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The Comeback Inn Presents:

Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor:

GS 1 - Williamsfort Gazetteer
Comeback Inn Edition

By Greg Svenson

Written by: Greg Svenson

Cartography by: Greg Svenson

Edited by: Havard

Cover illustration: Alexander Nasmyth - A View

of Tantallon Castle

Proudly hosted by The Comeback Inn – The Ultimate Dave Arneson Fan Website.

With permission from the author.

Table of Contents
Credits: ................................................................................................................................................ 2
Preface to the Comeback Inn Edition ................................................................................................. 4
Map of Williamsfort ............................................................................................................................ 5
Williamsfort Information .................................................................................................................... 6
Williamsfort Personalities ................................................................................................................. 10
Lady Robin (Veel) Zvenzen, Stewards Wife & Healer ................................................................... 10
Lord Braddle Zvenzen, Aide to Acting Steward............................................................................. 11
Lady Glinda (Mason) Zvenzen ....................................................................................................... 12
Korm Nokvorm, Cavalry Commander ........................................................................................... 12
Yest Cork, Constable of Williamsfort ............................................................................................ 13
Karn Ramble, Scout ....................................................................................................................... 14
Mandle Grainger, Shepherd .......................................................................................................... 14
Dengle Quig, Smith ....................................................................................................................... 15
Gally Hudan, Innkeeper................................................................................................................. 15
Vorin Teveld, Healer...................................................................................................................... 16
Cliel Sallo, Priest ............................................................................................................................ 16
Aslu Dable, Master, Order of Mystics ........................................................................................... 17
Follae Fogle, Bowyer ..................................................................................................................... 17
Sliw Winslo, Travelling Necromancer ........................................................................................... 18
Torarak Flassa, Bard ...................................................................................................................... 19
Glinda Trader, Healer .................................................................................................................... 20
Neg Carrion, ex-Noble ................................................................................................................... 20
Robin Patro, Jeweler, Thief ........................................................................................................... 21
Humbra, Henchman ...................................................................................................................... 22

Preface to the Comeback Inn Edition

If you are reading this, then you probably know who Greg Svenson is. But just in case, Greg played in
Dave Arneson’s original Blackmoor Campaign, long before Dungeons & Dragons was published. Dave
Arneson described Greg as a highly enthusiastic player and Greg continued to play in Dave’s campaign
even when the two lived in different cities and could only meet up for special occasions.

In addition to being an eager participant in Dave’s campaign, Greg ran his own games in Blackmoor.
He also continued to add to the story of his character the Great Svenny, whose descendants became
Greg’s characters in several campaigns hosted at the Comeback Inn – The Ultimate Blackmoor Fan
Website (

The contents of this document were written in their final version in 2008. Much of this material was
available on Greg’s website. However, the files were believed to have been lost until they were
recently recovered. We at the Comeback Inn are delighted that Greg has allowed us to host this special
version of the Gazetteer.

-Havard 2018

Map of Williamsfort

Williamsfort Information

Population: 1,100 (Isolated – Human 90%/Dwarf 5%/Gnome
2%/Halfling 2%/Others 1%)
Garrison: Constable, 11 guards, 55 militiamen
Power Center: Conventional (Noble)
Power Center Alignment: LN
Constable: Top Warrior
Major Religions: Tsartha; however, most other gods are accepted a
and respected including Khronus
Major Exports: Wool and wine

Williamsfort is located on the northwestern slope of the Stormkiller Mountains
near the entrance to Stormkiller Pass. The road from the pass follows the crest of a
ridge through the foothills of the mountains around a forested piedmont area
located southeast of the city. You approach the town from the south. The keep
visible on the right as it is located on high ground on the east side of town. As you
approach the town you can see Lake Hope and the South River off in the distance
to the northwest. The city’s South Gate is masonry while the palisades that
otherwise surround the town are wooden. The peasants, providing most of the
food for the town, cultivate the land within about two miles of the town. Some of
the lands on the downward slopes have herds of sheep or goats on them. There are
also some man-made terraces on the slopes near the road with vineyards on them.

Upon entering through the gate you find yourself on Broad Street which goes
straight through town to the North Gate. This is easily visible because the town is
sloping downward, with the North Gate at the lowest elevation in the town. Broad
Street is flanked on both sides by the homes and shops of the town’s
craftsmen. You can see to your right more nice large homes belonging to the
better class of citizens. On the left just off of Broad Street you can see a warren of
peasant hovels on the lower west slope of town. The hovels and houses are almost
all made of wood. The town is relatively isolated. The vast majority of the
population is Thonian with few non-humans.

As you approach the center of town there is a large square. Farmers sell their
produce here. There is also a large well or cistern here where everyone comes to
get their water. An underground stream passes under the town. There is a tunnel
connecting the stream with the well providing the town’s water supply. The north
and south sides of the square are lined with merchant’s shops. The east side of the
square is the highest point and there you can see the Dragon Fire Inn on the left
and the town’s Temple on the right. The Inn is known for its excellent lamb and

poultry dishes along with a good selection of locally brewed ale and Meade. Many
of the locals hang out at the Inn and enjoy singing together on their free time.

The Temple off the square is the only temple in town. It serves all the major
deities of the Northland. There is a large central chamber with alcoves down both
sides set up to honor each of the major deities and many of the minor ones. Cliel
Sallo is the leading priest of the Temple. While she serves Tsartha, She and the
other priests make sure that all of the deities’ shrines are respected and that they
share the temple for worship.

To the right of the temple is Carrion Street, which leads up to the keep. There are
villas belonging to the wealthiest citizens on either side of the street. The villas
have masonry exterior walls. The buildings themselves may be made of wood or
masonry or both. When you reach the gate to the keep you can gaze off to the
north and northeast to see the Redwood Forest off in the distance. To the south
you can see a villa that is owned by the Order of Mystics which they use it as a
school. The Master of the school is Aslu Dable.

The Keep consists of a three level masonry tower and a two level masonry building
with a gate, located at the end of Carrion Street. The building has no first level
windows and only arrow slits on the second level. The roof has typical parapets,
so it is crenulated. The tower has windows on the third level, where the Steward
has his suite and guest rooms. The second level of the tower has the office/study
and sauna, while the second level of the main building has the dining hall and
throne room. The main level of the tower has servants’ quarters and the privy,
while the main level of the building has the barracks and kitchen. There is a
dungeon beneath the keep where the Constable locks up the criminals that he
catches, along with a storage room. There is a secret door in the dungeon that
connects to a passage which leads to the underground stream that flows under the
town. This passage was used to get water for the residents of the keep in the past,
but seems to have been forgotten or abandoned now. The tunnel was made by the
flowing water of the stream and is large enough for a person to follow it in either
direction, although they will get soaking wet in many places.

Beyond the keep another warren of peasant hovels is visible on the northeast side
of town. Returning to the square you can continue down Broad Street to the North
Gate. To your right (the east) you can see Dengle Quig’s Smithy shop. Beyond
that you see the barracks for the guards and the Regency Council’s cavalry troop
along with the stables for the cavalry horses.

Williamsfort Notes
The best of the cultivated land in the area is used for wheat and grapes. Other
common crops are rye, hay, and hops. Lamb and poultry are the most common
meats. Goats provide the local milk supply. The poor eat a lot of rye bread. There
are several accomplished brewers in town, but they do not produce enough to make

ale or Meade for an export product, so it is a local “secret”. There is a thriving
cottage industry making wool yarns and fabrics, along with a healthy weaving

In the winter the winds generally come from the northwest and with the town being
on the northwest slope of the mountains the entire town is exposed to the cold
winter winds, making it a very cold, harsh place to live. The mountains also cause
any storm fronts that pass through to rise and drop their moisture as they pass,
leading to lots of rain in the warmer times of the year and lots of snow in the

The town of Williamsfort is still divided by the recent War of Blackmoor’s

Independence. About one tenth of the population supports Neg Carrion as the
rightful Lord of Williamsfort to succeed his father, who supported the Empire of
Thonia during the war. Neg is working to undermine the current authorities in his
efforts to regain his rightful position as Lord of the town. However, about one
quarter of the people are active supporters of King Uther, the Kingdom of
Blackmoor and the Steward of Williamsfort. The rest of the population (about
two-thirds) do not really care who is in charge as long as they can eat and have a
warm place to sleep. So there is a running conflict here. The Constable, Regency
forces, guard, and militia are all pretty much loyal to the King and Steward.

Williamsfort Garrison
The Regency Council has stationed a cavalry troop consisting of 33 men in
Williamsfort, to watch the Stormkiller Pass. Korm Nokvorm commands the
troop. The troop is made up of three leaders, three scouts, nine medium-horse, and
18 light-horse. The individuals in the troop include all of the Fighters, Arcane
Warriors, Paladins, and Rangers that live in the town. The medium-horse all have
chainmail, large shields, longswords, composite shortbows, and lances. There are
two types of light horse in the troop. Nine are horse archers with composite short
bows, small shields, leather armor, and longswords. The other nine are jinettes
(mounted javelin men) with leather armor, small shields, longswords, and about a
half-dozen javelins each. The troop is divided into three detachments. A
detachment typically consists of a leader, a scout and three each of the medium-
horse, horse archers and jinettes. Korm normally commands one of the
detachments. There is always a detachment in the Stormkiller Pass.

The town militia consists of 11 guards and 55 militiamen, all under the command
of the Constable, Yest Cork. They are all foot troops (all are Warriors). The
11guards are medium foot with chainmail, longswords, heavy crossbows, and large
shields. The other 55 are light foot with leather armor, small shields, longswords,
and light crossbows. They all work 12 hour shifts. The guards are on duty one
shift each day. The militiamen serve one shift each week. There are normally one
guard and one militiaman at each gate and in the keep’s tower. One guard is
usually guarding the dungeon in the keep (when there are prisoners). One of the

militiamen is usually at the gate of the keep. And the other guard is usually
patrolling the streets. There are usually a half dozen apprentice warriors training at
the barracks with a guard directing them.

Williamsfort’s Monthly Finances:

Standard Income: 2,200 GP
Tax Income: 220 GP
Resource Income: 660 GP (wool and wine)
Total Income: 3,080 GP

Salt Tax: 616 GP
Militia: 396 GP
RC Cavalry: 594 GP
Total Base Expenses: 1,606 GP
Added to Treasury: 1,474 GP (normally this is all used by Freg
Zvenzen, Svenny’s steward, and his family since the town does not seem to be
accumulating a significant war chest these days…)

Classes & Levels:

Noble: 1-4, 2-2, 9-1
Adept: 1-5, 1-3, 2-2, 10-1
Arcane Warrior: 1-4, 2-2, 4-1
Barbarian: 1-3, 1-2, 3-1
Bard: 1-3, 1-2, 3-1
Cleric: 1-5, 1-3, 2-2, 5-1
Commoner: 1-7, 1-4, 1-3, 3-2, 846-1
Druid: 1-3, 1-2, 3-1
Elderkin: 1-4, 2-2, 4-1
Expert: 1-6, 2-3, 2-2, 33-1
Fighter: 1-8, 2-4, 4-2, 8-1
Idolator: 1-1
Inventor: 1-4, 2-2, 4-1
Merchant: 1-3, 1-2, 3-1
Monk: 1-4, 2-2, 4-1
Paladin: 1-3, 1-2, 3-1
Ranger: 1-3, 1-2, 3-1
Rogue: 1-5, 1-3, 2-2, 5-1
Sorcerer: 1-4, 2-2, 4-1
Warrior: 1-8, 2-4, 4-2, 60-1
Wizard: 1-4, 2-2, 4-1

Williamsfort Personalities
Lord Freg Zvenzen, Acting Steward of Williamsfort:

Svenny’s brother, Freg, stayed on the farm and didn’t leave the vicinity of
Blackmoor until Svenny was made the Baron of Newgate. During that time he and
his sons had served in the local militia fighting to protect Blackmoor during the
Egg of Coot’s invasion and the War of Blackmoor’s Independence. He has since
leased the family farm to tenants and attached himself to his brother’s
household. Svenny has made him his acting Steward of Williamsfort, where he
lives with his wife, Robin, and oldest son, Braddle, and his family. He is in his late
50’s, tall, blond/gray (but balding on top), blue eyed, and hardened by his years
working on the farm. His reputation does not give him the authority to run
Williamsfort on his own, so he depends on Svenny’s reputation and authority to
provide him with the power to take actions there. Local obedience to his directions
is dependant upon whether Svenny ordered something or not, so he has become
adept at bluffing and intimidating people with Svenny’s “authority”. Freg is blunt
to a fault, leading people to consider him rude when they converse with him. He is
a worshiper of Khoronus. Freg is married to Robin (Veel) Zvenzen. They have
three children. Their oldest son, Braddle Zvenzen, is Freg’s aide. Their middle
son, Hunter Zvenzen, is now Lord of the hamlet of Khost. Their youngest
daughter, Shyla (Zvenzen) Mason, is the Lady of New Hope along with her
husband Tray.
Freg, Male Thonian 1st level Expert/2nd level Warrior/2nd level Noble: CR 4;
Medium Humanoid; HD 2d8 + 3d6 + 5; hp 25; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16, touch 10
flat-footed 16; base attack/grapple +4/+6; Atk +8 melee (1d8+2 MW longsword) ;
Atk +4 missile (1d6 Shortbow); SV Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +7; AL LN; Str 14, Dex
11, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 16.
Languages: Common, Halfling, High Common [House of Zvenzen]
Skills: Profession [Farming] +12, Handle Animal +9, Diplomacy +8, Bluff +7,
Gather Information +6, Intimidate +6, Listen +5, Spot +5, Sense Motive +4,
Decipher Script +4, Appraise +4, Forgery +4, Knowledge [Nobility] +4, Ride +4.
Special Abilities: Nobility points 2.
Feats: Skill Focus Profession [Farming], Weapon Focus Longsword, Persuasive,
Noble Blood [House of Zvenzen].
Possessions: Mithral MW chain shirt, large mithral MW shield, MW longsword,
shortbow, light warhorse, 500 GP.
Lady Robin (Veel) Zvenzen, Stewards Wife & Healer
Robin had been Freg’s wife and helper with the farm and now she is helping him
run the town. She is short and heavy with fair skin, blond/graying hair and blue
eyes. She is a healer (adept) by trade. She is known to be very persuasive. She is
trying hard to learn the ways of the nobility. She enjoys playing her trumpet and

sewing on her free time. She has an unusual pet, an owl. She is a worshiper of
Khoronus. They have three children.
Robin Veel. Female Thonian 2nd level Adept/1st level Noble: CR 2; Medium
Humanoid; HD 3d6; hp 11; Init -1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10, touch 9, flat-footed 11; base
attack/grapple +1/+1; Atk +2 melee (1d4 MW Dagger); Atk +0 missile (1d4
Sling); SV Fort +0, Ref -1, Will +7; AL LN; Str 10, Dex 8, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 14,
Cha 12.
Languages: Common, High Common [House of Zvenzen]
Skills: Healing +8, Spot +6, Profession [Farming] +5, Perform [Wind Instrument]
+4, Handle Animal +4, Bluff +4, Intimidate +4, Craft [Tailor] +3, Listen +3,
Diplomacy +2, Gather Information +2, Sense Motive +2, Ride +1, Knowledge
[Nobility] +1.
Special Abilities: Nobility points 1, Summon Familiar Owl.
Spells: Level 0: 5/day, Level 1: 3/day.
Domains: Law and Strength.
Feats: Skill focus Healing, Persuasive, Noble Blood [House of Zvenzen].
Possessions: MW Dagger, Sling, amulet of Natural Armor +1, MW Trumpet, 150
Lord Braddle Zvenzen, Aide to Acting Steward
Braddle is the oldest son of Freg and Robin. He served in the City of Blackmoor’s
militia during the War of Blackmoor’s Independence. He was to inherit the family
farm before uncle Svenny became a noble. He was a poor farmer and was relieved
when his uncle became a baron. He moved to Newgate with his father and helped
convince his uncle to make their family his Stewards of Williamsfort. Since the
move to Williamsfort, he has been assisting his father in managing the affairs of
the town. He is very good at negotiating. He is smaller than his father, with blond
hair and blue eyes. He enjoys playing the lute and working with wood on his free
time. He is missing a finger from a wound during the War of
Blackmoor’s Independence. He does not worship any deity and is considered
irreverent by those who know him.
Braddle is married to Glinda Mason and they have four children. The oldest,
Liveer has completed an apprenticeship with her great-uncle Svenny and has
returned to Williamsfort to help her family with the administration of the
city. Their second child, Yusuf, has recently started his apprenticeship with great-
uncle Svenny in Newgate, to learn to become a noble. Their family lives in a villa
near the Keep in Williamsfort.
Braddle Zvenzen, Male Thonian 1st level Expert/1st level Warrior/2nd level Noble:
CR 3; Medium Humanoid; HD 5 + d8 + 2d6 -3; hp 14; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16,
touch 11 flat-footed 15; base attack/grapple +2/+2; Atk +4 melee (1d8 MW

longsword), Atk +6 missile (d8 MW composite long bow); SV Fort +2, Ref +1,
Will +2; AL LN; Str 10, Dex 12, Con 9, Int 14, Wis 9, Cha 16.
Languages: Common, Dwarven, High Common [House of Zvenzen], Elven
[Cumasti], Halfling.
Skills: Diplomacy +10, Gather Information +8, Intimidate +8, Sense Motive +7,
Ride +7, Handle Animal +7, Profession [Farming] +7, Bluff +5, Perform [Stringed
Instrument] +5, Knowledge [Nobility] +4, Craft [Carpentry] +4, Decipher Script
+3, Appraise +3, Knowledge [Nature] +3.
Special Abilities: Nobility points 3.
Feats: Skill Focus (Profession [farming]), Point Blank Shot, Noble Blood [House
of Zvenzen], Negotiator.
Possessions: MW chain shirt, buckler, MW longsword, MW Composite Longbow,
MW Lute, MW Carpentry Tools, Light Warhorse, Villa, 1,000 GP.
Lady Glinda (Mason) Zvenzen
Glinda is married to Braddle. She grew up on a farm near the city
of Blackmoor. She carried much of the load on the farm before they were able to
move to Williamsfort, as her husband was often busy with the militia. She has
gladly given up farming and cooking now that they are Nobles and have servants
to do the work. She is now helping by keeping track of the Steward’s finances in
addition to running her own household. She enjoys singing and weaving. She is
an attractive, slender woman of average height with dark skin, very long, brown
hair and blue eyes. She is a worshiper of Khoronus.
Glinda Mason, Female Thonian 1st level Commoner/1st level Noble: CR 2;
Medium Humanoid; HD 1d6 + 1d4; hp 6; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 17, touch 12, flat-
footed 15; base attack/grapple +0/+0; Atk +1 melee (1d6 MW Rapier), Atk +0
melee (1d4 Dagger), Atk +3 missile (1d8 MW Light Crossbow); SV Fort +0, Ref
+2, Will +3; AL LN; Str 10, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 16.
Languages: Common, High Common [House of Zvenzen], Elven [Cumasti],
Skills: Profession [Farming] +10, Perform [Song] +8, Profession [Cook] +7, Craft
[Weaving] +6, Handle Animal +5, Knowledge [Nature] +4, Bluff +4, Diplomacy
+4, Gather Information +4, Intimidate +4, Ride +3, Appraise +3, Knowledge
[Nobility] +3, Sense Motive +2, Profession [Bookkeeping] +2.
Special Abilities: Nobility points 1.
Feats: Skill Focus Profession [Farming], Worker, Noble Blood [House of
Possessions: Chain Shirt, Buckler, MW Rapier, Dagger, MW Light Crossbow,
MW Weaving, Cooking & Bookkeeping tools, Light Warhorse, 600 GP.
Korm Nokvorm, Cavalry Commander
Korm is the commander (Fighter) of the Regency Council’s cavalry troop stationed

in Williamsfort to watch for Thonian incursions from Stormkiller Pass. Korm has
attempted to convince his kinsmen in the Stormkiller Mountains to stop raiding the
fields and flocks of the town, but so far he has not been successful. He is a typical
middle-aged Dwarf. He has taken great pains to try to overcome his total lack of
charisma. He is meticulously clean, but he still has ugly scars on his face. He
enjoys making and repairing armor on his spare time. He is a worshiper of Shau.
Korm Nokvorm, Male Dwarf 8th level Fighter: CR 8; Medium Humanoid; HD 12 +
7d10 + 14; hp 65; Init +2; Spd 20 ft.; AC 20, touch 12 flat-footed 18; base
attack/grapple +8/3/+11/6; Atk +13/+8 melee (1d10+6 - +1 magic Dwarven
waraxe); Atk +11/+6 missile (1d8+3 masterwork mighty +3 composite long bow);
SV Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +3; AL LN; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha
Languages: Common, Dwarven.
Skills: Ride +10, Intimidate +5, Climb +5, Jump +5, Search +3, Craft
[Armorsmithing] +2, Gather Information +1, Bluff +1.
Feats: Mounted Combat, Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Weapon Focus:
Waraxe, Weapon Specialization: Waraxe, Persuasive, Investigator.
Possessions: +1 Magic Mithral Breastplate, +1 Magic Buckler, +1 magic Dwarven
Waraxe, MW Mighty +3 Composite Long Bow, Light Warhorse, 900 GP.
Yest Cork, Constable of Williamsfort
When Minaya Fant was the Steward of Williamsfort he appointed Yest, a local
leader of the resistance, as the Constable of Williamsfort (Warrior). As the
Constable, Yest is also the commander of the town’s militia. He made his name
when he fought an underground campaign against the House of Carrion and the
Thonian Empire during the War of Blackmoor’s Independence. He was
instrumental in bringing law and order to the town after the war was over, as
well. He was a brewer before he was forced to fight for his home and still enjoys
making his own home brews. He is a good-looking, middle-aged Thonian. His
appearance is striking because he is an albino with white skin and hair. His eyes,
however, are brown. He has obvious scars on his face and arms. He is a worshiper
of Henrin.
Yest Cork, Male Thonian 8th level Warrior: CR 4; Medium Humanoid; HD 8d8 +
7; hp 43; Init +2; Spd 20 ft.; AC 24, touch 12 flat-footed 22; base attack/grapple
+8/3/+11/6; Atk +12/+7 melee (1d8+3 MW longsword); Atk +11/+6 missile
(1d8+3 MW mighty +3 composite long bow); SV Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2; AL
LG; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 12.
Languages: Common, Dwarven.
Skills: Ride +10, Jump +7, Swim +7, Climb +7, Intimidate +5, Listen +4, Spot +4,
Profession [Brewer] +4, Gather Information +3, Knowledge [Nature] +2,
Knowledge [Geography] +2.

Feats: Alertness, Mounted Combat, Power Attack, Cleave.
Possessions: +1 Magic Mithral Full Plate, +1 Magic Large Shield, MW
Longsword, MW Mighty +3 Composite Long Bow, Heavy Warhorse, 400 GP.
Karn Ramble, Scout
Karn is a scout (Ranger) with the Regency Council’s cavalry troop based in
Williamsfort. She is an attractive woman, about 30 years old, with dark skin, black
hair and brown eyes. She was a tanner before she entered the service during the
Thonian Invasion. She enjoys leatherworking as a hobby. Her acquaintances
consider her to be overly critical. She can be jumpy and edgy much of the time,
too. She is a worshiper of Hella.
Karn Ramble, Female Thonian 3rd level Ranger: CR 3; Medium Humanoid; HD
3d8 + 3; hp 17; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 17, touch 13 flat-footed 14; base
attack/grapple +3/+4; Atk +5 melee (2d6+1 MW greatsword); Atk +8 missile
(1d8+1 MW +1 composite long bow); SV Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +4; AL NE; Str
12, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 13.
Languages: Common.
Skills: Survival +7, Profession [Tanner] +7, Spot +7, Ride +6, Listen +6, Hide +5,
Move Silently +5, Heal +4, Climb +3, Concentration +3, Handle Animal +3, Jump
+3, Knowledge [Nature] +3, Knowledge [Geography] +3, Craft [leatherworking]
+2, Use Rope +2.
Special Abilities: Favored Enemy: Humans, Wild Empathy, Combat Style:
Archery (like Rapid Shot feat).
Feats: Track, Endurance, Mounted Combat, Mounted Archery, Point Blank Shot.
Possessions: +1 Bracers of Armor, MW Studded Leather Armor, MW Buckler,
MW Greatsword, MW +1 Composite Long Bow, Light Warhorse, 500 GP.
Mandle Grainger, Shepherd
Mandle is a respected shepherd (Commoner) in the area. His flocks graze on the
slopes north of the town. In addition to his own sheep he has a herd of sheep that
he watches for the Carrion family. He lives in a hovel on the northeast side of
town. He was a member of the resistance against the Empire of Thonia’s rule of
Williamsfort, acting as a spy because of his ties to the House of Carrion. He still
cares for Neg Carrion’s flocks along with his own. He is a good-looking, older
Thonian, and unusually short. Mandle can frequently be found singing as he works
and hanging out at the tavern where he often joins in singing the songs with the
entertainers performing there. He is a worshiper of Baldin.
Mandle Grainger, Male Thonian 7th level Commoner: CR 3½; Medium Humanoid;
HD 7d4 + 7; hp 25; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10; base
attack/grapple +3/+3; Atk +4 melee (1d6 MW quarterstaff) ; Atk +2/+2 melee
(1d6/1d6 quarterstaff); Atk +6 missile (1d4 sling); SV Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +4;

AL NG; Str 11, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 12.
Languages: Common.
Skills: Profession [Herder] +12, Survival +4, Handle Animal +6, Spot +4, Listen
+4, Heal +3, Perform [song] +3.
Feats: Alertness, Point Blank Shot, Track, Two Weapon Fighting.
Possessions: Quarterstaff, sling, flock of sheep, hovel.
Dengle Quig, Smith
Dengle is the town’s best blacksmith (Expert). He is also an accomplished
Armorsmith and Weaponsmith. He was a leader among the residents of the town
that resisted the House of Carrion as it tried to hold Williamsfort for the Thonian
Empire. His shop is near the city’s south-east gate next to the barracks and cavalry
stables. He is an average looking middle-aged Thonian. He is very much an
individualist, as he doesn’t like others interfering with him or anything he
does. He is a worshiper of Henrin.
Dengle Quig, Male Thonian 6th level Expert: CR 3; Medium Humanoid; HD 6d6;
hp 21; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14; base attack/grapple
+4/+5; Atk +6 melee (1d8 MW warhammer); SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4; AL
LG; Str 12, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 9, Cha 10.
Languages: Common, Dwarven.
Skills: Craft [Blacksmith] +13, Diplomacy +11, Craft [Armorsmith] +10, Craft
[Weaponsmith] +10, Intimidate +5, Search +5, Gather Information +7, Handle
Animal +4, Rider +4, Appraise +4, Knowledge [Kingdom of Blackmoor] +3,
Disable Device +2, Open Lock +1, Sense Motive +1.
Feats: Skill Focus Craft Blacksmith, Negotiator, Investigator, Martial Weapon
Prof. Warhammer.
Possessions: MW Warhammer, MW Chain shirt, MW Blacksmith tools, Smithy
shop and stables, 190 GP.
Gally Hudan, Innkeeper
Gally is the owner and operator (Merchant) of the Dragon Fire Inn on the east side
of the town square (on the uphill side of the square). On a clear day, the Inn has a
wonderful view of the Redwood Forest and South Lake. He also operates a tavern
in the same building. His wife has the reputation as an excellent
cook. The Inn carries some good local meads and ales. You will notice that his
voice is particularly deep and low. He enjoys singing and frequently joins in when
the bards play his favorite songs. He has a tendency not to notice things (he is not
very observant). He is a stout, young fellow and relatively new owner of
the Inn. He is a worshiper of Mwajin.
Gally Hudan, Male Halfling 3rd level Merchant: CR 3; Medium Humanoid; HD
3d6 -3; hp 8; Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14; base

attack/grapple +2/+1; Atk +3 melee (1d6 MW [S] Longsword); Atk +5 missile
(1d6 MW [S] light crossbow); SV Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +5; AL NG; Str 8, Dex 13,
Con 8, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 12.
Languages: Halfling, Common, Dwarven, Elven [Cumasti].
Skills: Profession [Innkeeper] +10, Diplomacy +9, Gather Information +7, Perform
[Sing] +7, Sense Motive +6, Knowledge [Kingdom of Blackmoor] +2.
Feats: Negotiator, Skill Focus Profession [Innkeeper].
Possessions: MW [S] longsword, MW [S] light crossbow, [S] chainshirt, Dragon
Fire Inn, 25 GP.
Vorin Teveld, Healer
Vorin is the most respected healer (Adept) in Williamsfort. She specializes in the
use of herbal drugs to heal. She operates the most complete apothecary shop in
town, located on the town square. When you converse with her you will notice
that she speaks very clearly. She is considered an attractive middle-aged woman
with fair skin, long, golden blond hair and green eyes. She enjoys singing and will
sometimes go to the tavern to have a drink and join in the singing. She is known to
be hot tempered when you cross her or do something she doesn’t expect. She also
has a pet raven. She is a worshiper of Pacuun.
Vorin Teveld, Female Half-Elf 5th level Adept: CR 2½; Medium Humanoid; HD
5d6; hp 17; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12, touch 11, flat-footed 11; base attack/grapple
+2/+1; Atk +1 melee (1d4-1 dagger), Atk +4 missile (d8-1 MW light crossbow);
SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5; AL CG; Str 8, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha
Languages: Common, Elven [Cumasti], Elven [Westryn].
Skills: Heal +12, Craft [Alchemy] +9, Profession [Apothecary] +9, Concentration
+8, Appraise +5, Diplomacy +5, Spellcraft +5, Gather Information +5, Perform
[Sing] +5, Listen +4, Spot +4, Search +3.
Spells: Level 0: 4, Level 1: 3, Level 2: 2.
Special Abilities: Low light vision, Elven blood, Summon Familiar – Raven.
Feats: Skill Focus Heal, Endurance.
Possessions: MW Light Crossbow, Dagger, Bracers of Armor +1, MW Alchemy
tools, MW Apothecary tools, House and shop, 300 GP.
Cliel Sallo, Priest
Cliel is the leading priest of the town’s Temple, located off of the central
square. She is good at keeping records for the community (a skilled scribe), as
well. She hides her natural beauty with her priestly robes and by wearing her long,
flaxen hair in a bun. She is in her early 30’s with an average build and brown
eyes. She can be very brave in a pinch. She has the habit of smoking a pipe and
seems to have a perpetual hacking cough as a result. She is a worshiper of Tsartha,
but respects other deities.

Cliel Sallo, Female Thonian 5th level Cleric: CR 5; Medium Humanoid; HD 5d8;
hp 23; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18; base attack/grapple
+3/+3; Atk +4 melee (1d6 MW Shortspear), Atk +5 missile (1d10 MW Heavy
Crossbow); SV Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +8; AL N; Str 11, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 12,
Wis 14, Cha 14.
Languages: Common, Dwarven.
Skills: Heal +10, Diplomacy +6, Knowledge [Religion] +5, Concentration +5,
Profession [Scribe] +4, Spellcraft +3, Survival +3, Decipher Script +2, Survival
+2, Knowledge [Arcana] +2, Knowledge [Planes] +2, Knowledge [History] +2.
Spells: Level 0: 4, Level 1: 3, Level 2: 2.
Special Abilities: Spells Level 1 – 5+1, level 2 – 4+1, Level 3 – 3+1. Domains:
Healing & Protection.
Feats: Dodge, Extra Turning (4/d), Improved Turning (+1).
Possessions: MW Heavy Crossbow, MW Shortspear, +1 Magic Chain Shirt, +1
Magic Large Shield, 1500 GP.
Aslu Dable, Master, Order of Mystics
Aslu is the Master for a small cell of monks of the Order of Mystics, located in
Williamsfort. Their monastery is on the south-east side of the town, near the
keep. He has an abnormally large nose with flaring nostrils, which makes him
memorable, but not very pretty. He is about 30 years old, making him quite young
for the teacher of a monastery. He is well educated, so when he is speaking he
tends to use long words that many people are not familiar with, making him
difficult to understand sometimes. He practices calligraphy to relax. He is a
follower of Odir.
Aslu Dable, Male Thonian 4th level Monk: CR 4; Medium Humanoid; HD 8 + 3d8;
hp 22; Init +6; Spd 40 ft.; AC 14 (18 vs Atk of Opportunity), touch 13, flat-footed
11; base attack/grapple +3/+4; Atk +4 melee (1d8+1 Unarmed), Atk +5 melee
(2d6+1 MW Quarterstaff), Atk +5 missile (1d4 MW Sling); SV Fort +4, Ref +6,
Will +4; AL LG; Str 12, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 9.
Languages: Common, Gnome.
Skills: Move Silently +9, Knowledge [Religion] +5, Knowledge [Arcana] +5,
Listen +4, Spot +4, Concentration +4, Balance +4, Climb +4, Jump +4, Tumble
+4, Escape Artist +3, Hide +3, Craft [Calligraphy] +2.
Special Abilities: Flurry of Blows (+2/+2 d8), Evasion, Still Mind, Ki Strike, Slow
Fall 20’.
Feats: Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Mobility, Improved Initiative, Deflect
Arrows, Blind Fight.
Possessions: MW Sling, MW Quarterstaff, +1 Bracers of Armor, 650 GP.
Follae Fogle, Bowyer
Follae is the town’s best bow maker, a bowyer (really as sorcerer). She makes

bows and arrows for the town militia and for sale to the public in her shop. She is
considered skillful at negotiating the best price for her wares and at getting the
lowest price when she is buying thing. She is also considered a very attractive and
healthy woman, in her late 20’s with shoulder length brown hair and blue
eyes. She wears a beautiful golden headband inset with an emerald and has a
concealed dagger under her clothing. She is single and always seems to have
suitors competing for her attention. She is very strongly opinionated. She is very
careful to hide her magical ability, due to the persecution of sorcerers by the
Wizards’ Cabal. She buys and studies books on arcana on her free time. She is a
follower of Tsartha.
Follae Fogle, Female Thonian 4th level Sorcerer: CR 4; Medium Humanoid; HD 8
+ 3d4 +3; hp 19; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 14, touch 13, flat-footed 11; base
attack/grapple +2/+2; Atk +2 melee (1d4 dagger), Atk +5 missile (1d8 MW Light
Crossbow); SV Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4; AL N; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 12,
Wis 11, Cha 15.
Languages: Common, Arcanthi.
Skills: Craft [Bowyer] +10, Concentration +8, Craft [Fletcher] +7, Spellcraft +6,
Diplomacy +5, Knowledge [Arcana] +4, Gather Information +2, Sense Motive +2.
Special Abilities: Summon Familiar – Toad, Spells/day Cantrips – 8, level 1 – 8,
level 2 - 5.
Spells Known: Cantrips: Detect Magic, Light, Flair, Mending, Arcane Mark,
Open/Close; Level 1: Shield, Charm Person, Identify; Level 2: Invisibility.
Feats: Dodge, Negotiator, Skill Focus Craft [Bowyer].
Possessions: MW Light Crossbow, Dagger, +1 Bracers of Armor, MW Artisan’s
Tools, Jeweled Headband (worth 250 GP), House/Bowyer’s Shop, Library on
Arcana (+2 on Knowledge checks), 150 GP.
Sliw Winslo, Travelling Necromancer
Sliw is a loyal member of the Wizard’s Cabal. He is from Vestfold and has a
rented villa on Carrion Street. He is currently carrying on a search for something
(unspecified) centered on the Stormkiller Mountains and is using Williamsfort as
his base. He has been known to hire adventurers to escort him on his
“missions”. He has a walking staff with a polished obsidian stone on it and a pet
rat named Templeton. The obsidian stone is his spell focus. He is quite proud of
his status as a member of the Cabal, coming from a background as a craftsman, his
father being a blacksmith. He has inherited his father’s tools. He is unusually
short for a Thonian and quite ugly. His face might remind you of a pig’s
snout. He is a follower of Insellageth.
Sliw Winslo, Male Thonian 4th level Wizard: CR 4; Medium Humanoid; HD 7 +
3d4 +3; hp 19; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12, touch 11, flat-footed 11; base
attack/grapple +2/+1; Atk +1 melee (1d4-1 Dagger), Atk +4 missile (1d8 MW

Light Crossbow); SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +4; AL NG; Str 9, Dex 13, Con 13, Int
15, Wis 10, Cha 7.
Languages: Common, Draconic, Gnome.
Skills: Spellcraft +9, Concentration +8, Decipher Script +6, Knowledge [Arcana]
+6, Knowledge [Planes] +6, Knowledge [Nature] +5, Craft [Blacksmithing] +5,
Craft [Gemcutting] +5.
Special Abilities: Summon Familiar – Rat, Spells/day Cantrips – 6, level 1 – 5,
level 2 - 4.
Spell Book: Cantrips: All; Level 1: Cause Fear, Ray of Enfeeblement, Chill
Touch, Shield, Feather Fall, Shocking Grasp, Comprehend Languages; Level 2:
Blindness/Deafness, False Life, Command Undead, Ghoul Touch.
Feats: Scribe Scroll, Toughness, Spell Mastery [Cause Fear, Ray of Enfeeblement],
Craft Wondrous Item.
Possessions: Bracers of Armor +1, MW Light Crossbow, Dagger, Walking Staff
with an Obsidian ball on the end, MW Gemcutter’s tools, MW Blacksmiths Tools,
Villa, 850 GP.
Torarak Flassa, Bard
Torarak is currently the most popular entertainer in Williamsfort. He performs
almost nightly at the Dragon Fire Tavern. While Westryn do not usually stay
outside their homeland, Torarak stayed here because he was injured by raiders near
town, while escorting one of the Westryn’s ambassadors to the Cumasti, and was
left behind because he was unable to travel for months. While he was recovering
he got used to the place, the people were kind, so he lost some of his natural
distrust of others and he decided to stay for the time being. He also serves as a
scout for the town’s militia. He lives in a small house on the south side of
town. He can be very moody, switching from happy to sad and vice versa very
quickly. He speaks very clearly and distinctly. He is a follower of Aeros.
Torarak Flassa, Male Westryn Elf 3rd level Bard/2nd level Barbarian: CR 5;
Medium Humanoid; HD 2d12 + 3d6 + 10; hp 34; Init +3; Spd 40 ft.; AC 18, touch
13 flat-footed 18; base attack/grapple +4/+4; Atk +6 melee (d8 MW Elven
Longblade); Atk +8 missile (1d8 MW Longbow); SV Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +6; AL
N; Str 11, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 15.
Languages: Common, Elven [Westryn], Secret Language [Sheet].
Skills: Survival +10, Spot +10, Perform [Song] +8, Perform [Stringed Instrument]
+8, Listen +7, Ride +6, Intimidate +5, Concentration +3, Diplomacy +3, Gather
Information +3, Handle Animal +3, Search +3, Use Magic Device +3, Decipher
Script +1.
Special Abilities: Low Light Vision, Scent, +2 vs. Spells, Immune to Sleep spells,
Fast Movement, Uncanny Dodge, Rage 1/day, Bardic Music, Bardic Knowledge,
Counter song, Fascinate, Inspire Courage +1, Inspire Competence, Spells:

Cantrips: 6/day, Level 1: 3/day.
Spells Known: Cantrips: Open/Close, Know Direction, Summon Instrument,
Detect Magic, Daze, Lullaby; Level 1: Sleep, Grease, Unseen Servant.
Feats: Endurance, Track, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot.
Possessions: MW studded leather, MW Buckler, MW Elven Longblade, MW
Elven Longbow, MW Harp, small house, light warhorse, 750 GP.
Glinda Trader, Healer
Glinda is a respected healer (Druid). She uses natural methods and herbal
medicines to cure the peasants who come to her. They usually give her food or
other hand crafted items in exchange for her services. She has a small hovel at the
edge of the forest next to the stream, about two miles to the southeast of town. She
is common looking, typically in sloppily clothing, and often dirty. She is always
chewing something, apparently some sort of plant leaves that she enjoys. She has
a hawk for a companion. She is a worshiper of Tsartha.
Glinda Trader, Female Thonian 3rd level Druid: CR 3; Medium Humanoid; HD 9 +
2d8 + 2; hp 20; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 12; base
attack/grapple +2/+2; Atk +3 melee (2d6 MW Quarterstaff), Atk +5 missile (1d4
MW Sling), Atk +2 melee (d4 Dagger); SV Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5; AL N; Str
10, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 8.
Languages: Common, Sylvan, Druidic.
Skills: Survival +12, Heal +10, Knowledge [Nature] +9, Profession [Herbalist] +8,
Spot +4, Hide +3, Listen +3, Concentration +3, Spellcraft +3, Move Silently +3,
Handle Animal +2.
Special Abilities: Animal Companion - Hawk, Nature Sense, Wild Empathy,
Woodlands Stride, Trackless Step, Spontaneous Casting, Spells/day Level 0 – 6,
level 1 – 4, Level 2 – 3.
Feats: Dodge, Self-Sufficient, Track.
Possessions: MW Sling, MW Quarterstaff, Dagger, +1 Ring of Protection, MW
Leather, hovel.
Neg Carrion, ex-Noble
Neg is the eldest surviving son of the Baron Carrion, the former Baron of
Williamsfort, still residing in the Kingdom of Blackmoor. His family had the
misfortune of backing the Thonians during Blackmoor’s War of Independence,
which many refer to as the Thonian Invasion. Many of the Carrion family died
fighting for the Thonian Empire during the war. Others (his brothers Diego and
Gonzalez and half-brother Fredrick) had previously fled to the realm of the Egg of
Coot, but that is another story (see The Great Svenny – Lord Champion). With the
fall of Williamsfort to Uther’s forces, Neg and his family were forced to pledge
allegiance to Uther. They were also expelled from their family home, the town’s
keep. They now live in a villa in the town.

Neg owns a vineyard and a large flock of sheep from which he derives his income
(he is an ex-Noble Rogue). He is considered a very good negotiator and a very
persuasive speaker, but he is also a deceitful person, although those talking to him
usually don’t realize it. He is a handsome, middle-aged and charming man of
slender build with fair skin, black hair and grey eyes. He enjoys calligraphy in his
spare time. He sometimes frequents the Tavern and enjoys singing when the
entertainers are playing his favorite songs. He used to worship Henrin, but has
turned to the dark side and now worships Calelrin.
Neg hates Uther, his representatives, and the Kingdom of Blackmoor in
general. While he professes loyalty to the kingdom, he is actively working to
subvert it. He has been gathering a small band of rebels with which he hopes to
take over the town and rejoin the Thonian Empire. He takes pains to disguise
himself whenever he is with his ‘gang’.
Neg Carrion, Male High-Thonian 4th level ex-Noble/2nd level Rogue: CR 6;
Medium Humanoid; HD 6d6 - 6; hp 15; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15, touch 10 flat-
footed 15; base attack/grapple +4/+3; Atk +4 melee (1d6-1 MW rapier); Atk +5
missile (1d8 MW light crossbow); SV Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +7; AL NE; Str 8, Dex
11, Con 9, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 16.
Languages: Common, Chale, Dwarven, Elven [Cumasti], High Common [House of
Carrion], Orc [Black Speak], Thieves’ Cant, Goblin.
Skills: Diplomacy +14, Intimidate +14, Sense Motive +13, Bluff +12, Gather
Information +10, Disguise +12, Knowledge [Nobility] +9, Forgery +8, Appraise
+7, Ride +7, Knowledge [History] +6, Decipher Script +5, Listen +4, Spot +4,
Craft [Calligraphy] +4, Disable Device +4, Knowledge [Local] +4, Perform [Song]
+4, Search +4, Use Magic Device +4.
Special Abilities: Nobility points 0, Sneak Attack +1d6, trap finding, evasion.
Feats: Noble Blood [House of Carrion], Negotiator, Skill Focus [Disguise],
Persuasive, Deceitful.
Possessions: Cloak of Elvenkind, Bracers of Armor +1, MW studded leather, MW
buckler, MW rapier, MW light crossbow, villa, light warhorse, 100 GP.
Robin Patro, Jeweler, Thief
Robin is the most accomplished thief (Rogue) in or near Williamsfort. She keeps
up a legitimate front by operating a jewelry shop in town. Yest Cork has been
trying to catch Robin “in the act” as long as he has been the Constable of
Williamsfort. She is also good at making jewelry and cutting gems. She is a tiny
woman, less than five feet tall with short brown hair and brown eyes that is in her
early 30’s. She can have an abrasive attitude, though. She is a follower of Kadis.
Robin Patro, Female Thonian 5th level Rogue: CR 5; Medium Humanoid; HD 5d6;
hp 18; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 24, touch 20, flat-footed 14; base attack/grapple

+3/+3; Atk +7 melee (1d6 MW rapier); Atk +2 melee (off-hand MW Dagger); Atk
+7 missile (1d8 MW light crossbow); SV Fort +1, Ref +7, Will +1; AL CG; Str 10,
Dex 16, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 7.
Languages: Common, Thieves’ Cant.
Skills: Open Lock +11, Move Silently +11, Profession [Jeweler] +9, Forgery +9,
Appraise +9, Craft [Gem Cutting] +9, Escape Artist +7, Spot +6, Search +6,
Decipher Script +5, Listen +6, Tumble +5, Balance +5, Knowledge [Arcana] +3,
Disable Device +3, Knowledge [Kingdom of Blackmoor] +3, Spellcraft +2, Use
Magic Device -1.
Special Abilities: Uncanny Dodge, Sneak Attack +3d6, trap finding, evasion.
Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Weapon Finesse Rapier.
Possessions: Cloak of Elvenkind, Boots of Elvenkind, Bag of holding, MW
studded leather, MW buckler, MW rapier, MW light crossbow, MW Dagger,
House/Jewelry shop, 800 GP worth of jewelry, 68 GP.
Humbra, Henchman
Humbra is one of Neg Carrion’s thugs (Barbarian). He follows him everywhere
and protects him when there is trouble. Years ago Neg protected him in a crisis
and he has been Neg’s willing servant ever since. He is a powerful, young giant of
a man, feared by all. He enjoys leatherworking and sells items he has made to
make a little extra money. He is a follower of Zagzul.
Humbra, Male Half-Orc 3rd level Barbarian: CR 3; Medium Humanoid; HD 3d12 +
6; hp 26; Init +3; Spd 40 ft.; AC 18, touch 13 flat-footed 15; base attack/grapple
+3/+7; Atk +6/+6 melee (d8+4/d8+4 MW Orc Double Axe); Atk +7 missile (1d8
MW Mighty +4 str Longbow); SV Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +3; AL CE; Str 19, Dex
17, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 15, Cha 10.
Languages: Common, Orc [Black Speak].
Skills: Survival +8, Climb +7, Jump +7, Listen +6, Move Silently +4, Spot +4,
Craft [Leatherworking] +2.
Special Abilities: Dark Vision, Orc Blood.
Feats: Two Weapon Fighting, Tracking.
Possessions: MW studded leather, +1 Magic Buckler, MW Orc Double Axe, MW
Mighty +4 Long Bow, MW Leatherworking tools, 183 GP.

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