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el pure 1vu::u.

, ,\ "'' IQtJ'-IC ' vv 188 J


[PAPER 01]

(i) Kine mati cs (Pap er 1, Sec A) [Diffe renti ation ] ·. ·

th th A with speed v mis at time t=O and moves in a straight
1~A particl_e P-passes rough e point t3 + 3t2 + 2t.
Line. The displacement, s metres, of p from A after t seconds is given· bys = ··
( ) Find the value of v. · .
[JuneS 9/QJ/M~]
(:) Calculate, in mis~, the accele~ati~n ~f p when t=2
speed 6
2, At time t=O a particle P, movmg m a straight line, passes through the point A with
mfs. · ·: · . -· · ·
After t seconds, the displacement, s metres, of P from A is given bys = 3t
4 + k.t. Calculate

(a) the value of k. .

2 [Jan94/Q4/MS)
(b) the accelerati_?n of P, in m/s _, when 1=4.
3. A particle moves_in a starlight line such that its .veloci ty v mis at time t seconds is given by
v == 3t 2 - t. - 10, t ~ 0. Calculate · · ·
(a) the time, ins~ wh~n the lartic le is at-rest. ·
(b) the a~celeratto~a m mis ~ when t = 1.
[Jan96/Q-4 ~4] · . · .
4, A part~cle P passes through a point _O and moves in a·straight line such 3
that its displacement , s
metres from Oat time t seconds aft_er passing·through Ois given by s = 4t
- 21t 2 +·36t.

t~ 0. . . .
(Jan97 /Q4/MS]
Find the_valu~ oft for which Pis instantaneou$ly at rest.
5. A particle moves in a straighfline such that time tsec.onds its-cJisplac~ment~
s metres, froma
fixed poi~t O of the ~ne is giving bys ~ t - ?t +24t - i. Calculate
3 2

(a) the times when the at rest. . -

(b) the greatest distance of the particle from O dµring the interva_l O ~ct< 4. [May98/Q6/1Vl6] .
ement, s metres,
· 6. A p.article moves along a straight line such that at.time2 _t seconds its displac
· from a fixed point O of the line is giving bys == t - . 9t + 24t - 7.- The particl
3 e is
instantaneously at rest when t = t 1 and _t = t 2 , ~here t1 < t2, Calculate
(a) the vah1e of t 1 and.the value of tz. .
(b) the acceleration of the particle when t = t1 .
s, from a
7. A parti~le moves along a straight line . At time t seconds i~s displacement, smetre
instantaneously at
fixed point of the line is give~ by s = 2i -,1.6t + 10t - 5. The particle is
3 2

rest when t =t 1 and when t = t2, 1 -

where t1 < t 2 • Calculate 1

(a) the value of t 1 and the value of tz. [4.

(b) the acceleration of the particle
wh~n t == t 1 . [3] ·
(~i) Kin em atic s (Pa per 1, Se c A)
[In teg rat ion ]

(iii-A) Kin em atic s (Paper 1, Sec A)

. [Di ffer ent ia-tion/lntegrati~n]
,·-4:. -A_p~~cle staris·at iQ~-~oinf O ~ni ~o{e~ )n.-'a:·st~~i~bt line.:.At
:'=\~ ~~- ~-m/!~~t~eyarticl~ ~~ g1ve~ h~,, ~ ::
'·t :~~ nds ·after leaving·OJ
. <•>, .~t lt\ ;t:~{+~~;•i
i.n~ -tr~y~l_l~ .by__the par:t-1cles m the-~rst ·sec6rids~:~ ~ Calculate · ·
(b) di~}~ -g~1tude qfl~f~~celer.ation ·offhe pa'rt .' · ·~ ' - · ·
'•~ ~<. _, icle~ i~·:m1s2, atthe instant~hen v .= 0.
"~- ,. · ..... '•. '.. ·. ·., '- · . · .. :·:. :. , .(June87/Q7/M~
2. A p~rticles t{: -_l~QV.C,S -~long ~he ~-t~i.~ i,n-Such.a way
its velocity, V ~ ;itg ~n-by ·F:'24f::.t2t~
ithat 't sec~>nds a,
after it ieaves ·the .origin
point A, calculate .'.1':,··-:-: _· ,' · ,- 'iifo.Giv en~~~hat th'e·acc~leration-of pis zero at the
._-_ ~ .,.\ ·' --~ · ·
(a) the speed, in m/s,~ ~-fi.~t the point A. -
(b-) the distance ·qi~ - ,
[J•n,0/Q7/M6] · : . :
3. A pa.rticl~ p-moves along ·oi sl\>:that at time..-:·
t se~onds its ~isplacement ·froni'io•1s ~--fuetres-
· :
and -its velocity is V m/s,.wqere V . '4_t +·t-3 f _· .·
r~11m n
fdexcel Pure Math(Chapterwise) ........................... . ......
(a)find.its acceleration, in m/.s ,when t = 3
Given also that x = - _2 when t = 0, [June93/Q6/M6J
(b) calculate the distance OP, in m,_when t = 4.
le P moves in a straight line so that its velocity, v m/s
at time t seconds where I ~ 0,
4 • A partic .
2 · . .
. given by v = 28 + t - 2t • Find .
. . ·
(:) the time wlieo Pis in~tantaneously at rest.
(b) the speed of Pat the instant when the acceleration
of Pis zero.
t =.0,
Given that P passes through the point O of the line when [Ju.~e9~/Q8/M8]
(c) find the d_istance of: from ? w~en -P is instantane
ously at rest.
,the vetocity, v m/s ,of P 1s given by
5. A particle_P moves 1~ a.straight hne. At time t seconds . ·
i . d . · ·
v ·== 5 - 2t + t . Fm 2
' ·
(a) the-a~celeration, in rn/s , e>t: P when t.==), [3]
al 0::; t::; 4. [JJ · [Jan08/Q3/M6J
(b) th~ d!stance, in ~etre~, tr_a~~lled by Pin the i_~!e~
(iii-B) Kine mat ics (Paper 1, Sec A) [Differe

nds.t ~-0, _its veloc;ity, v m/.s, is

1. AparticleP f!!OY:CS al<;?iig the X:-~is -~uch that at tim~ ( se9o _ : ·
given by v = 3cos}t. F!rid ~ .· _. : .- _, . · ,· · ·
(a) the least value 9£( for--~Jifoh_P !~ instantaneous~
ia~ _rest [2] ~ - . ·
) [JJ-' .' ·, ,- - -. . : . . .
. (b) tlt~-~gnjtud(J_.o~,the..rnaximul!)Jccel~ration pf:,f
.Whe.n_Y; ·o,J) pa.sses·tntou.glttli~ otjgjrXt .-~ --: .'-~f~:. ~-~ ·:;, ,.· ·_ ., J-·_/ ... -
us· ~est,- _.[4] · ___ :.. .
s!~ce off. fr9J!l O wlte,r}:.f-:fi!st .¢O1Ties_:t~:-.i~s_ta~_tane'6
(c) Fi~d th~ di_ : .. _~ · ~ay 03(Q 4~9 J
- . ·_ . -~~ "·\:·t ·_;'>·x- ·_:? ~- ~- -,~-

2. Aparticle P moves ~long-the r-axis.- Af time.'t!sego_~a~ -(

t _~~_0) llie:y_el_~city: -~ mis: pfl;-is- .
given ~y V = 5 cos-Zt. Fin~ ~ . . · ~ _ ~: -~?;~ -- >:t:·~ ~- - ;.~ ·"?--- ~" .- ; .· ·_ - . ,- - - · .• - .
~sC J2J . · <·_: _ ;.. :-~- · ·-:· : , - . -.: .
(a) the.least _value oft for which Pis in~tantariecni~Iy1tft
(b) the magnitude oft~.e maxim~m accel~rati~il of P.
·[~f:~_.:~,::"~ ·_' '. :_ ~- ~ ·_ < ... =~~-: o·-c- ~-
When t==O, f is aHhe point (2 ,0). ·. :·_··~< . ._ . .,_,{r?-·:•. ___ ·-:. · :.,. :·,-_' :· ~ ···_·..
(c) Find-the:distance of£ from the origin w_ hen P.first co~efto ·instah!aneous.-rest. .[4]
· · •. · · ·_ ,·. t ~-\~~-·
' • 'I .....
_:·_- -(Jan13/Q5/_M9J
-:c • • \.
~ .. . ~ • ·- ::. ·-

(i) Kine mat ics (Paper 1, Sec B)[Differ

hJ _line. :'f·he·aisplacerrient, s·
1. A p~icle P passes through a point q a~d ~o_y~s.!li st(aig
y~n by 1-= ~t~-+ .11t·2 ...... i4t.
·metres, of P from o, tseconds ·after passing'ihrough o, :is'gi
_o(/, f?r.- the yel9cjty, )~ mis, Qf Pat :.
(~) Find;-usin~ , ._calculus ~~thQd, an ~xpressio_n, iii.f.~ ~s~, . · /; .. , ·'; : -- \ .. ·_ :·._.,.- -:- · - ·:·:
time t secon~. . - .· : . .· ;_ ~:~ : :?{
(b) ~~nee ~nd (~~v~h,1e l~i whfoh·B°Jtio~t~nt~n~qy~i
fat r~~t\ ::...:'·:- - ~-,-( ·::..::'< '·, ~ ,_ , ,, :~:-~
. , •.
(c) Fmd·the value oft at which the acceleration··o f P- is zero~
(d) Sketc~ the velociiy~time.: graph for P, in·th~ 'in~erv~(
o~~-t _::; 6, indicating on yout sketc ·

e .a~es. _· .- . _ · . ·: ·.
the coordmates of the points at which the graph cr9ss~s'th
(e) Calculate, the values /_between which the·speed o(
P:is greatei-·than 16 mis'. ,: · . -·_ . ~ . .
. , . ~ · · ·_ . · · - - _· · /- · ~\ ·-'·[J~ne90/Q13iM
nds aft'er ·passirig througb :O, the distance s
.2• AParticle P mo~es in a straight _fin~. 4At time3! ~eco 2 ~ 14-4·t + 60. · ~ •· -~ , · '
metre~, pfP from O is Given .by s =-3t .:..: 32t + 114
· . ;_ ·
(a) Show that the particle is a rest when/= I..
Edexcel Pure Math(Chapterwise)
(b) Find the ·other values oft for ,which the particle is at rest. . f p ..
(c) calculate fo 2 decimal places, the values oft for which the acceleratmn °
is zero.
[Ju ne94/Q 12/1\if
. d' I lSJ
3. A particle P moves in a straight line such that at time t seconds its tsp acement, s metres, ·
from a fixed point 0-of the line is given by
s = t 3 - 5t 2 + 6t.
(a) Find the values oft at which P passes through 0.
(b) Find the speed of P each time it passes through 0.
(c) Find the gr~atest speed of Pin the interval O :5 t :5. 3.
[May02/Q9/M12] . . .
4. A particle P moves·in a straight line such that at time t .seconds its displacement,_s metres, ·
• .- 0 on tI1e 1me
- d-pomt
- _a fi xe
tirom · 1s ·
· given b. y s -- t 3 - 7t 2 + 10t 1 t -> 0.
(a) Eind the values oft (t > 0) .at which P passes through 0. (Jl
(b) Find the speed of Peach time it passes through 0. :[4]
(c) Find the greate~ sp_eed of P ..--
in the ·,interval .0 :5• t"S 5.I [5] ·
5~ A particle P moves in a straight line I
such that ,.at tirne t s~q:mcl~,
its displacement, ·
s metres, from a fixed point 0
of the line is given by
. s = t 3 - 6t 2 + St .
(a) the values·of t for :which P passe.s through O [3]._
(b) the speed P each time it passes through O [5] ,
(c) the greatest speed of P in the interval O'S t < 5 [4}
[Jan 2014/Q9/M12] .
6. A small stone is thrown vertically upwards from a points ·A"above the_ground.At time t .
_seconds after.being thrown from"A,the beight of the stone .apove the ground is s meters.
Untilthe stQne-hits the·ground, . s == l.4 + 19.6t - -4.9t 2 - . . . .

(a) write down the gei:ght of A above the.-groun.d-.[l] .

(b) F!nd the speed with ~lrich th~-stone was thrown from _A. [2]
(c) Et~d t~e ~leraiion of the stone until it hitsthe ground. [11
(d) find the gre~test height of the stone above the ground. [3] .
[Jan 1S/Q2/M7] , ·

(ii) kine~atics (Paper 1, Sec B) [Integration] ·

1 • A pa~icle Pis ~oving in a straight line. Initia1ly f is at rest at a fixed point O of the line. The
acceJ.eration a mls\ ofthe particle t sec~nds after leaving o·is given by a= 3t 2 -14t +,12._~ .
. (a) F~nd an express~ n for the v~loci~y ofPat time t ·seconds.· _ ..
· (b) Fmd e valµes oft when again
th at rest. . · ·
(c) S~etch, fo~ 0 !5; t $ 5, the velocity-time graph for P. __
(d) ~md the distance travelle.d by P fo the first 3 seconds of the motion.
, (e) Fmd th e-total distance travelled by P in the first 4 seconqs'°of the ·m~tion. [Ja~Ol/Qtl~lSI
- !liilg~,if _--:;~
'• ~;it' -,; C. w ~ •.,~) •
Edexcel Pure Ma th(C hap terw ise ) a
is. At time t seco nd s (t~ 0), the acceleration
2. A particle P·is moving along the positive x-ax · .
m/s2 of Pis given by a ·= 6 - 4t
t of P from the origi n O is 5 metres.
When t == 0, Pis .at rest and the displacemen
and the displacement of P from O is s metres.
At time t seconds, the velocity of P is v mis . . .
(a) Find , in terms of I, an expression for
(i) V (3]
(ii) s [3] .
For t> 0, _
p comes to instantaneous rest at the poin
t A.
(b) Find
(i) the value oft ~hen P re~ches A, [2.5
(ii) the distance ·oA . [2.5]
Kin em ati cs (Pa per 1, Se c B) [Di ffe ren tiat ion / lnt eg rat ion r ·,..
t seconds its di_splacement from Q ·is x metres
1. A particle P moves along Ox so that 3~t time at time t. = 0 from the poin t
s ,wh ere v :
_;; 16t - t , t -~ 0. The particle starts
its velo city s
i_ _m/
A where x = 36.
(a) Find an e?CJ)ression for X in terms oft. ,
n t ~2. ·
· (b) Find t~e acceleration ·oft he particle whe
usly to rest at the point 8, ·find
Given that the ·particle first comes instantaneo
h B.
(c) the time t~e n from the start for P. to reac
(d) the distance 0/J.
the first ·five se.conds.
(e) Find the total distan_ce travelled by Pin
(f) Find t~e time -taken from the st;r t :ror
f _to r~ach q. _.. - [Jan91/Q13/M15]
._At !ime t
t O at tim_e t = Oan_o moves in. a straight line
2. A particle P passes through a fix.ed poin
,. v mis, ofP is given by •
' ·

seconds ·atyer passing through 0,2 the velocity


stant. .
v ~ 2t + kt + 5, t ~ b, where2 kis a cont~
of P is-5 rn/s , show tha = ~ 11.
(a) Given that attime i=4, the acc-eleration ·
(b) Find the values oft for·which v = 0.
tion of Pis zero. _· ·
(c) Find the value oft for which t the accelera
e gr~ph of P.
(d) Sketch, for O :5 .t -:5 6, the velocity-tim I~;.
the 'distance of P from , time
·(e) Calculate, in m to 3 significant figures, t S_½. -
(f) Deduce the·average speed, in mis to
3 significant figures, of Pin the interval O :5
· ·
t = 0 and mov es in a straight line. After t .·
3. A particle p starts from rest at a point A at time -
metres·and .'its velocity is v mis w~ei-e v == 9t
second.the di~placement of P from A ·at is x
t ,t ~ 0.
Find (a) ·an expression for X in terms oft.
(b) the a.cceleration•o'f P when t = 2.
point B, find
Given that the particle comes to rest at the
to reach·B.
(c) the time taken from the start for P
(d) tlie distance AB. ·
12 seconds .
(e) the total distance travelled by Pin the first
(t) · T (g) the speed of Pat this mq~ent
Given that p r.eturns to A after T seconds, find .[Ju ne9 2/Q ll/M 15l
l}Jii f!i~rJ~
Ede><"ce••PLJre Math(Chapterwise) alo~ g'a
Jin~ Ox. At time seconds afte r
rest at the poi nt O and mo ves
4. A,.-p'articl~ P'starts from re.f f~ t ~ n ~nd m ~nd~n ~re
.by v=ml(n-t), whe
leaving O the sp ~ v mis, of Pis given And that p co~es tg rest at 'the point A when t == 9,
constants. Given that v= 56 when t =t=
m = 2.'
(a)1ind the v~lue ofh and:henceshowt hat .vahle of t when this occurs.
.· (b)· calc~Ja~e the Eteatest value ofv ·and
2 : · .,
(c) find the inJtiaJ ,acceleration, in _rti/s ,
of P.
( d),s ke~ ~ the graph of~ against t.
. .
, n~.. . - ~ . - - . : . e t = . 0. At time
. . t- 0 at t1m . IS)
·(e) find the di~tanc ~ 0./4 •
i. i
· · · , • ~h- -· h a·11 1xe d -nom - . -
· -n !ille, ~asses -~ roug .. • : t' b , .
,.. 5 • A particle_.,t i:n3yi~ .m_a str-aight
oc1ty, ,v mis, of P ,ts~iven b~- t .·
seconds after passing threugh 0, t1w·-v,el
___ V=•.t3 . . .: t.oti + kt,--: t ~ 9where .~ 1.s a c . . ·. .
nstan ·
. .
(a) 'fin d an ex:press(on; in:t erms,o f t
and k,{ or 1he a~cel~~tlQ~ of P
~J J '.~',· .. ". _ . ,. . . '
Gi.v¢~Jhat thea~ er~ti~-~_is z~r? wh~ ..
(b) sbo\\'':that k~25>.~ :..··: ,•> }·; · _', "'--
.,,' '''f ,; -~ ·< .·

.-(t)Ji~ f th;fna~-un~ ~11d'-tnJ~i~u~~~i.

µe'Sof_v, :~ :: · .. \·:'.-: ,
'distinsruishino between them >~\.~·.·· :·· ,-; .·,. -. · : ,- . · ··, ,
(~t sk~ch ~: 'vel~city-ihti~ gtaph~ (Jt f0(· /·--. ·'-:: ~ _·. :.· :_ ·.·,-_ .--.' ...i
l- -, - . -': - : _; ·:. :, .'· •.: ' . • •

· Attime -t -~S -Pis.atthepciinL1. .'\ · . :~- ·:;", . c::.~ ·~ ·-· .·\·.·-~;~'.·_:_· __,_. < <
~the i
d·~tru1<~eO A/ -_-:' .
(~)flnc( in:m;tre s
~~~-¥ Q ~
2-ii: OJ!_$,; ,~ f t - S.
___/Ql }~.t~~
(f) Useyot it;an~w~ ;f; J~ ) !~ ,-t~~
fin~ -av~ ~~e ·-" ,- _ ::-. ; ., .• , • .--~ ._ 0/M .
15J. .
--.·~ .•. _
. .- _ . . ._ \; ~,~. ·..'- ~·,.-.·--~~"\-~ ~"<:·' : .,,.,..,i,-...'•--~;·; 't"~. ~ '~ '_· .. '_(, . , . "''...' -..
. ~~-~ .. . ~ ~-,t 'i· ~
.. . l atJ ~me ~o. At time t
6. 7A p_article P, -~ ~ying ~ -~-stra~ sh(li,~~~.P.~~s~;~~?~~-tj:~~~~:~~rom,t_J·:\': ·· :; -~ _. ·
t --~2?i{~t-~~}\~ \·,\ :⇒ ~-, :,-· ~- ..r

seconds th~ ~~locity/ 11: m/~,:of:P'~~giv.~J1l · .-

._ · _ . . '· v ~ ~ rr::.__3i_~ f:'.J?.f:*-'.:¾fW!i'et~\l(~is:( ~~n~!~µp; ·_ /'. :<-."'· ..-
t2 v_=2 ,wh '¢n t=2 ~ f
' ind? giy irig \ip~ ~~ ~~ ~:~ ~ :i ~~t~.~~f~~~res· ~ ller-__-.e.appro .-
Give~·,t hi ~f,.-~~~.'
--J,.{.. ·~{.\~\-· :~---" ';-•;::: ..; _::-:, _,:-.-. --~- ,.:-- ,.
n\ the-vali ltc>_ f°f"' ·· · -: r; ... ,•...:.. .·,~ .- :--·
-., . •<i-:'B·--
: J/ i1·~, f-- \ ··~ -·.:: '•
=- ( -, .• .. , ·'
~~9f Ri t,ti ~~!~1~~~-C.Q~~~f ~)~:}·.t•~;- :__~·. >:--. - ~ :;,,
- : -;~-. ,·_- ·. -~i ~
. (b)·an expression for- the acceler~tjoues ofv; .-,,.'::/ :-"_~; ,t;,~r·-~1~ ,~/- -..
'(c) the maximum and miniritum .val t~~:~ ~~f\ .\~_i. . ~.. ~.. . · -
(d) tlie -distan~-~f.P,_fi;om ,·o ~ he!J _(i)
t :·~ ·1~\~~ij;\~t~~3>\~}\~.) t,b f1nte~al_-:l :5 t _S\,fl5 3.
find , -
· in.rn /s,-to 3 sign itic anf Jigu :res ; the ~y~fiige1,spee~·0f.~-t-' #~ · · ·,. · iJ . ·
a ·
o 99/Q 13/l )
, (e) Hence ' · r···, ~: : _. · ·-. ·\:if-2, · .: : ;i '.: ..~,-:;. :..,.-:~. · -·
. . ~•·," :'"'-:<:.... '
.-·_,.' - · ..,'[' , _: _ ')lY.I.
·,, · , ... · . 1,•.t- 't\,"-' /\'·"'."

'rj1/r ~r.t~}irri~-,~seconds
.. ,•. ,, •

ity., j:, after

7. A par ticle P_js mo vin g ih stra ght
~ t'ia
n'e .-r tne :ve !p~
~ n
i, g thro ~gh ~ fixe d poin t'C t ofth e li~e -j~"g ~~
~ ~,by'il±'fti):.wl\eii t(i f;_. 2·tz, :..:. Bt+ 9. . _
pas , h.a.nd c.
(a) Given tliat2t 2 - St+ 9 ~ -a(t - · Jf)'?-
-f.c,·nn¢.tbe-~values,.c>f'the<~onstapts·a .
min imu m valu e-o fv and stat e·tbe v
· alu:e?o () wbeii'lhif n1i~i'mun{ occurs.
-(b) Deduce·the : ,': : . ' .
of p isz ero·w~¢0,V tak,es.i s hii4iquim.\~alue.
(c) Ven fy'lthat th~' acc el~r atio n
ing ~~e atler4,a$.~iija _ihr9ugh _a: .
(d) fin~ t~e distance fravelled'bYJ-> d~f \(Jan0()/Q12(i)/M.....J
_ ---~~. --~, ~ , · · . - ·-t'·: · . '.;. ~: >_, . .-·
red in ~etres :J · . ::.q ~ · . ~( . :\ ·_. ~· . .
. ·
8. fIn _this q~estion. alJ dista_nce are m~asu ond s, p, is~Hhe·point ,wit~ ~oprd.inates
vmg alon g· -!he x-cp fts. At tim e t sec
A particle P_.1s n_io
(-11p, 0), where Xp = 8 - lOt +3 '
. ·. -
!t3• . .. ' - x·
. ' ..:.
, ·:
Find, in terms of'~ '. ,·
(a) the velocity of P ~t time t seco~ds,
[ZJ _- . , . ,
ds:·[l) ·: . , · ·, , '
(b) the acceleration of P ~t ii_~_e t ~ ~an
'At time /-seconds, ·the velocity ~-f
VQ .
A second particle Q is alscfm ovi ng aJp ng the x-a~}s.
: , . - . ,, · _.
mis, where v0 = ·t - 3t + 4 · ,·
fdexcel Pure Math(Chapterwise)
At time t = 0, Q is at the orgion and at time t seconds Q is at the point with coordinates (xQ, 0):
(c) Find xQ in terms oft. [3] • .
The particles P and Q coHide_at time T seconds, where T < 5
(d) Find the value of T. (4) [Mayl4/Q7/M l1]
g. A particl~ I' moves along the positive x-axis. At time t seconds (t 2: 0) _the velocity,
v infs, of Pis given by v = t 3 - 4t 2 + St + 1
· The acceleration of P at time I seconds is a mls 2
(a) Find an expression for a in termScPf t . [2] .
(b) Find the,values oft for which the magnitude of the .acceleration of Pis instantaneously zero.
[2] . . ,- .

· When t = 0, the displacement of P from the origin is 3 m.

(c) Find the -d:ispla~ement of p from the origin when,= 2 [51
[Jan17/~101M9] · ·

1' '\. ...


- Edexcel Pure Math(Chapter

. _
Se c A) [D iff er en tia tio n] 2
-(i) Ki ne m at ic s (P ap er 1, 2 4. 1.5, 2 s.
2 2. (a) 6 (b) 576 m/s 3. (a) 2 s (b) 5 rn/s
1. (a) V = 3t + 6t + 2
2 (b) 18 m1 2
(a) t, = ;, t~ =5 (b~ -2 8 mls 8. (a)
(a) t = 2, t =4 (b) -6 m/s 7.
(a) 2 s, 4s (b) 13 m 6. 1 2
2 l3m /s
7m /s 10 .(a );, 3 (b )-2 8' m/s 11 .(a )'a =6 -·2 t (b)
v= 4t -9 (b )24!s ·9. 3.1
Se c A) [In te gr at io n]
(ii) Ki ne m at i_cs (P ap er 1,

,,, _
. _
1. (a )3 (b )l8 m2 .16 .5m _ c A) [D iff ~r en tia tio n/ Integration) .
~r 1, Se
(~ii-A) Kinematics (Pap
2 2. (a) 32 mis (b) 40 m -3. (a) 31 mis (b)
94 m 4. (a) 4 s (b) 28~ mis
1. (a) 21 m (b) ~s mls
2 1
1 m
(c) 773m 5. (a) 4 mis (b) 25 3 n)
ics (P ap er 1, Se c A) [D iff er en tia tio n/ ln te gr at io
(iii ..B) Kinemat -2
· 3
2. (a)
t =--
rr ·
sec (b) 10 ms (c) 4.-5 m -
1. (a) rr (b )-2 (c) 6--m 4 .
ic s (P ap er 1 ~ Se c.-BJ [D iff er en tia tio n]
(i) Ki ne m at - .
3, 4 (c) 3.55, 1.79 3. (a)
1 2 1
. ·
, 6 (c) 3 (e) 33.< t < ·4 2. (b)
1. (a) v = -3 t + t - 24 (b) 1
?2 3 3 mis
mis (c) 6 mis 4. (a) t = 2, 5 (b) 6 mis, 15 mis · (c) 15
· 0, 2, 3 (b) 6 mis, -:-2 mis , 3
1 6. (a) 1.4 -(rn) (b) 19.6 (mis) (c) - 9.8 (mfs2).
5. (a) 0, l _, 5 (b) 5, 4, 20 (m s- 1) (c) 20 ms -
Se c· B) [In te gr at io n]
(ii ) Ki ne m at ic s_-(P ap ~r 1,
. t 2 (ii) s =3tz _
3 2
+ 12 t {b) 3, 4 (d) 11~ m (e) 11~ m 2. (a) (i) v = ·6t - -2
1. (a )~ = t - 7t · ·

·2t 3
- -
7 + 5 (b) (i) 3 s_(ii) 14 m.
m at ics (P a-pe r 1, Se c B) [D iff er en tia tio n/ ~
(ii_i) Kine
ln te gr at io n] -
- _ _- . 1
· 2.( b)~ ,S( c)2 .75
-¾ t~ +3 6 (b) 4m ls
(c) 4s (d )1 0~ m (e) .8 4im . (f) .6s
. 1. (a )x =8 t (e) 17~ m (f) 13.5 ,
·(e) 1.21 m (f) 2.42 mis 3. (a) x = ~t 2
-it 3
(b) 5 m/ s 2
· (c) 9 s (d) 121.5 m

.= 21 6, t= 6 (c) O (e )l0 93 .5 m 5. (a )a =3 t 2 -2 0t +k
(g) 60. m1s 4. (a )n =9 (b
_ 7t + 2 ·
0 (-m inim um ) (e) 52..!.. m (f) 10E. mis 6. (a) 2 (b) a= 3t2·
(c) 18.5 (maxi mum), 12 12
17 , .
(ii) 9; m (e) 2.8_3 mis 7. (a)
a= 2, b = 2,c = 1
\~ m
~c) ~ (~aximum ), 4 (m ini mu
_ m)"(,d )_(i)
8~ (a) (t 2
-1 0) m /s (b )2 t ~ l (c )(! .t 3 -! t 2 +4 t)m
(b )v =i ',t =2 (d )9 m 3 2
--8 t+ S( b) t= ;,1 (c )8 im
9. (a )3 tz

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