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How Federalism is practised

Federalism is a structure of government in
which the power is divided between the
central authority and the various provincial
units of the country
How Federalism is practised
Constitutional provisions are necessary, but not sufficient, for
federalism to succeed. It's not just because of the well-defined
constitutional provisions that India's federal experiment has
worked. The essence of democratic politics in India can be
credited with the success of federalism in India. As a result, our
country's spirit of federalism, respect for diversity, and desire
to live together became common beliefs.
Linguistic States
Linguistic states were one of the key ways
federalism was practised. In our country, the map of 1947
formation of linguistic states was the first and
most important test of democratic politics. If you
compare India's political map from when it first
became a democracy in 1947 to that of 2019, you'll
be amazed at how much has changed. Many old
states have vanished, and many new ones have map of 2019
sprang up in their place. The states' boundaries,
areas, and titles have all been altered.
The boundaries of some existing Indian states were modified in 1947 in
order to form new states. This was done in order to keep people who
spoke the same language in the same state. Some states were founded
not on the basis of language, but on the basis of cultural, ethnic, or
geographic diversity. States like Nagaland, Uttarakhand, and Jharkhand
are among them. When the proposal for the formation of states based
on language was voiced, some national leaders were concerned that it
would lead to the country's disintegration. For a long time, the Central
Government fought linguistic States. However, history has shown that
the emergence of linguistic states has actually brought the country
closer together. It has also simplified administration.
Interesting linguistic facts from around the globe

There are more that 7,000 spoken languages in the world.

The bible is the most translated book
The oldest written language is Sumerian, which dates back to 3500 BC.
Almost every language on the planet has been impacted by another.
Asia has the greatest number of languages.
The Russian language was the first to be spoken in space.
The most common letter in English, Norwegian, Finnish, French, and Italian is E
Extinctions of spoken languages can occur
thank you
done by -
Aarushi, Rohith, Mukunda, Divita, Anvita, Riya

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