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Hari, Tanggal : Selasa, 14 Desember 2021

Dosen Penguji : Prof. Dr. Suwarno Hadisusanto Prof. Dr.
Purnomo, M.S.
Dr. Endah Retnaningrum, M.Eng.
Waktu : 10.00-10.10 waktu membaca petunjuk dan soal
10.10-11.50 waktu mengerjakan ujian
11.50-12.00 waktu untuk upload jawaban
Ruang/Sifat : 6/Take home

1. Explain the background of the calculation of biodiversity!

Calculation of the biodiversity depends on some aspect, including plant and animals,
taxonomical/age level, meaning, objectives, necessity, ecological unit, and user.
The meaning of biodiversity calculation
1.forecasting production = menerka suatu kawasan (melalui foto udara) yang terdiri atas tajuk,
sehingga dapat menduga volume kayu (hasil produksi hutan). know status = untuk menentukan status konservasi suatu kawasan dan keragaman hayati di
dalamnya (status tentang keberadaan spesies). pada usia muda dapat melihat komunitas yang
spesifik namun saat tua akan berbeda find the proportion of the community = berhubungan dengan persentase suatu proporsi
komunitas. tergantung tujuan pengukuran see habitat suitability
a. Meaning To see potential,
To find quality level,
Community character,
Habitat study
b. Obkectivitas Forecasting production
To know status
To find the proportion of the community
To see habitat suitability
c. Feasibility Study
Raw materials
Coverage (eg. land cover)
D, User
Policy makers

2. What kind of the ecological parameters that can be measured in a Tropical Rain Forest
soil composition;
light intensity;
substrate pH;
rain intensity

3. Berilah penjelasan spesifikasi dari Kawasan Pelestarian Alam (KPA) yaitu Taman Nasional
(National Park), Taman Hutan Raya, dan Taman Hutan Wisata
- Kawasan Pelestarian Alam: Kawasan pelestarian alam adalah kawasan dengan ciri khas
tertentu, baik di darat maupun di perairan yang mempunyai fungsi perlindungan system
penyangga kehidupan, pengawetan keanekaragaman jenis tumbuhan dan satwa, serta
pemanfaatan secara lestari sumber daya alam hayati dan ekosistemnya. Kawasan pelestarian
alam terdiri dari 3 bagian yakni taman nasional, taman wisata alam dan taman hutan raya
(UU No.5 tahun 1990 tentang konservasi sumber daya alam hayati dan ekosistemnya).
- Taman Nasional: Taman nasional adalah kawasan pelestarian alam yang mempunyai
ekosistem asli, dikelola dengan sistem zonasi yang dimanfaatkan untuk tujuan penelitian,
ilmu pengetahuan, pendidikan, menunjang budidaya, pariwisata, dan rekreasi (UU No.5
tahun 1990 tentang konservasi sumber daya alam hayati dan ekosistemnya). Menurut IUCN,
Taman nasional sebagai area alami di daratan dan/ atau lautan yang ditunjuk untuk
melindungi integritas ekologis dari satu atau lebih ekosistem untuk generasi sekarang dan
yang akan datang.
- Taman Hutan Raya: Taman hutan raya adalah kawasan pelestarian alam untuk tujuan
koleksi tumbuhan dan/atau satwa yang alami atau buatan, jenis asli dan atau bukan asli,
yang dimanfaatkan bagi kepentingan penelitian, ilmu pengetahuan, pendidikan, menunjang
budidaya, budaya, pariwisata, dan rekreasi (UU No.5 tahun 1990 tentang konservasi sumber
daya alam hayati dan ekosistemnya).
- Taman Hutan Wisata: Taman Wisata Alam(?)
Taman wisata alam adalah kawasan pelestarian alam yang terutama dimanfaatkan untuk
pariwisata dan rekreasi alam.

4. Explain how all of the nitrification and denitrification of bacteria in the environment, in your
opinion, contributes to the greenhouse gas effect!

Denitrifying bacteria are a group of bacteria that have the ability to carry out a reaction to
reduce nitrate compounds (NO3) into free nitrogen compounds (N2). Nitrifying bacteria are a
group of bacteria capable of compiling nitrate compounds from ammonia compounds which
generally take place aerobically in the soil. Nitrification and denitrification of bacteria in the
environment contribute by producing greenhouse gasses. Nitrification bacteria produce NO3-.
This compound can be converted by denitrification bacteria to N2. N2 is associated with
atmospheric oxygen result N2O. Thus, microbial denitrification is the major source of N2O. On
the other hand, N2O itself is a greenhouse gas that causes a sharp increase in global
temperature. Thus the bacteria directly contribute to the greenhouse effect. It increases N2O
which contributes 6,2% to global warming.

5. Explain how mining activities have an economic, environmental, and social impact, and how
they might harm biodiversity if not handled properly!
a)Economic impact: boost the economic growth such as Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and
GDP growth, provide the good quality infrastructures (schools, clinics, and rehabilitation
centers for mining communities), creation the employment, and provide the capacity building
training for villagers.
b). Environtmental impact : associated with water quality, ecosystem, vegetation, land shape,
and soil quality. The impacts are the destruction of aquatic life and water pollution, increase the
land-use changes, increase the land-use conflict, and loss the vegetation cover and soil
productivity. Land degradation and loss of soil fertility and productivity. Reduced the CO2 sink.
Increases the habitat fragmentation which has an impact on reducing the distribution of species.
Produces the substantial amount of waste such as stockpiles, sludges, and etc.
c)Social impact : mass migration and an influx of people to mining communities, displacement
of homes and farmlands, high incidence of crime, groundwater contamination, food insecurity
and global warming, increase respiratory diseases, and high cost of leaving.
6. List and describe at least two activities that, in your opinion, can conserve the Wallacea
region's biodiversity from various threats!
Wallacea with the high number of endemic species require additional attention in order to
maintain its biodiversity. In fact, there are many threats in the region especially due to mining
and deforestation resulting habitat loss and habitat fragmentation. Some conservation efforts can
be implemented such as create a corridor to minimize the effect of habitat fragmentation. Those
corridors link one small area to others, thus reproductive isolation can be prevented. The
corridor can be a bridge or a natural tunnel. The addition of a buffer area to the protected area
also potential to conserve the biodiversity within the area.

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