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This story isn’t that much embrassing that you would tought, but really nerve-racking and

My parents alweys leave home for work earlier than me, but that day it was different. They
were on a day off and when I left they stayed at home and I always lock the door when I leave. This
time I didn’t have to lock the door, so I forgot about my keys. I could thank this as a bad luck, because
all my keys are on one ring, so I didn’t have my lockers’ and my bikes padlock also. And the most
annoying thing was that I couldn’t go inside of the flat, because my parents weren’t at home and it
was the middle of winter so it was about -5 OC. My only luck was that one of my neighbours was
comming home at that time, so she could let me in to the corridor, but I still couldn’t get in to our

It was a really bad experience, so I would never wish this to anyone not either to my

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