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nd the Slater, an they Pass her,bow rever rineyand the YP . rently. The Abbe La suore pastandole omansiste fanno attorts ring ister remain,forming,in small groups,a semi-cirele.The Monitorcomes enaen them Ja ne fait "hdr rau . erate dette mee 8 forwara sant i stn possate davantetrstra, Le ts xan ot Le tutte ke a0 “ suore now ot roloigons pene rae" ors, rertono a pox): cP tT i - 085"), gs anaepeie bt vemiserchto a plocolt erapgt, La Seralia Belatrice viene nal messy tate formate er eo Lay-Siators Who firwt crossed the stay, Sie, oearemeceesia rs 4 = SSS == i eel Grave My Sisters in the So. ret.lein uw. mil . And: atino J.68 ne MONITOR SBLATRIOR $= —— 3 oe =e Se 72555 ae Sister Lord u Both werelate for Chap - el and so was a: “fi! xin. tocsteatla quin. dé - na ed anche Suor An 124812 nour of my death! Mel » ta mia mor. bef hour of my death!__ del. la mia mor . tel * A. ment rall, ~P—_ = = ~~ == 6 THE MONrTO! 2” axparnre $233 ~8e-li_ oa, te ~ she has,doneyour pen - contri. sio. ne pie THY MONITOR SBLATRION See -ance. Thus - 8a, In. is 5 Siet - ers, have fail'’d it. y, your dui rel. te, peo. 0a-stein di .stra.sio ~ ne, =| = ‘THE MONITOR £4 SELATRIOR a + and lost one a of this Festival di . vinel. do: per. 80 un giorno di quin- de. nal ALA, —"9R TNA CON rn. THE NOVICES: 7 w we SOT LE NOVIEIE (To & Novice) ym ae pores come —— jj =a (Those far. a vay siet (They eval their awARSesa —_—_——— rene Literate, Ssandl beg to be for. giv’n, . "2 os of di. ’ ré, _ Poco rall. Sa =F == 3 a SS woxTT0R > Te parece (tote Lay Sinters) — =Er = te = For twenty times Ime MISTRESS OF THE NOVICBS Lf MARS7RA DELLE NOVIEIE Fai. ise te ‘vena H coming late for Chapel, must reclandiloothethrestold. + k -?i-va prostrieba.ct ter. ra.) a tempo so! end: €n poco mosso —. tens =e I P ME woMToR YM anazeiOR aE: i PAs y0u miu edy endfor trepeat forthe hungry the oppressed and i the net te la preghiera men. tate perghs affiit tie git sckiaet @ per sri612 ‘With fervent joy Io Con gtoiaecon fer + 20. rey Christ Blessed Saviour, Spir_ it-ual Bridagroom,O let mo almays Cri. sto Si _.gno_ re, Spo. 40 d’A. mo - re, ta voglio sol pe, Fe TH TIT 212 Signer ANGELICA SU0R ANGELICA os od SSA ALO ae ee ae word oe ! dim.e ran ¢ — SISTER ANGELICA SCOR ANGELICA To our Lad - y [ve off - ered my all in Txt_tohooffer - Ver ~ i-nein pie.nae SISTER ANGELICA SCOR ANGELICA in Il | zs ~ation, - Bone, Tr 14 BADESSA(tuterrupting ber) (interrompendola) “ ct Then offer her your thanks for your present ¢XPXC A”: ne! | Of . fritelean.che Van . sia chea.des-$0 aoa moses eseusseoscssaneceenenennsessnnssenssersenseae oo axsetd THE ABBESS LA BADESSA (eating (ehvama, 10) 62 oe SISTER ANGELICA SCOR ANGRLICA (a2 if Breathing at last) (Some reepirand sltzeate) BS SSS SSS Ze ra aE ~ ao Moth . er, Moth - er,do tell me thenews! W ‘Ma. dre, Ma .drepar-la - te! Chi ¢? (The Abbess directs the other sisters to withdraw by a wave of her hand-the sp Te iteae Ars te cette parent gull te sltara foes watesag ota Teer ey in Stet aoafmve aay inthe dtection f the eamslay) (La Badessa fa conno alle suore che si ritirano; gueste 81 avviano,scorgone che tana si 2 fatta d’oro, prendono un seccas dacgua, pe tera « scompatone) + _ Ahl__ Ak? CHORUS OF SISTERS CORO DI SUORE SISTER ANGELICA SUOK ANGELION Fe SSS ee come? ania —— Moth - er, do tell me! Its Ma. dre,par.ta . te! Son ‘set e sev.en yearsI've wait - © - Pan. ni che aspet - * 124642 ba

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