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Allegory in The Tortoise and the Hare Date:

Respond to the questions and prompts.

1 Summarize the fable.

The fable is about a tortoise that challenge a hare to a race. The tortoise was confident and
never gave up. The hare ran so fast and left the tortoise behind he decided to take a nap. The
tortoise beat him.

2 What are the characteristics of allegory?

Animals given human qualities.

3 Choose one characteristic of allegory and describe how it is used in the fable.

The moral lesson show the characteristics of many humans beings as if they work animals.

4 What human traits does the hare represent?

He was selfish and a bragger.

5 What human traits does the tortoise represent?

Intelligent,persistent and wise.

6 What is the moral of the story?

You can be more successful by doing you things slowly and steadily than by acting quickly
and carelessly.

8th Grade · Challenge 1 · Health & Well-Being

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