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I must be honest. I am a bookworm. I love reading books whenever I have time. Reading is just like a
stress reliever, a gate to escape to another world where you can spectate all the plots that are
happening. You can make yourself one with your favorite character. One moment when I read without
interruption is on a long journey, especially if the book is really interesting and one book that kept me
between its words was “Silent Patient” by Alex Michaelides.

"Silent Patient" by Alex Michaelides is a gripping psychological thriller that keeps readers on the edge of
their seats. The story follows artist Alister Crowley as he becomes the prime suspect in the murder of his
wife, a famous painter. The twist and turns of the investigation lead to unexpected discoveries and
secrets that will keep you guessing until the very end. The novel delves into the psyche of the characters
and their motivations, making for a truly captivating read. Overall, "Silent Patient" is a masterfully
crafted and highly entertaining novel that is sure to keep you guessing until the last page.

I recently read this book and was thoroughly impressed. As I mentioned earlier, the plot is masterfully
crafted and kept me guessing until the very end. The characters are well-developed, and the writing is
superb. The story is a page-turner that I could not put down. I highly recommend "The Silent Patient" to
fans of psychological thrillers and anyone looking for a gripping read. It's a must-read!

In conclusion, if you are a fan of thriller, unsolved cases or murders, this book is for you! It will change
your perspective about all the people that surround us making you think if the choices are being made
are the one that should be made. And, of course, there is also being described in detail a life lesson so
hurry up and read it!

Casual or part-time work is a great way to earn some money while studying. It is also a way to gain work
experience that looks great on one’s CV. Employers will often admire a CV that demonstrates a student
can balance study and work commitments. A student who can work while studying is usually one with
good time-management skills and a willingness to work.

Firstly, money is the obvious reason that people go to work, but earning your own spending money
during college will come in handy. A part-time job will not pay enough to live on once one graduates and
enter the real world, but for now it can help one pay for books, food, gas and occasional splurges.
Having a part-time job can help students pay for school-related expenses such as textbooks,
transportation, and housing. It can also help students save money for future expenses such as rent, a
car, or a down payment on a house.

Secondly, studying at university doesn’t exactly give you a lot of free time. If you are serious about your
studies, meaning you attend most lectures, you submit assignments on time and even partake in
extracurricular activities, you will most likely find it difficult to fit in a part-time job during those few
hours that are left of your day. However, if you have a part-time job, you will be forced to plan your time
even more carefully, which could help you become more organized and more motivated, as you can no
longer postpone going to the library or gym if you are working in the evening. Your time management
skills will be stronger than before you had a part-time job.

In conclusion, both money and gaining experience are important in a student’s life. My personal opinion
is that money come first because we depend on them, we have to survive by paying our bills, fees, food
and so on.

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