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Zydus School for Excellence-Godhavi

Syllabus Periodic Test-3(2021-2022)
Class X
Subject Topic/Content/Chapter
First Flight: madam Rides the bus, Poem Animals Footprints: The Hack Driver, Bholi.
ENGLISH Grammar: Reported Speech.
Creative Writing: Formal Letters & Paragraph Writing
अपठित -पठित गद्यां श सयठित्य
कयव्य - मनुष्यतय
कयव्य - कर चले िम ठिदय
पयि - झेन की दे न
पयि- कयरतूस
पयि - सपन ां के से ठदन
ठिययत्मक लेखन - लघु कथय लेखन , ठिज्ञयपन लेखन ,अनुच्छेद लेखन ,पत्र लेखन
Physics: Ch-12 Electricity
SCIENCE Chemistry: Ch-5 Periodic Classification of the elements
Biology : 8 - Reproduction in organisms
History: Ch-4 Age of Industrializati
Ch-2 Nationalism in India"
SOCIAL Civics- Ch-6 Political Parties
SCIENCE Geo - Ch-5 Minerals
Ch-6 Manufacturing Industries"
Economics: Ch-3 Money and Credit
Ch- 4 Quadratic Equations
Ch- 5 Arithmetic Progression
Ch- 9 Applications of Trigonometry
Ch- 10 Circles
Ch- 13 Surface Area and Volume

Ch 1: The internet
COMPUTER Ch 3: introduction to html 5(css)
Ch4: basic html 5 elements(css)

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