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EKONOMIKA SYARIAH: e-ISSN: 2614-8110 Vol. 6, No.

2, July-Dec 2022
Journal of Economic Studies p-ISSN: 2614-7890

The Potential of Banto Royo Tourism Based on Local Wisdom and Islamic
Philanthropy towards SDGs Tourism

Rusyaida D
UIN Sjech M.Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi, Indoneia
Gusril Basir
UIN Sjech M.Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi ,Indonesia
Anggi Syafitri
UIN Sjech M.Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi ,Indonesia

Submitted: December 30, 2021 Revised: December 30, 2022 Published: December 31, 2022

©2022 by the authors. Submitted for possible open access publication under the terms and conditions
of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY-SA) license (

Sejak tahun 2018, pemuda dan masyarakat Desa Banto Royo, Koto Tangah telah mengembangkan beberapa destinasi
pariwisata didaerahnya. Desa ini memiliki banyak potensi obyek wisata yang pesona dan keunikannya, sehingga banyak
pengunjung dari dalam maupun luar daerah datang untuk menikmatinya. Meningkatnya kunjungan meningkatkan
pendapatan daerah yang kembali untuk kepentingan sosial. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif dan pengumpulan
data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi serta didukung oleh bahan-bahan tertulis yang relevan seperti
buku, penelitian, dan jurnal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan keunggulan ekonomi pariwisata berbasis
kearifan lokal dan prospeknya di Desa Banto Royo. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Banto Royo sebagai destinasi
wisata memiliki banyak kelebihan dan keunikan. Selain pemandangannya yang indah, menawarkan kuliner yang unik dan
halal, arena kekeluargaan, keramahan dan kesopanan masyarakat, serta fasilitas yang memadai. Masyarakat memiliki
peran untuk berpartisipasi dalam menjalankan kegiatan pariwisata dengan menjaga tradisi dan kearifan lokalnya.
Pemerintah dan masyarakat berkomitmen untuk meningkatkan potensi dan daya tarik pariwisata, meningkatkan
perekonomian masyarakat melalui Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Kata Kunci: wisata, kearifan, pembangungan berkelanjutan

Since 2018, the youth and the people of Banto Royo Village, Koto Tangah, have developed several tourism
destinations in their area. This village has many potential tourism objects with charm and uniqueness, so
many visitors from inside and outside the area enjoy it. Increased visits increase regional income, which
returns for social purposes. This research is descriptive qualitative, and data collection is done by
observation, interviews, and documentation and is supported by relevant written materials such as books,
research, and journals. This study aims to describe the economic advantages of local wisdom-based tourism
and its prospects in Banto Royo Village. The results showed that Banto Royo, a tourist destination, has
many advantages and uniqueness. In addition to its beautiful scenery, it offers unique and halal culinary
delights, a family arena, community friendliness, courtesy, and adequate facilities. The community has a role
in participating in carrying out tourism activities by maintaining their local traditions and wisdom. The
government and the community are committed to increasing the potential and attractiveness of tourism and
improving the community's economy through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Keywords: tourism, local wisdom, sustainable development goals.

Rusyaida, et al 152 The Potential of Banto Royo.....

EKONOMIKA SYARIAH: e-ISSN: 2614-8110 Vol. 6, No. 2, July-Dec 2022
Journal of Economic Studies p-ISSN: 2614-7890

Introduction the industrial factors that are very potential and

Tour with various motives has become a prospective for economic progress according
way of life for people in developed countries, to sharia to realize the SDGs economic
bringing economic benefit. 1 One of the development in Indonesia.5
growing trends is Halal Tourism in 2016, which Indonesia is a vast archipelago country
has also become a mega business for business blessed with natural resources with a potential
people. This tour is not only for fun for beloved Muslim-majority population. Halal tourism has
family (pleasure) during holidays (leisure) but a broader meaning apart from having religious
also pays attention to halal, especially for the nuances such as places of worship, tombs of
food served and various other aspects that scholars, Islamic historical sites, and tourist
support it. destinations with natural and educational
Halal tourism has become a global nuances. However, these tourist destinations
phenomenon as an economic resource for are obliged to serve the needs of Muslims with
developing countries in the world. Halal various halal industries such as halal food or
tourism is part of the promising halal industry. culinary, lodging / sharia-compliant hotels,
Halal tourism is carried out not only in Islamic halal travel, and halal labeled medicines,
countries but also in non-Muslim countries. 2 including halal cosmetics and sauna spas. 6 It
Halal tourism has developed in various proves that the halal industry is progressing
countries in Asia, such as Malaysia, Thailand, along with the fast growth of halal tourism. It
and Brunei Darussalam, and countries in the proves that the halal industry is progressing
Middle East, such as Turkey. In addition, halal along with the rapid growth of halal tourism.
tourism is also developing in non-Muslim The halal industry is not only limited to the sale
countries, including Japan, Korea, and the and purchase of halal products, Islamic
United States.3 economy, and finance, but can also develop
Along with the development and the lifestyles and help the public economy in the
times, halal tourism is also developing in form of halal tourism, recreation, medicine,
Indonesia. Halal tourism is a central issue that cosmetics, and others.7
is always an exciting and important topic for Halal Tourism is rapidly growing,
study and research. The beginning of tourism supported by the Ministry of Tourism. In
regulation in Indonesia was Law No. 9 of 1990 Indonesia, fifteen provinces are the main focus
concerning tourism, later updated with Law of developing this halal tourist destination.
No. 10 of 2009. 4 Since 2012 this tour has Halal tourism is also being developed in several
grown and developed into halal tourism, one of other areas in Indonesia.8 Following the local

I Ketut SD I Gede Pitana, Pengantar Ilmu Pariwisata 5
ONU, “Sustainable Development Goals:
(Yogyakarta: Andi, 2009). Guidelines for the Use of the SDG,” United Nations
Hery Sucipto dan Fitria Andayani, Wisata Syariah, Department of Global Communications, May, 2020, 1–68.
Karakter, Potensi, Prospek & Tantangannya (Jakarta: 6
Nidya Waras Sayekti, “Strategi Pengembangan
Grafindo Books Media, 2014). Pariwisata Halal Di Indonesia,” Kajian, 24.3 (2019), 159–
Muhammad Djakfar, Pariwisata Halal: Perspektif 71.
Multidimensi (Malang: UIN Maliki Press, 2017). 7
Riyanto Sofyan, , Prospek Bisnis Pariwisata Syariah
Pemerintah Pusat, Undang-Undang (UU) Tentang (Jakarta: Republika, 2012).
Kepariwisataan, JDIH BPK RI, 2009, X. 8
Ridho Subarkah and Junita Budi Rachman,
“Wisata Halal Untuk Tujuan Pembangunan
Berkelanjutan Halal Tourism for Sustainable

Rusyaida, et al 153 The Potential of Banto Royo.....

EKONOMIKA SYARIAH: e-ISSN: 2614-8110 Vol. 6, No. 2, July-Dec 2022
Journal of Economic Studies p-ISSN: 2614-7890

wisdom of the area with a distinctive attraction Arabic, Malay, and European cultural
and is a favorite destination for halal tourism, it architecture.
promises opportunities to increase the income West Sumatra, with its local wisdom,
of the people around the location.9 Adat Basandi Syara - Syara Basandi Kitabullah
The trend of halal tourism in Indonesia (ABS-SBK), does not want to be left behind.
is increasingly sticking out after "The World Starting in 2011, it has also developed with halal
Halal Travel Summit & Exhibition 2016" event. tourist destinations. In 2016, it received a world
Indonesia won three rewards: World Best Halal achievement in the World's Best Halal
Tourism World Best Halal Honeymoon Destinations. To guarantee the sustainability of
Destination, Destination World Best Family halal tourism, the government regulates it with
Friendly Hotel. Indonesia with a wealth of local regional sharia regulation no 1 of 2020. In the
wisdom, which is an attraction that can province of West Sumatra, a wide variety of
compete at the global level.10 tourist destinations need serious attention from
Evidence of the success of this tour can the government. It is marked by beautiful and
be seen in the Province of Lombok, which was charming natural panoramas and supported by
able to win the World Best Halal Tourism the friendly culture of the people.13
Destination and World Best Halal Honeymoon Halal tourism in the area of West
2016 with its beautiful islands and stunning Sumatra focuses on applying the principles that
beaches and was able to achieve achievements Islam permits in all activities, facilities,
at the international level.11 The development of attractions, and tourist behavior to realize the
halal tourism impacts economic investment in benefit of society in general.14
the West Nusa Tenggara region.12 Therefore, the role of government and
Several tourist objects are growing in public awareness is crucial in developing this
Indonesia, including Weh Island in Sabang, halal tourism so that this halal tourism
Aceh Province, hundreds of beautiful islands in destination will directly impact economic
Sinkil, Laut Tawar Lake in the Gayo highlands, development.15
and the Baiturrahman Great Mosque in Banda Along with the development of halal
Aceh, and Geurute Highland in Aceh Jaya. tourism, it can meet physical needs and
Halal tourism is also developing in Riau balanced spiritual satisfaction so that tourism is
Province, with the destination of the Siak not only for having fun and enjoying nature but
Palace, which is typical with a mixture of can also be a process of spiritual education.16

Development Goals,” Konferensi Nasional Ilmu …, March, (Studi Kasus: Nusa Tenggara Barat),” Jurnal Sosial Politik,
2018, 1–6. 4.2 (2018), 49
Hendry Ferdiansyah, “Pengembangan Pariwisata <>.
Halal Di Indonesia Melalui Konsep Smart Tourism,” 13
Hendri Hermawan Adinugraha, Mila Sartika, and
Journal of Sustainable Tourism Research, 2.1 (2020), 31. Ana Kadarningsih, “Desa Wisata Halal: Konsep Dan
Komite Nasional Keuangan Syariah, Implementasinya Di Indonesia,” Jurnal Human Falah, 5.1
“Masterplan Ekonomi Syariah Indonesia 2019-2024,” (2018), 28–48.
Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/ Badan 14
Bon Maedeh, “Halal Food And Tourism
Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional, 2018, 1–443. Prospect and Challenges,” Jurnal of Tourism in the Muslim
Mohammad Jeffry maulidi, “Wisata Halal Dan World Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice, 2.4 (2019), 47.
Identitas Islami: Studi Kasus Lombok, Nusa Tenggara 15
Nyoman S. Pendit, Ilmu Pariwisata Sebuah
Barat,” Jurnal Pemikiran Sosiologi, 5.1 (2019), 85–104. Pengantar Perdana, (Jakarta: Pradnya Paramita, 2002).
Alwafi Ridho Subarkah, “Potensi Dan Prospek 16
Badan Pengembangan Pariwisata, Pedoman
Wisata Halal Dalam Meningkatkan Ekonomi Daerah Pariwisata Halal Jawa Barat, Bappeda.Jabarprov.Go.Id, 2018.

Rusyaida, et al 154 The Potential of Banto Royo.....

EKONOMIKA SYARIAH: e-ISSN: 2614-8110 Vol. 6, No. 2, July-Dec 2022
Journal of Economic Studies p-ISSN: 2614-7890

The local wisdom of West Sumatra, which is At the time of the covid pandemic, which was
famous for the Adat Basandi syara syara equipped with the Covid health protocol,
basandi Kitabullah, has become the motto and developing community entrepreneurs by
philosophy of the Minang people, which is holding events, such as planting rice, harvesting
embodied in halal food and good taste which is rice, catching eels, etc. These events aim to
termed the Taste of Padang. Coupled with revive the spirit of entrepreneurship, with
beautiful natural resources and beautiful and facilities provided by the government for
soothing air, the friendly people maintain their creative economy businesses.20
manners. Historical heritage and cultural arts In line with that, the results of Lusi's
are based on religion, culture, and natural research regarding the existence of the Banto
beauty, with various cultures and local wisdom Royo tourist attraction show that this tourist
languages. All of these become regional assets attraction was built by self-supporting
to attract tourists to come to West Sumatra.17 communities in cooperation through
The study results show that the deliberations and cooperation with all elements
determining factor for tourists traveling to of the Nagari Koto Tangah community to
West Sumatra is a very friendly service factor reflect the development of community-based
that significantly impacts the level of tourist tourism.21 Rusyaida researched local wisdom in
visits in West Sumatra, as stated by Lisma. 18 West Sumatra, especially the Kamang area. This
The results of research by Rebecha, the research revealed that in West Sumatra, the
province of West Sumatra has extraordinary important role of Bundo Kanduang is for the
tourist attractions, including natural tourist development of halal tourism based on local
attractions, historical tourism, and traditional wisdom in Tirtasari Tilatang Kamang, Agam
food, and is supported by cultural and religious Regency. Bundo Kanduang plays a very
tourism. Furthermore, there is also a famous important role in this destination because
nature tour in the most beautiful village in the Bundo Kanduang is responsible for managing
world, which is located in Tanah Datar Regency various games that focus on entertaining
as a leading tour.19 visitors, including children's playgrounds,
The research conducted by Mariana in feeding fish, selling regional specialties, selling
empowering the economy of the Kubu Gadang souvenirs, and managing homestays for visitors
Tourism Village community by utilizing halal who want to spend the night.22
tourism in the new normal era by rebranding.

Widya Fitriana and others, “Penguatan Inklusi 20
Puspa Dewi and Ifelda Nengsih, “Strategi
Keuangan Pada Industri Kreatif Berskala Mikro Kecil Di Pemberdayaan Kembali Ekonomi Masyarakat Kubu
Sumatra Barat,” Jurnal Ekonomi Dan Pembangunan Gadang Melalui Pariwisata Era New Normal,”
Indonesia, 2019, 140–53 Batusangkar International Conference V, 2020, 227–38.
<>. 21
Lusi Andam Suri, “Pembangunan Obyek Wisata
Nuryenti Lisma, Sepris Yonaldi, and Liza Berbasis Komunitas Lokal Pada Jorong Kaluang Tapi,
Zulbahri, “Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Nagari Koto Tangah, Kecamatan Tilatang Kamang,
Kunjungan Wisatawan Ke Objek Wisata Syariah Di Kabupaten Agam,” Jurnal Sosiologi Andalas, 5.2 (2019),
Sumatera Barat,” Jurnal Manajemen Dan Kewirausahaan, 8 74–86 <>.
(2018), 1–15. 22
Rusyaida Rusyaida and Noor Fadlli Marh,
Rebecha Prananta and Pramesi Lokaprasidha, “Peranan Bundo Kanduang Mengembangkan Wisata
“Prospek Pengembangan Wisata Halal Di Provinsi Halal Ekonomi Kreatif Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Di
Sumatera Barat,” Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pariwisata Tirtasari Tilatang Kamang,” EKONOMIKA SYARIAH :
2018 Universitas Jember, 2018, 261–72.

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EKONOMIKA SYARIAH: e-ISSN: 2614-8110 Vol. 6, No. 2, July-Dec 2022
Journal of Economic Studies p-ISSN: 2614-7890

With public awareness of supporting industry in NTB continues to increase Locally-

halal tourism, the government is indirectly Generated Revenue (Indonesian: Penghasilan
assisted in realizing tourism as a leading sector Asli Daerah: PAD). 27 This industry is
for sustainable economic development because supported by government regulations, as
it significantly contributes to economic growth evidence of the government's strong
and foreign exchange assets. On the other commitment to supporting halal tourism. The
hand, it can absorb many workers, reducing the government also empowers human resources,
unemployment rate, and is in line with the improving infrastructure and service needs at
SDGs concept. Jaelani's research results reveal halal tourism locations and completing other
that halal tourism aims to universally apply the supporting facilities and Infrastructure.28
principles of shari'ah in all tourism activities Based on data available at the West
supported by friendly services performed by Sumatra Central Statistics Agency (Indonesian:
Muslim families for Muslim tourism and have a Badan Pusat Statistik: BPS) for 2021, West
positive impact on the environment. 23 The Sumatra's economic activity in quarter III/2021
implications of halal tourism by fulfilling the showed a growth of 3.32 percent compared to
service needs of Muslim tourists will impact the quarter III/2020. As stated by Herum
performance of micro, small and medium Fajarwati, Head of West Sumatra BPS, the
enterprises.24 economy in the business world has increased
Halal tourism in West Sumatra, if it is significantly, namely financial services by
managed professionally, with a variety of 8.61%, electricity and gas by 9.35%, and other
potentials, can become a leading economic services by 7.59%. Meanwhile, in Agam
sector that is globally competitive. The same is Regency, the economic improvement is in
true for Muslim-majority and non-Muslim second place after the city of Padang, by
countries trying to develop halal tourism.25 It is looking at the total nominal GDP of IDR 20.37
in line with the goals of sustainable trillion in 2018. So Halal Wsata is proven to
development.26 support local government programs in realizing
The results of Fatima's research show sustainable economic development with the
that the province's competitive tourism SDGs program.29

Journal of Economic Studies, 4.2 (2020), 179 32 <

<>. 43>.
Aan Jaelani, “Munich Personal RePEc Archive 27
Fatima Tuzzahara Alkaf and Sri Widyastuti,
Halal Tourism Industry in Indonesia: Potential and “Competitiveness Analysis of Halal Tourism: Evidence
Prospects,” MPRA Paper, 76237, 2017, 1–20. From Nusa Tenggara Barat,” The 8th ITSA Biennial
Ekarina Katmas, Nur Faizah, and Ayu Conference Special Edition, 2016, 1–10.
Wulandari, “Pengaruh Penerapan Etika Bisnis Islam 28
Leli Rahmana Sari Zulkifli, Nila Safrida, “The
Terhadap Kinerja Usaha Mikro Kecil Dan Menengah,” Light Of Aceh: Upaya Penguatan Destination Branding
Jurnal Asy-Syukriyyah, 23.1 (2022), 22–35 Berbasis Halal Tourism Sebagai Perwujudan Sustainable
<>. Development Goals 2030,” Prosiding Webinar Nasional
Alwafi Ridho Subarkah, “Wisata Halal Untuk Pekan Ilmiah Pelajar (PILAR), 12.1 (2022), 187–93.
Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan,” 2019. 29
Eko Handrian and Hendry Andry, “Sustainable
Eka Dewi Satriana and Hayuun Durrotul Development Goals: Tinjauan Percepatan Pencapaian
Faridah, “Halal Tourism: Development, Chance and Di Provinsi Riau,” PUBLIKA : Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi
Challenge,” Journal of Halal Product and Research, 1.2 (2018), Publik, 6.1 (2020), 77–87

Rusyaida, et al 156 The Potential of Banto Royo.....

EKONOMIKA SYARIAH: e-ISSN: 2614-8110 Vol. 6, No. 2, July-Dec 2022
Journal of Economic Studies p-ISSN: 2614-7890

The SDGs (Sustainable Development Kamang District. Many visitors come to this
Goals) Action Plan is regulated through location to enjoy its natural beauty, ranging
Regional Regulation no 40 of 2018. In the from local to foreign tourists. On certain days,
context of advancing the community's such as holidays, holidays, and school holidays,
economic level on an ongoing basis to improve visitor visits have doubled from regular days to
the welfare of the community's social life in the benefit the people around the location to earn
future. With the hope that this program can a living by selling snacks.
increase the dimensions of development evenly The Banto Royo tourist destination is
distributed in all fields and the quality of the famous for its unique family-friendly tourist
community's living environment with attractions, which were started by one of the
professional and measurable management. This locals. This tourist object was originally a "dead
development is a regional development land," but thanks to the community's support,
priority. The development must be in line with the land, which is more than six hectares, can
the vision and mission of the regional head finally become a beautiful and fabulous
himself so that he can improve the welfare of destination. Interestingly, besides opening up
people, namely the acceleration and economic opportunities for the community, the
synchronization of the implementation of the proceeds from the tourism object's income are
SDGs needs to be managed with a structured used to construct various Nagari infrastructure
institution equipped with communication, facilities. 30 Based on the background and
information sharing, monitoring, coordination problems that have been explained, this
and must be carried out and overall evaluation research is entitled "The Potential of Banto Royo
of the program. Tourism Based on Local Wisdom and Islamic
The determining factor in the sustainable Philanthropy towards SDGs Tourism."
economic improvement in West Sumatra is the Method
tourism aspect. West Sumatra is famous for its
This research used a field research
multi-faceted natural wealth with a wide variety approach, and the method used is descriptive
of local wisdom with a distinctive culture as qualitative. The descriptive approach is used for
Minangkabau identity, namely an indigenous solving problems that describe or describe the
culture based on syari, which is famous for adat state of the object of research at the time the
basandi syara', syara' basandi kitabullah (ABS- research was conducted. It must be based on
SBK). Thousands of beautiful natural the facts that appear or the circumstances that
destinations make tourists enjoy nature's occur as it is.
beauty, and typical Minang Kabau cuisine is The scope of this research is the Banto
maintained as halal. Rayo tourist attraction located in Jorong
Many destinations are being developed, Sonsang, Nagari Koto Tangah, Kec-Tilatang
but one of the tourist destinations that is being Kamang, Kab-Agam. The data sources in this
eyed in West Sumatra, especially in Agam study are two types of data: primary (main) and
Regency, is Banto Royo, located in Jorong secondary (supporting) data. Primary data was
Kaluang Tapi. This tour is located under Tasia obtained through interviews and observations,
Nagari Koto Tangah Hill, precisely in Tilatang

Yulmita Hartati, Indept Interview (Koto Tangah,
Agam, 2022).

Rusyaida, et al 157 The Potential of Banto Royo.....

EKONOMIKA SYARIAH: e-ISSN: 2614-8110 Vol. 6, No. 2, July-Dec 2022
Journal of Economic Studies p-ISSN: 2614-7890

while secondary data used the documentation environmentally friendly tourist attraction to
results. Interviews were conducted with increase the Nagari's income.
community leaders (alim ulama, bundo The meeting resulted in an agreement, a
kanduang, and ninik mamak traditional leaders land use period of 20 years, from January 2018
at the location) as well as business actors, using to January 2038. The land was used as a tourist
a structured list of questions. To ensure the attraction, children's rides for playgrounds and
validity and reliability of the data, researchers selling locations by local people, and then the
triangulated directly during interviews with proceeds from this tourist destination were
informants. Data analysis was also carried out returned to benefit society.
when data collection was carried out through Based on the results of interviews
interviews and observation and documentation, conducted with informants, information was
editing, coding, grouping then inductively obtained that the work on land management
concluding to obtain the desired research for the Banto Royo destination until it was as
results. beautiful as it is today involved some of the
native people of Jorong Kaluang Tapi who
Results and Discussion
understood the condition of the land or
The Banto Royo tourist attraction is
location. Workers from indigenous people
located in Jorong Kaluang, precisely in
totaling 74 working together, are divided into
Sonsang, Nagari Koto Tangah, Kec. Tilkam,
five teams. They supervise and take full
Kab-Agam. Daily tourists come to this
responsibility for the work to completion. This
swampland-based tourism destination. This
tourist attraction was built within eight months,
tourist destination is situated on 6.2 hectares of
starting with the erection of the location,
swampy or watery ground. Four years have
followed by clearing the swamps until they were
passed since this attraction opened; on October
clean and beautiful, building facilities, and a
28, 2018. Getting to the Banto Royo
playground to become a beautiful and beautiful
destination from Bukittinggi is 10 km away and
tourist attraction.
takes 20 to 30 minutes. This Banto Royo tourist
The concept of a tourist object designed
attraction is adjacent to the Tirta Sari Park
by the manager is a combination of nature
tourist attraction, so visiting tourists can
tourism by utilizing the available land at the
simultaneously enjoy these adjoining
foot of Tasia Hill and then being transformed
it into a beautiful artificial lake without losing
The emergence of this tourist object
the authenticity of the Banto Royo object. 32
began with a deliberation initiated or initiated
Then the work continued with the construction
by the son of the Agam area, the Wali Nagari
of bamboo bridges for access around the lake,
Koto Tangah, and the Head of Jorong Kaluang
with various variations around the artificial lake
Tapi. As well as taking part in Niniak Mamak
to look unique, beautiful, and attractive to
the land owner, not to forget the children-
nephews, and community leaders who agreed
Visitors can walk around the lake on foot
to make the existing "dead land" an
or can also use the boats provided in various

Afgan Rusdi, “Wisata Banto Royo Area Rawa

31 32
S Dusni, “Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Lahan
Yang Cantik,” 2021. Tidur Menjadi Objek Wisata,” Tathir: : Jurnal
Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam, 2021.

Rusyaida, et al 158 The Potential of Banto Royo.....

EKONOMIKA SYARIAH: e-ISSN: 2614-8110 Vol. 6, No. 2, July-Dec 2022
Journal of Economic Studies p-ISSN: 2614-7890

sizes that can be used to get around to enjoy the transformed into a helpful tourist destination
beauty of the lake with a fixed rental according with its capital, then became an
to the time used. Tourists, while rowing a environmentally friendly family tourist
canoe, can take selfies with beautiful views, attraction.33 This tourism object is in the form
besides that visitors can enjoy the beauty of the of a lake or lake that is quite broad and beautiful
lake, plus they can see a collection of fish along with a depth that is not too deep and has a
the path that was traversed using the canoe so significant impact on increasing the income of
that it can give a memorable impression for the surrounding community.
visitors who are not forgotten. Second, what is interesting about Banto
From the results, it was found that the Royo tourist attractions is that there are many
Banto Royo tourist attraction is also equipped game areas, including:
with a variety of exciting tourist games, a. Twelve connecting bridge units for
including places for Outbound, Flying Fox, tourist visitors around the play area and
playing other water boats, visitors can also take the antique bridge are used by visitors for
pictures at photo spots which are very a selfie or pre-wedding photos with
instragamable and make an impression. beautiful and beautiful scenic
Separately when returning to their respective backgrounds.
areas. The Banto Royo Tourism Object area is b. Flying Fox and Outbound use a strong
excellent, and nature is still very natural and rope 185 meters long, while visitors enjoy
beautiful. Around the lake, there are green trees the beauty of the lake or pond with a
that are above the hills around the lake. From stretch of natural scenery, which is very
the observations, it was found that there are 12 beautiful and spoils the eye.
unique interconnected bridges on the lake, c. Canoes or other rowing boats that are
which support visitors to explore the tourist equipped with life jackets.
area and give a distinct impression. d. Children's play facilities include
Based on the results, it was found that there are Playground, slides for children, swings, a
several unique in Banto Rayo, including: seesaw, a trampoline, and an obstacle
The first, based on an interview with the course. There is even a pool area for
owner about the origin of the name, Banto swimming.
Royo, is taken from a grass named Banto Grass. e. Banto Royo is equipped with beautiful
Royo means swaying, where this location is a photo spots for taking selfies. Visitor's
swamp that has been overgrown with banto favorite photo spot.
grass. The results of interviews with a source f. Prewedding provided a bamboo bridge
named Mr. Andi Sahrandi, the initiator of the with a background of green trees that give
Banto Royo tourist attraction development, a natural impression.
come from Nagari Kapau Tilatang Kamang. Third. The unique thing about the
Initially, this tourist attraction was a dead management of Banto Royo is that all proceeds
swamp, so various steps were taken so that land from the Banto Royo playground are returned
that had not been able to produce was to the community to renovate the Nurul Ijtihad

Richy Novellindo, “Studi Pengelolaan Objek Kaluang Tapi Nagari Koto Tangah Kecamatan Tilatang
Wisata Banto Royo Sebagai Tujuan Wisata Di Jorong Kamang Kabupaten Agam,” STKIP PGRI Sumatera
Barat., 2019.

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EKONOMIKA SYARIAH: e-ISSN: 2614-8110 Vol. 6, No. 2, July-Dec 2022
Journal of Economic Studies p-ISSN: 2614-7890

Mosque, youth mosques, and other social needs wedding locations, and shooting video
in the village. clips.
Some of the Economic Strengths and 3. Merchants and the community around the
Uniqueness of Banto Royo Village Tourism location still maintain courtesy and
Based on the research results through hospitality towards visitors.
observation/observation and interviews with According to the results of an interview
various informants found results. Several with one of the merchants: "When tourists
business potentials can improve the welfare of come, we as business actors in tourist
the community related to the existence of this destinations are happy to accept their
tourist attraction and the impact of future attitude. The attitude of the visitors we met
tourist visits, namely the economic impact in was mediocre, nothing that was
the form of increasing people's income and inconsistent with the ethics of the local
employment opportunities for the community population. Those who come here are
around the Banto Royo tourist attraction, 34 guests, so we have to serve them well."
including: Moreover, there is comfort for guests while
1. Food merchants, souvenirs, and a variety at these tourist attractions. As the sellers
of snacks earn income. say, "Sellers here have never been involved
The merchants have an average high in checks or conflicts with visitors or
school education; some have graduated tourists, even though things are busy
from junior high school. The merchants because visitors are guests who must be
come from Kamang Hilia, Kayu Ampek, served.
Durian, and Simpang Air Tabik. The Information from other food
income they get ranges from IDR 1-2.5 merchants says: "When tourists come, all of
million / month. Since the pandemic, there us as business actors in tourist destinations
has been a decrease in income. The gladly accept their attitude. Because the
interview result with a food merchant attitude of most of the visitors we met was
explained that "In 2020, tourist visits mediocre, no one was joking. Those who
decreased, not as much as the previous come here are guests, so we have to serve
year. The decline in tourist arrivals is due to them well."
the impact of Covid-19, which continues to 4. Increasing the surrounding community's
grow. However, in the last few months, standard of living to increase the local
economic activity has started to improve community's economic prosperity.
again. The existence of the Banto Royo tourist
2. The income from this tourist attraction is attraction can increase income and
quite large. employment opportunities, as well as
The benefits are used to renovate business opportunities for residents and for
existing facilities, such as earthquake walks, small entrepreneurs can increase skill
trestle walks, Tarzan swings, flying foxes innovation in selling. During the interview,
walks on water, canoes, photo spots, pre- "With the development of this Banto Royo tourist

W Prarikeslan F Febrian, “Dampak Objek
Wisata Banto Royo,” 2021.

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EKONOMIKA SYARIAH: e-ISSN: 2614-8110 Vol. 6, No. 2, July-Dec 2022
Journal of Economic Studies p-ISSN: 2614-7890

attraction, it can support business opportunities for commitment was well responded to by one
residents, and also improve the skills of local people of the merchants, "the development of halal
and the profits that have already exceeded our tourism for good, we as local people who
previously estimated target."35 sell around tourism agree and are very
5. Local communities contribute to the supportive. Because the development of
management and protection of Banto Royo good tourist areas will also attract much
Destination Tourism Objects. attention from visitors who want to travel
The local community as business actors coupled with the hospitality of the people."
synergizes with the Nagari government to Business actors strongly support
maintain and preserve this local tourist government policies in developing halal tourist
attraction for the sake of cleanliness and destinations to be better and of better quality in
comfort for tourists visiting the Banto Royo the future. Opinions from the surrounding
attraction. This synergy follows what a community show a positive response to
merchant said, "we are always willing to improve the quality and progress of these
participate in maintaining cleanliness, improving tourist objects following local wisdom by
destination facilities for the convenience of this tourist prioritizing the traditional Adat of Basandi
attraction. Even though we, the local community, Syarak, Syarak Basandi Kitabullah.
have not done much".36
Thus the surrounding community and Impact on the Development of Community
business actors agree and support the Economic Conditions
management of the Banto Royo tourist The study's results showed that the
attraction sustainably. They will participate existence of this Banto Royo tourist object
in planning, collaborating and engaging with could increase the economic strength of the
other parties regarding the development and community around Banto Royo tourist
management of this village-based tourist destinations. The positive impact on the local
attraction. economy and social community is as follows:
6. Community support for halal tourism. 1. Open job opportunities.
Even though people do not understand 2. Increasing the economic income of the
much about halal tourism, in principle, halal local community.
is maintained in terms of food, clothing, the 3. Increasing the income of an area due to
environment, and association that are increased tourist arrivals coming to the
farthest from immorality, and the Banto Royo tourist destination.
community strongly supports the concept of 4. The community synergizes and
halal tourism being implemented. In terms contributes to supporting the
of local wisdom, this tourist attraction has management of family-friendly, halal
been implemented according to Islamic law destinations and always providing
so that the local government is not too comfort for visitors.
serious about educating and socializing the 5. The community's social condition is
concept of halal tourism to managers and improving with visitor fees as alms used
business people in Banto Royo. This for community welfare and support
public facilities and Infrastructure

Mawardi, “ Indept Interview” (Banto Royo). 36
Fitri, "Indept Interview” (Banto Royo, 2021).

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EKONOMIKA SYARIAH: e-ISSN: 2614-8110 Vol. 6, No. 2, July-Dec 2022
Journal of Economic Studies p-ISSN: 2614-7890

around tourist sites. In order to support study can be analyzed from several aspects,
this tourist attraction, the places of including:
worship, such as mosques and prayer 1. The Banto Royo tourist attraction is unique
rooms, are getting better maintained and very different from other destinations in
because they receive financial support general. Tourism objectives are not solely to
from tourist sites. improve business actors' economic welfare
In addition to the positive impact, this Banto but to benefit society in general. Because the
Royo tourist attraction also has a negative results of income from tourist objects are
impact. It cannot be denied the development of not only for personal welfare but are all used
tourism in Banto Royo. Negative impacts for mosque renovations and other social
include: interests, such as majlis taklim and Nagari
1. Tourism development has affected the KAN institutions, in Islam is known as a
surrounding community's lifestyle, such treasure or mall function. The function of
as society's fading attitude toward wealth is not only to fulfill personal needs,
simplicity. which in Islam is the fulfillment of the five
2. Culinary and food prices are unstable due basic needs, ad-dharuriyah khamsah (religion,
to the increasing number of tourists or soul, mind, lineage, and wealth), but there is
visitors. also a social dimension for the wider
3. People's income depends on tourist community. 37 It means that wealth is not
location areas and a lack of creativity and the primary goal of humans but is a means
innovation. to achieve the life goals and the pleasure of
4. The association of young people is Allah for the benefit of individuals and
challenging to control. society at large.38 In line with the word of
Feasibility Analysis of Banto Royo Tourism Allah SWT, which reads:
Based on Local Wisdom and Philanthropic
Values towards SDGs Village. ُ ‫ٱلص ِل ٰ َحتُ َخي‬
‫ْر‬ ٰ ُ‫ْٱل َمالُ َو ْٱلبَنونَُ ِزينَةُ ْٱل َحيَ ٰوةُِ ٱلدُّ ْنيَا َو ْٱل ٰبَ ِق ٰيَت‬
The Banto Royo tourism has been ُ‫عِن ُدَ َر ِبكَُ ث َ َوابًا َو َخيْرُ أ َ َم ًل‬
developing for four years, no less competitive
"Wealth and children are the adornments of this
with other destinations in the archipelago,
worldly life, but the everlasting good deeds are far
especially West Sumatra, which has unique
better with your Lord in reward and in hope."
facilities and an environmentally friendly,
family-friendly playground, which is well known Revenue from this tourist attraction is
on social media. Then it has a very positive relevant to the principles of Philanthropy
impact on the economy and welfare of the known in the Islamic world of economics.
Tilatang Kamang community. Based on the Philanthropy means the actions of another
results of the Banto Royo tourism feasibility person with human values or is referred to as
an act of generosity, such as donations of funds,
time, energy, and thoughts.39 The hallmark of

Hendi Suhendi, Fiqh Muamalah, 10th edn 39
“Membawa Kedermawanan Ke Arah
(Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 2017). Keberlanjutan,” Filantropis Milenial, 2018.
Roza Linda, Fiqh Ekonomi Syariah, 1st edn
(Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 2016).

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EKONOMIKA SYARIAH: e-ISSN: 2614-8110 Vol. 6, No. 2, July-Dec 2022
Journal of Economic Studies p-ISSN: 2614-7890

Philanthropy is a sense of concern for others people with personality and ideology in carrying
with a high willingness to help. In Islam, out their societal roles. The Minangkabau
Philanthropy is applied in the form of zakat and community in assisting the Nagari system is
wakaf, infaq, and sadaqah. In other words, the termed the ampek jinih, which consists of
management of this tourist attraction has niniak mamak as a community legitimacy
adhered to sharia principles in the development proclaimed by alim ulama.
of its tourism objects which can be seen from Culture to care for and preserve
the operating income that is managed not only traditions according to Minangkabau customs
for personal gain but is more directed to the which have become habits and identity of
benefit of the surrounding community. Minangkabau people, such as hospitality, being
In addition, the concept implemented in polite, keeping the environment clean, creative
the management of this tourist attraction crafts, producing delicious local culinary
already refers to the concept of management specialties, dressing modestly to cover genitals,
based on local wisdom, namely the maintaining halal food, as well as local arts.
Minangkabau traditional wisdom, which is the According to the research results, these
majority ethnic group in West Sumatra, which regional assets must be maintained and
is unique with its matriarchy or maternal preserved to attract tourists to Banto Royo,
lineage. Minangkabau ethnicity is more which characterizes this destination.
majority and well-known for its strong culture 2. Banto Royo has a strategy and management
and identity and emphasizes fellowship in the of sustainable economic tourism
economy and the vital principle of destinations, often called Sustainable
cooperation.40 Development Goals (SDGs). The
In Minangkabau, elements of traditional characteristics of sustainable development
religion and Nagari are the integration of are:
ideology and identity, which are integrated into a. Economic potential, namely
the Minang community's life and are ingrained constantly optimizing destination
and cannot be abandoned or even eliminated. income and investing it in
Reflected in the very well-known Nagari infrastructure development.
proverb, namely: Adat basandi syarak, syarak b. There is an ecological feel. That is,
basandi Kitabullah, Syarak Mangato, Adat there is a real potential for natural
Mamakai, Alam Takambang jadi Guru (adat based attraction and the potential to develop.
on syarak, syarak based on the Koran, religious c. The formation of socio-cultural
laws governing, customary use, and nature is a strength is that the local community
teacher for humankind) which is manifested in can maintain the stability of the social
the management of this Banto Royo tourist and cultural system.
attraction. 3. The relationship between tourism and the
It can be recognized that the customary SDGs is mutually reinforcing, as can be
factor is the basis for forming the character of seen from the following:41
the Minangkabau people so that they become

A.A Navis, Alam Takambang Jadi Guru: Adat Dan 41
B. D Paul, “Sustainable Development – A
Kebudayaan Minangkabau (Jakarta: Grafiti Pers, 2003). Theoritical Approach. Annals of the University of
Oradea,” Economic Science, 17.2 (2008), 58.

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EKONOMIKA SYARIAH: e-ISSN: 2614-8110 Vol. 6, No. 2, July-Dec 2022
Journal of Economic Studies p-ISSN: 2614-7890

a. Banto Royo tourism can reduce aspects of community life that must
poverty by creating jobs. be integrated and develop the
b. People are kept healthy and principle of cooperation.43
protected from hunger. The development of tourism
c. Improve the quality of community development in Banto Royo comes not only
human resources and maintain from natural resources but also from human
cultural values of tolerance. resources, which are the most important part
d. The establishment of gender health. of the process of sustainable development.
e. Maintain sanitation and clean water. Actual evidence of this can be seen from:
f. Increase Infrastructure, industry, and 1. The natural resources that are owned are
innovation. good, which are located around the hills,
g. Reduce economic inequality and next to it there is also a Tirtasari tour
The concept of halal tourism carried out as a support.
by the Banto Royo tourist attraction has the 2. This tourism object has superior human
same principles as the SDGs, which pay resources in managing and carrying out its
attention to the environment, empower the functions and duties properly for village
community, and improve the economy of development activities in a better
tourist destinations, because halal tourism is direction by considering the ethics of
optional to provide service facilities and access local wisdom and environmental
to worship for Muslim tourists. However, sustainability.
these facilities can also be enjoyed by non- 3. With the flow of globalization and
Muslim tourists, for example, by enjoying halal increasingly advanced technology, this
food and drinks.42 Banto Royo tourist location is visited by
Banto Royo village tourism object is local and foreign tourists.
included in the SDGs halal tourism village Conclusion
because it already has indicators, namely: The strength and uniqueness of the
a. Guarantee social welfare in the Banto Royo tourist destination is a form of
future. tourism based on local wisdom and promising
b. There is serious government support prospects and becoming a halal tourism icon.
for increasing the construction of So that tourists are more interested and
tourist sites again. motivated to increase faith in order to seek the
c. The people of Banto Royo always pleasure of Allah SWT besides traveling.
think innovatively and creatively to Banto Royo managers must be able to
develop businesses to be more complement the tourist attraction facilities
competitive. properly. They must be supported with
d. Adequate resources support tourism accommodations or facilities that can support
objects as capital in advancing the the comfort of tourists, especially Muslims,
area. The concept of village for traveling besides enjoying tourist
development is that activities cover all attractions and views and not forgetting their

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