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The Gofflputep as a Tool

in Curriculum Management


I HE computer hardly has begun Potential Applications

to show signs of use in the area of cur
riculum management—all those activities The most publicized curriculum man
of school personnel under the direction of a agement applications of the computer have
curriculum leader, which supply data for been in individualizing instruction. There
the processes of curriculum decision making are, however, immediate possibilities more
and implementation. The computer as a readily available to school districts because
tool permits development of a large, rapid of less need for sophisticated computer pro
access retrieval system and has potential to grams. These feasible uses of the computer
make rapid comparisons and analyses of in curriculum management are in the areas
large quantities of data faster and in greater of:
detail than would otherwise be possible. 1. Curriculum planning—what do we
For example in 1972, using a UNIVAC need and when do we need it?
9300, the Scottsdale (Arizona) public school
2. Curriculum implementation—what
system with 30,000 students was able to progress are we making?
produce a report on spring testing involving
10,000 students in 19 elementary schools. 3. Curriculum evaluation—what cognitive
This comparison consisted of student re and affective objectives have we met?
sults, teacher, school, and district com In each of these areas, use can be made
posites, plus an extensive analysis of a of accumulated data to make comparisons
problem area which prompted a curriculum and analyses. In curriculum planning, the
review; these results were obtained faster information may have been obtained ex
(two weeks) and less expensively (by 25 to ternally from business and community sur-
30 percent) than by commercial analysis.
Thus far, it appears the limitations of * C harles E. Kline, Assistant Professor of Edu
the computer in curriculum work have been cation, and Dennis H. Sorge, Educational Re
not only unavailable hardware and computer search Specialist, Department of Mathematics;
programs, but also curriculum leaders un both at Purdue University, West Lafayette,
aware of computer capabilities. Indiana

January 1973 327

veys of career/educational needs or internally containing this information with appropriate
through assessment of student needs for sub computer programs can supply such infor
sequent courses or areas of study. The com mation in seconds, and, more important, can
puter with programming adaptations of permit immediate modifications and reanaly-
Program Evaluation and Review Techniques sis by the curriculum leader. An integral
(PERT), Programming, Planning, Budgeting aspect of curriculum implementation is
System fPPBS), network analysis, as well as process monitoring. Rapid computer analy
other approaches, can compare and analyze sis of monitoring data makes ongoing altera
data so as to assist the curriculum leader in tions of the process possible.
developing optimum paths for meeting iden Curriculum evaluation determines if the
tified needs and supplying alternative routes objectives planned and implemented have
when goals cannot be met. Textbooks, ma been met. A West Coast testing company
terials, and equipment which have been is producing objective-based tests. Similar
categorized in terms of contributions in meet tests could be generated by a school district
ing specific objectives can be matched by the that has purchased or produced a computer
computer with the particular objectives in a ized data bank of objective referenced ques
curriculum decision. tions. Analyzing various combinations of
Before a curriculum decision becomes objectives, the computer could generate many
an implemented reality, the computer can tests in seconds.
analyze physical facilities, supplies, teaching Since such data banks take quite long
staff, and student characteristics to deter to develop, the immediate application is rapid
mine if they adequately fulfill specified con and detailed analysis of cognitive or affective
ditions for implementation. Data banks data from existing tests. It would take a

On Early Learning:
The Modifiability of Human Potential
• To what extent must we simply settle for what the child appears to be,
as a person and as a learner?
• To what extent do we dare to hope that we can create added ability to
learn, stimulate the development of personal powers, and rehabilitate those
whose beginnings have been ill-starred?
Some initial answers to these questions are furnished by Professor Ira J. Gordon,
whose research and developmental work at the University of Florida with young
children and their parents is widely recognized.
56 Pages Stock Number: 611-17842 $2.00

Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

1201 Sixteenth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

328 Educational Leadership

curriculum leader months to obtain manually be definite commitment as to the availability
analyses that the computer can supply in a of computing facilities for the priorities held
day. This difference means that it is possible by those concerned with curriculum manage
to determine curricular strengths and weak ment. When the central office business
nesses together with their causes that would agency of a school district acquires higher
be undiscovered without the computer priorities, the curriculum leader is confronted
feedback. with the need to obtain external assistance;
meeting this need is expensive.
Possible Problems Computers are of little value without
appropriate computer programs. Therefore,
Before a school district makes a final a curriculum leader must consider whether
decision about data processing, there are computer programs are available to do the
several problems that should be solved. Some desired curriculum task. If not, there is a
school districts contend that they do not need for a programmer, and a new issue is
have sufficient finances to afford computing confronted: do this person and his data-
facilities. However, can they afford n ot to processing supervisor have both curriculum
obtain the benefits of the computer? With and data-processing background? School dis
the increasing responsibilities of the schools tricts which hire data-processing personnel
for accountability in education and with in who do not understand curriculum problems
creasing demands by teachers for relief from inadvertently yield a curriculum leader's
menial tasks and additional freedom to teach, decision-making power to the data-processing
as well as the continuing need for data for staff because of supposed, interpreted re
critical decision making, the computer can quirements of the computer. The place of
more than justify its expense. the computer is distorted so that it, together
School leaders must beware of obtaining with the programmer, dictates rather than
computing equipment and/or services with assists in the resolution of curriculum
out really knowing what is needed, wanted, concerns.
and in fact being obtained. Very often they
get equipment too small to do the job—the Suggested Solutions
machine memory is not large enough to
handle data immediately necessary for prob Technological developments are making
lem resolution; or not the proper type of it possible for the curriculum leader to obtain
equipment to do the job—delays are created more computing facilities for the dollar.
by manually keypunched data which could Mini-computers, costing less than $25,000,
be remedied by an optical scanner. It is permit school systems to do many tasks
under these conditions that the question which a few years ago were only dreams.
arises as to the effect of the restrictions Access to large systems via time sharing is
imposed by selection of equipment. an immediate possibility. Small school dis
Another problem which must be re tricts should consider sharing joint facilities,
solved early is the contention which arises or a district could sell computer time to lower
between the central office business and edu its cost.
cational interests of a school district. Often Before the selection of hardware, expert
systems which can afford computing facili advice should be obtained from other school
ties justify expense first by considering busi districts or state departments of education
ness management applications, and second that have had experience with data process
by applications for curriculum management. ing. Computer science departments in
Business-oriented administrators and universities are another excellent source. Ac
business-oriented data processors can limit cording to Miller, 1 the type of information
severely the use of the computer as a tool
1 William G. Miller. "Selection Criteria for
in curriculum management if they establish Computer System Adoption." Educational Tech
priorities for computer usage. There must nology 9. 71-75, October 1969.

January 1973 329

Association for Supervision that should be obtained pertains to hardware,
and Curriculum Development software, cost, and performance.
MEMBERSHIP/SUBSCRIPTION FORM If there is not enough computer time
I enclose payment for the following:
in an 8- or 16-hour computer day for both
business and curriculum management, the
Comprehensive Membership, ,_,
at $30 00 per year, for _ -years |_| computer operation should be extended to
includes 8 issues of Educational Leadership 24 hours. Most business applications are
yearly, plus the Yearbook, periodic News Ex
change issues, and other ASCD books and book
routine and could run during the night hours.
lets distnbuted dunng my effective membership If the computer runs on a 24-hour schedule
and there still is insufficient time for both
Regular Membership, ,—.
at $20 00 per year, for ___ years |_|
business and curriculum management, those
includes 8 issues of Educational Leadership who set priorities must reconsider and place
yearly, plus the Yearbook and periodic News Ex each agency of the school district central
change issues distnbuted during my effective mem
bership year(s) office in proper perspective as it contributes
D Please check here if this membership is to be
entered in the name of an institution, rather
to obtaining the ultimate goals of the educa
than of an individual tional organization. It should be noted, how
Subscription only, ever, a computer that is turned on for 24
at $8 00 per year, for _ . years D hours may not always be operating for 24
eight issues of Educational Leadership yearly
(published monthly October through May)
hours or even for 70 percent of the time. The
presence of a computer does not imply effi
cient use; man must carry that responsibility.
To maintain his decision-making pow
ers, the curriculum leader should select, and
recommend for employment, only personnel
who are educational data-processors. He also
should update his knowledge of computer
science through reading, formal study, and
communication with experts on computer
science applications. For most curriculum
leaders this approach to professional develop
s* iE ment is imperative as well as feasible.
ill In conclusion, the failures in school dis
trict computing ventures usually are blamed
on the computer. However, the personnel
Ii "
who select the equipment, the personnel who
run the equipment, and/or the person who
* Q.<
has the responsibility for supervising the
data-processing department of the school dis
ill if
It* si trict must be held accountable. In the near
future it will be possible for virtually every
_ «" ! school district to have access to computing

ii i!
i Si facilities. An optimum relationship between
time and size will make most applications
possible to most school systems.
In Si If the curriculum leader does not know
IS Ii*
">a - definitely that he is master and the computer
•:S X i' I W is slave, the use of the computer in curricu
ID: 3 |i:
lum management will be fruitless. If these
Return this form to: roles are reversed, it soon will be found that
Association tor Supervision and Curriculum Development the problems created by the computer are
Room 428,1201 Sixteen* Street M.W., Washington, 0. C. 20036 greater than the ones which it solves. G

330 Educational Leadership

Copyright © 1973 by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum
Development. All rights reserved.

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