on in the current world, but hey might as
well have some fun while everyone is going crazy. Times have changed and fear has
grown.December 15th, 1997 Randy brought a kid to the bar, of course with his big
heart he’s letting the kid stay here as a home. I said no to the bunker because I
don’t need a kid getting in my affairs or accidentally shooting themselves. Randy
says their name is “Mulberries” what a weird name for a kid, Randy just calls them
Mill from what I can tell. Business? Booming as usual but I’m getting older and it
seems like I ain’t going to be able to smooth relations with business.

April 14th, 1976 Trying to get this damn radio working! Of course being multiple
feet underground probably doesn’t help out with getting signal but in these times
hiding is all I can really do, competition is barren these days with only place
like Freddy’s even getting customers… of course business is booming with my
ruthless tactics, with the police behind my back I don’t think anything is ever
going to change.July 22nd, 2013 So there seems to be a large hole in the wall down
in storage, Randy has no idea how it got there. What weirded me out was the fact
there's a metal ''wall'' behind the hole, apparently it's just pipework according
to Roran but something is off.. it sounds hollow? I wonder what's behind it there's
no way it's just pipes. I'm going to investigate a bit today and see what I find
I'll leave it down on this page.Okay, so the ''pipes'' are not pipes it's some sort
of door I could slide a piece of paper underneath the metal. There seems to be no
way to open it from this side and the only place I can think of where it would be
is the bunker that Randy told me about some years ago. I can't investigate there
tonight or tomorrow there has to be a way in. (The paper is torn off here)"

Retreat to the bar, and enter Roran’s bar. On the left of the counter, there is a
coke can. Click on it, and the player will have it in their inventory. Return to
Randy’s bar and put the coke can into the coke machine. The coke machine will move
out of the way and reveal a room. Inside is a leaky pipe, a guitar, A safe with an
unknown combination, and a painting of a person. The guitar is a reference to
Cegnite and the painting depicts the myth funnycomedians1.

Outside, there is a train cart where Mulberries stays. Inside, there is a desk with
a photo of what is believed to be his parents. Above it, on the wall, there is
another photo with the date “May 15th” under it. “I’ll find my way out one day I’ll
be free to follow my dream then they will all see” is also written on the wall of
the train cart, along with “encontre agua en la sangre - Marco” which translates to
“I found water in the blood - Marco.”

The player can also find a framed newspaper about the band on the left of the
stage. It reads, “Chicago Daily June 16th, 1997 Ace Hearts Band Still Playing After
30 Years Starting in 1957. A group of musicians formed the Ace Hearts band. Ace
Hearts is a well-known band that has kept the Double R’ Bar in business for many
years. The band leader Smith however has stated that it’s only a matter of time
before the band is only eye candy. His reasons being old age.”

Behind the cola dispenser, The wall broke down revealing a safe. The safe have 6
number, You have to enter 6 number in the safe to unlock it, the code is from the
picture of Randy and Roran in the bunker. Behind the picture, it have 6 number,
which is "15-36-73". You can enter the number into the safe to unlock it, now the

November 17th, 1966

Roran and I can't get along anymore, just seem like he wants to own this place
solo. We decided on an agreement as brothers as well as rebranding. "The Double R
Bar" wonder what john would think of that, guess the old man is resting well
knowing he doesn't have to deal with out infighting. Roran opened up a small bar in
the old cellar and relocated everything around the bar, annoying but tolerable. The
name? thought it was pretty creative myself "Roran and Randy" Double R".

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