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DANCE NOTATION BUREAU Inc." 8 East I2th Street,-' New Yorfc 3, N. Y.

(cT) 1965 xDance Notation Bureau Inc.

RB: Distance between supports in Sitting and Lying
Drawing of Joict-Symbols ,and of ^>ot Hold for Unification.
^ i^eugth of Bar '_f i
Dtau'irsg oi gyiabol ,COE wide, long,


At the IS65 1CKL conference* ^nust announced a change in his rule regarding
writing the distance between supports in sitting and lying. At the time the ,
reason for this change was not apparent. In a recent letter, ICnust explains,
his reason very clearly. ,1 personally find this new tule most acceptable, and
ji great simplification over ?he ones that preceded it,
26th October, V1965«
Dear Anns . ;/ - > •>-, • ,(
In one of your recent tetters you ask forliie reason for my new rule for the distance
betv/een the old and nsw points of support in the cases of sitting and lying down
as well as in sitting and lying positions, ^
My answer; Formerly I h \d s. number <>f rules'which hac, to be memorized
separately. And now I have just one rule, > _
This rule is: stay direction sign written in the support tolumn above the hip sign
or the hip-plus-shoulder sign indicates that the new puint of support of the hip
is one step length away from the old point of support cf the foot. In consequence
.of this rule about the distance the legs are stretched ia such cases^
Any narrow sign writfcn between the hip sign or the hip-plus-shoulder sign and
the direction sign means that the new point of support jis, in. accordance with
the degree of narrowness nearer to the old point of support and that the legs
are bent accordingly. _ ' ' / ' . ^ • ,-- -
In consequence of tl'is rule, the notation o* sitting and lying down as well as
*' .-
ft the'-^caph of. sitting and tying positions include the information whether or not
and to which degree the legs -are bent or stretched.
f age 2. x, LABANCTATOR -No. 25. Page 2.

^; > 425b- ~425c ^\ "k25ct ^ K > \425a;, 43 Ib

/" .•£ '. ' , . • ,. * « _ _ i J
* stretched.' f a tiittle V V. Craftier l^tcojnpletely x
»l ..legs*. l;Vbent. _ I '4bent| ; ,/; ^;,benttf * -' / ' ^ \
i This rule apfjHe^to a^y^ei'^'^i^orti^tia valid,whether one sits or lies on /.
xeyen,ground (inediuna leyel) air $fien me iiew fioint of supportjior the hip3 is
higher (as fu'Ex., 4^5 bffc Ind^d and ^Sib'bfc my Handbook) ordow^r (as in. Ei.
°. -' •, - . - - ' * - ; t - i v — ' - ' J ,-'^-5^ n ' " - ^ ~ -
425e and 43\ of my f|aTidbwl<:|| than 1" wnere the feet are.

,f r.

JX. ? '-^ r \n Qomparinon I show Ex., 424a^ ;427al - 429a^b, ;427c, twp;e^mples instead of , , ? i;,; ^
- ^ • , .42Sc andd, ,Ex. 42Ser;424brcf ^, e.Jjf^.t^nd.Ex, 425b,, c»,-d, a. ^iese^ '{
i e±ainples are taken from nay Handbook and are .to be_understood,according to /, ; < ^-^*>^
(, the old rules. Below the examples I write whether according to the old rule ,
J\ ': - ' the le^s have been tent or stretched." , s , X j *; . . . : X " -" ^'
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Page 3. LARANOTATQELfefot^25. Page' 3,

tn examples 424a, 427a, 429a and b, and 425b, the simple direction sign above
the hip sign or hip-plus-shoulder .sign indicated that the legs were stretched,
and the same indication above the hip sign or hip-plus-shoulder sign given in
Ex. 427c, in the two examples substituting 429c and d,_ in Ex. 429e and 424b-g,
that the tegs were i>ent.;
, The inconsistency "becomesi more evident when you compare 'Ex. 425b, c, d, and
a ^rith, one another, ' , ,
'425 b, c, and d were already then written according to my new rule. In b the
legs are stretched (sitting on-the edge of a table), in c (sitting on an ordinary-
chair) they are bent, and in d (sitting on a very low chair) they are very bent.
In all thesejDases the stretched 0:>) or bent (c;and d) state of the legs and with
it the distance between the old and new points of: support is clearly'shown. But
whetf going still deeper,, 'bending the legs still, more and supporting very near
to the former point of support we used to'write the simple direction sign without
any narrow sign (a) that is the same indication as in the case b,where the legs
were stretched. - - ,
;One' more reason for my new rule is that now we have the same measurement
of distance when describing the situation of the'centre of gravity either with
Hhe €.. of g. sign or with narrow signs in the-leg gesture column and When
describing sitting and lying dowti'or sitting ancl lying positionsr in all these ,
cases the simple direction sign means a full distance between either the centre
, of gravity and the point of suppoft or the bid aiid new points of support and the
various narrow signs mean eacbjone one particular degree of nearness from
one point to the other. <• ~ ^ > ; - . ; ' :\'
Another reason to change my rule, or better to have justxme rule, was that I
have^experienced difficulties when nptating tihor work when in addition to
other supporting body parts the nips,had to ta£e the weight; ,
I hope that my reasons will satisfy you,- *5 -J-

^ A." Knust.
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Page &Y No. 25. Page 4.
: - • -:;rmfr:^ .
-.The drawittg^tfyjabbjs.^, -J , ,
' - > ' " •" ' * 1 " ' ;/>- '•""• ' ^ '

elbow/-wris| ;ilid;feaM signs i«£itl no longer-fextend laelow the

V - ' xS • i ^ V , - v • ; _ ; ii«? , v - » J
T ,, - w

t " i \ r -, * " > * " * J j ; i \, ^ The 'X ywithin the space hold will not extend outside the space hold;

/?' "^ ' ', ' : I-~ s. 1 *J t'ky&$^^'l-:>$5t.*~-''''~ " '^ •. New way *&
t- \ - ' . ' . . - [ . ; ' i • -'"'*&""Jr *:, ~":/<- ' " • • " r'" '^" •* v ^" 4

:^71 , ' x Atthotigh ttie drawing of the Mrltnes^ ( •Jbnger or shorter'^

" ^"? ° * i ' ' * /* i "<»*^ t ^ , , . * S,^*.^ ^ s * i ' * " ^ ^ t. ^ 1 ; ^ ' ' k\ r
^ *-^ ' . ,4^^** ^4n^-'J<nl4n KMM^V 4-1>«^>> A*f* m\» **^ •4v^^t«^x 'Tfcflf'A t"l/mi- 'Olln —
^,,-Vr. -tf , Jf J*'-', , ,

e'"sqore^aTid adds to

^ ^: ^diffejrerices'^labln^ ,
gr^.-y,1'',' coiilorria1 to the "AK W^-^W^'^I ^i?.--" ''"~'-' - - / ^ A,^
Kv|.r:' *' :;•,-. * -• *- ,^<\J- <..';* -' > :, f^/ »v' * -i- - * v ^f H ^ - J :- *•« OLD
^'-•'' -f-r,!^ -- - ,•- > -; ' & - . j^;--;-"1/"" • ^ K -:*: .f-,-,, ? . , N ; , - ^
||l-Cv - ^g^^i^^HL^Pi^B^-i^f^^ ' --• • - 1 '**1$i - ^ , -' ^'' > • -
^.'4'4^ i. ; ^iBtdrawing of, the?syrhbol ,^!?^ip.ean^long/-*^x1fe6dedla- is f - ; , , ; _ i ,. .<-

']?5 "\ * being changed to the A^KJway of '^rittiig1this Indication: V\;

"t . *" ' .(Note,£ V*K * toay be ttsed by all 'tb, indicate thire6 diinensional OLD ''NEW
t ^ - ^ ' extension; this is still iibder disqussion^ *<•<'?", / - ",-.• r
v'i" _'.- - , .*-J7\ '
. *
i , -' r' \I i ^ ' " i - f . ' ^
^ " J l .
._ L 5 ' :
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'' wide sign is fljerefpre,: f J r / with the ,

indication: ^ < being generally Considered for Adoption to >, OR
-r^'^, ^mate th^s symbol less clumsy to draw. , •'-•,.;
>•-'•'" ' '
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