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Mor-Chriatlan General Boooer Ability §4j) Intraduatlon F961 fatty oooer Ie one of the popular eparte in the world, We there 6 w yayy 06 Pants football at differant levels, Aesording 10 # survey KandumKn iy Pip heey, iiuhey ‘over’i00 milion people from more than 200 Gauririan regularly yay toeAawl. py a 4, an that effective skil teste are vitally important for piasaniant, grading, pve M198 yas, a ‘sport ekill teat is an inatrument (hal alolts ar Ob MAIYADIO TORO WANA (HOO MAIR sayy Motor ekill used In @ sport, ‘Mor-Chriatian General Boooer Ability Bkill Test Batlary(Mor & Chiielian, 1979) 6 OAM A Yas emcee tents that evauale passing, dribbling and shooting abiity in sa9eer, Ware, he oAminnd A Ys trates ite bo discussed and evaluated in the following part, On the Conary, there sm tunnypnnene Improving the quell of the test thal instructors not ony administer tho tole wna, WA SoD Wh tho subjects’ ablity widely, a) Mor-Chrletln Soccer Pripbllna Test Greve ‘re many good caiteria inthis tat, Including short pariod of me for acminisirig, wypoatts, , avellability of venus and objectives,)in this 19st, there is a short pond of tne, 0 OUN OO, $0 test, some testing area may not provide sufficient Aras to carry out VIII Neale at tly Sines Sots Actually, it is good for students that three {rials are allowed in this dritybhing taal, 2 tas Mrmerininy aAterch is a key factor to reduce the relibiliy, 60 trials can help the subjects to Verrikiarize the tasteg procedures. Moreover, clockwise ‘and conterclockwise direction are required to finish than the test 1 suitable fo rel siuation, soccer need fo dribble In ll direction continually in the match, 10h onty i their dominant Aiection (However, there sre some suggestions in this to) The Sut one is the distance betwoon cones. In tho outing of sotting, there 6 6 yds among the cohis within the path, ba {00 long distance may cause the reduction of validly and reliably, Onbtsing refers so the maneuvering of a ball around a defender through short skilful taps oF kicks with elther the legs, ‘excess time is allowed for dribblers to co-ordinate their body and it Is easy to dribthe all the cones there are too long distance among the cones, In fact, players in the competition oflen execne

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