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The sky was a pale shade of grey. Rain lashed against the window, washing off six months worth of
stains.The dog was outside in the garden barking. He had not been for a long walk in months.

Julie sat at the kitchen table, holding a cup of hot tea. She wasn't the sort of person to complain, she
quietly got on with things and clung to routine like a life jacket. She hadn't expected things to work out
like this, like all young couples they had made plans. New York, Mexico and Paris were just some of the
destinations they had hoped to visit.

She had met John at school. It was love at fist sight. He was the tall awkward boy at the back of the class,
she was the shy quiet girl at the front. The first time they walked home together, it was a Wednesday,
and from then on it became a regular thing. Whenever it rained, John would be there with his umbrella
and Julie would be there tucked underneath it.

The hot, sweet tea soothed her heavy sobs, she stared across the garden to the birdhouse he had built
and watched the magpies shake the rain off their wings. John had always been a brave man. He was
never one to hide away from responsibility.

He had been on tour for six months when the phone rung. It was gone midnight and before Julie had
picked it up, she knew the voice on the other end, it would be cold and apologetic.

"This is Captain Williams speaking, I'm sorry to tell you...". This is all Julie remembers of that night.

Most mornings she drinks tea and looks out the window. Nothing much happens anymore. Still she
carries on like other wives and girlfriends of fallen soldiers. These are the ordinary heroes.

A/N: My first story on here. Hope you like it :)

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