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S1630 Journal of Thoracic Oncology Vol. 12 No.


Additionally, a phase III study is ongoing to determine the effectiveness expansion cohort from CheckMate 032. Journal of Clinical Oncology.
of nivolumab monotherapy compared to chemotherapy in relapsed 2017;35:8503-8503. Keywords: small cell lung cancer, Immuno-
SCLC (Checkmate 331). As for atezolizumab, a phase I/III study is therapy, Immune checkpoint inhibitors
underway to evaluate the efficacy of combination of atezolizumab and
carboplatin/etoposide as first-line treatment of ES-SCLC (IMPOWER
133). In terms of combination of PD-1 inhibitors and CTLA-4 blockade, ES 09.05
Checkmate 032, the first trial evaluating the combination of nivolumab Management of Paraneoplastic Syndromes in SCLC
and ipilimumab in the treatment of patients with SCLC who had pro- L. Crinò Medical Oncology- Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo Per Lo
gressed after one or more treatment regimens was reported in ASCO Studio e La Cura Dei Tumori (IRST) IRCCS, Meldola/IT
recently. Both nivolumab monotherapy and nivolumab plus ipilimumab
showed promising anti-tumor activity with durable responses and Small cell lung cancer (S.C.L.C.) represents approximately 15% of lung
manageable safety profiles10. These data prompted nivolumab alone or cancers and offers a unique profile of clinical and biological features)
nivolumab-ipilimumab combination regimen to be incorporated into S.C.C.L. is a fast growing tumor with are estimated doubling time of
NCCN guidelines for SCLC as second line treatment recommendation. 10 days, high propensity to metastatic diffusion since the early
Moreover, in 2017 ASCO, the updated data from Checkmate032 was beginning of the disease, high sensitivity to chemoradiotherapy but
reported. With longer follow up in non-randomized cohort, the early and common development of pleiotropic drug resistance. Un-
response remains encouraging. 2-year OS could be achieved 14% and fortunately in the past 30 years very few advances have been realized
26%, respectively in monotherapy and combination therapy11. In this in the treatment of S.C.L.C. which in most of the patients is a fatal
setting, a phase III trial, termed Checkmate451 assessing the role of disease with a median survival of 16-18 months in limited thoracic
nivolumab monotherapy, nivolumab-ipilimumab combination and pla- and 11 months in extensive disease. S.C.L.C. is the most common
cebo as maintenance therapy in ES-SCLC and a phase II trial, STIMULI, cancer associated with paraneoplastic syndromes because of its pro-
in LS-SCLC were initiated. Plus, a phase II trial regarding the trem- pensity to release endocrine peptides, ectopic hormones and neo-
elimumab and durvalumab with or without radiation in relapsed SCLC antigens that can develop the para neoplastic syndromes.
patients is ongoing and more data are warranted . However, many Paraneoplastic syndromes constitutes different and heterogeneous
questions remain. The immune microenvironment in SCLC is distinct clinical conditions associated with cancer development, affecting
from other tumor types for SCLC cells express low levels PD-L1, though various tissues at remote locations from the primary tumor , with an
with high mutation burdens. In Checkmate032, there is no observation unpredictable clinical behavior. In SCLC, a large number of paraneo-
on clear association between tumor PD-L1 expression and clinical plastic syndromes have been reported, involving different organ
benefit. However, as mentioned above, patients with positive PD-L1 functions and complicating the clinical course of the disease, including
expression in the stromal interface had better PFS and OS observed in a endocrine, neurological and miscellaneous less frequent manifesta-
phase II trial9. The prediction value of PD-L1 expression is supposed to tions. The most common paraneoplastic syndromes in SCLC, can be
be shifted from tumor cells to surrounding immune cells in SCLC. Thus, divided in ectopic hormone-associated syndromes, and immunome-
it is important to define a specific biomarker to predict the response to diated neurologic syndromes. According to the S.C.L.C. produced
immunotherapy and explore the distinct tumor microenvironment in hormones we can recognized among the ectopic hormone-associated
SCLC. Moreover, potential toxicity is not supposed to be under- syndromes, the Hyponatremia (10%) of S.C.L.C., the ectropic Cushing
estimated, especially the immune-related adverse effects. Immune syndrome (5%) Hypertension reninrelated (1%), galactorrhea (1%)
related side effects will happen in the course of the treatment. Close and hyperamylasemia (1%). S.C.L.C. has the unique feature to be often
monitoring is essential and oncologists are suggested to balance the heralded or accompanied by a number of immune-mediated neuro-
risks and benefits of immunotherapy in the clinical practice. Refer- logic syndromes, the Lambert-Eaton myastemic syndrome 1%, the
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