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STAI Syekh H.

Abdul Halim Hasan Al-Ishlahiyah Binjai


Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Hari/ Tanggal : Minggu, 08 November 2020

Sem/ Prodi : I-C/ PAI Eksklusif
Nama : Silvia Adna Dewi
No Absen : 18

Questions and answer keys:

Select the conjunctive verb form the sentence below !
1.“Everything looks clean after a rainstorm”
a.clea c.looks
b.a rainstorm d.clean

2. “My dog’s fur smells bad all the time”

a. My dog’s c.bad
b.smells d.the time

3. "Katherine felt sleepy after the big dinner"

a.felt c.after
b. sleepy d.the big

Determine whether the verb underlined is a linking verb or not !

4.Do you feel uneasy around him?
a.linking verb c. auxiliary verb
b. action verb d.verb around

5.It doesn’t seem so hard to lose weight.

a.linking verb c. auxiliary verb
b. action verb d.dosen't verb

6.This ripe green apple tastes sweet and juicy.

a. action verb c.auxiliary verb
b. linking verb d.sweet

7.He looked up the term in the French dictionary.

a. action verb c.auxiliary verb
b. linking verb d. in the french

Fill in the correct or situation verb in the sentence below!

8.My mother and I always ____ to this market. We like to __ vegetables here.
~ Go, buy

9._ your brother teach you on Saturday? Because I _ that your brother is smart.
~ Does, know

10. Agnes went to Indonesia yesterday and he will ___ around Asia tomorrow.
~ Travel

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