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"Financing Intellectual Property: From Patents to Profit" de Peter J. Devine et Alexander I. Poltorak

Intellectual Property Finance: A Practical Guide" de Andrew Clay

"Innovation and Intellectual Property: From Patent to Profit" de David J. Teece

"Intellectual Property Strategy" de John Palfrey et John T. Gapper


"Financing intellectual property: understanding the options" de Peter Lebowitz, publié dans la revue
"Intellectual Asset Management"

"Intellectual property insurance: a risk management tool for innovative companies" de Karine
Gentelet et Cécile Chave-Santos, publié dans la revue "Journal of Risk Research"

"Intellectual property financing: current trends and future directions" de K.F. Derbyshire et S.M.
O'Connor, publié dans la revue "Journal of World Intellectual Property"

"Intellectual property financing: an overview of the legal and business landscape" de John Palfrey et
John T. Gapper, publié dans la revue "Harvard Business Review"

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