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Digital Marketer.
Performance Marketer – Social Media Specialist – SEO Specialist –
Content Writer – Product Marketing
About Us is an one-stop skill development platform that helps students
build in-demand skills, careers, & meaningful life.

HMS is an education-to-employment programs and career coaching

services for students in Indonesia.

We asked top companies and consulting firm what skills they look for in
candidates and then designed our live, remote programs to include learning
activities that help you master each key skill (technical & soft skills).

HMS covers not only the fundamental skill of in-demand job, but also gives you
literacy about personal finance, & mental health management in the
Furthermore, We also believe that everyone has the right to get high quality
education. committed to ensure that for every student joining
HMS, it will also give a class to someone in need.
To improve prosperity & happiness
through high-quality education.
This is Our
Capable. Reliable. Remarkable.
We are here to help you prepared for a remarkable lives, Not
just help you to get a job.
Problem ▪ High competition
Compete with many other applicant
▪ Irrelevant skills & experience
Employers expectations from With Industry 4.0 disrupting the skills and job in
new employee. demand, the candidates faces mismatches when it
come to jobs, skills, dan expectations.
▪ Capable ▪ Lack of credible learning source
Meet the skills requirements (technical Self-taught though article, blog, YouTube, somehow
& soft skills) lead to confusion.
▪ Reliable Challenge
▪ Uncertainty with major
Good deliverable. Over deliver. for Talent
Want to change their career. Not relate to their major.
▪ Having relevant experience
▪ Anxiety & nervous
Enough experience to support their
day-to-day job. Few or no skills and experience lead them into anxiety
and nervous during recruitment process.
▪ Salary within employers budget
▪ Salary & benefits
Salary expectation meet their budget
Lower than they expect.
How HMS A program specifically designed
to prepare yourself not only to enter the
work life, but also to have a remarkable

Works? future.

Mentors Prepared for

Capable & Hunters,
Reliable Companies,
Talent. Hiring

Prepared for
Talent /
mental health Remarkable Life
Why Learning With Us?
This is how we empower you to have a remarkable lives.

Take a class,
Get prepared for real work High Skilled &
Give a class
experience Reachable Mentors By joining HMS, You’re not just learning,
We want our students to understand real Our Mentors are from top qualified firms but you’re also donating for those who’s in
work situations and feel the experience with experiences that are easy to reach by need for education.
through our study cases. our students anytime.

Certificate & Affordable, fun & easy Financial Planning & Mental
Portfolios to learn Health education
You’ll create portfolios by doing the final We provide high quality education with What’s the purpose of a job when you are
assignment project and get a affordable price that you can access stressed and what’s the purpose of salary when
certificate after passing our class. anytime & from anywhere. you’re unable to manage them ? We don’t want
you to only get a job, but we want you to have a
remarkable life.
HMS Other Bootcamp University
Technical skill V V V

Soft skill V Not All X

Real work experience V V X

Career coaching acceleration V V X

Free All Access Q&A V V X

Job Guarantee V Not All X

We are Money back guarantee


2 – 3 BULAN
0% - 100%

2 – 6 BULAN

4 Tahun

Tuition Rp 1 – 5 juta Rp 5 – 50 juta Rp 50 - 200 juta

Different. Instalment Program (Cicilan)

Personal finance literacy



Pro Partner – Corporate Project V X X

Teach you how to freelance V X X

Give a class to others in need V X X

Stress-free learning method V X X

Mental Health education V X X

HMS Learning We believe everyone can learn and have
a better future

Choose what you want Join our discord & Try Register for Get invited to Live online class with Discussion & Quiz
to learn our free trial class on Harisenin Millenial our WA group zoom time / Study case
Mini School School (2-3 times a week) with mentors.

Review & Presentation Final Group Reach our

Job Connect Graduation mentors easily for
Feedback from Project
(For Guarantee mentors questions.
What they say about our Digital Marketing Program.

Banyak banget dapet insight
tentang Digital Marketing. Nggak
cuma teori selama dikelas, tutor
selalu kasih data dan pandangan
yang bisa kita implementasikan.

HMS is more than just online
bootcamp. Kita ga Cuma diajarin
technical & softskill tapi juga
belajar ngatur duit untuk financial
freedom. Plus nya lagi kita juga

Sebagai graphic design & creative marketing di
Pavvo, aku merasa perlu untuk belajar digital
marketing. Aku memilih HMS karena biayanya
yang affordable dan benefitnya yang setara course
5 jutaan. Setelah mengikuti kelasnya, aku merasa
materi yang diberikan mudah dipahami. Kelasnya
juga seru dengan sistem tanya jawab real case dan

Saya senang bisa mengikuti kelas
digital marketing di HMS karena
memberikan banyak pengetahuan dan
pengalaman baru untuk saya bersama
dengan mentor2 yang berpengalaman
tutor yang easy to approach. Aku jadi lebih mudah dan friendly. selain digital merketing,
Jadi semakin semangat untuk dibekali pengetahuan mental Harisenin juga memberikan kelas2
memahami dan mengkomunikasikan secara visual
berkarir di bidang digital health di dunia kerja. Buatku HMS brief & tujuan yang ingin dicapai oleh perusahaan. tambahan seperti personal branding
marketing karena ikut bootcamp is the most worth-it online Selain itu aku jadi lebih paham mengenai dan teknik presentasi. Kelas2
di HMS. bootcamp di Indonesia. bagaimana membangun marketing funnel sehingga tambahan tersebut sangat memotivasi
mampu memaksimalkan strategi.
dan mempersiapkan saya dengan
lebih baik untuk masuk ke dunia kerja.

Syafira Audianty Aisyah Moulini Bryan Susanto

Social Media Specialist FMCG Marketplace Creative Marketing Lead Nindya Yohana
PPM School of Management
About the Program
Digital Marketer 16x Rp7 – 15mio
Online Class Avg. Salary for fresh graduate
Digital Marketing As a Career is booming career path for students. Digital marketing is one of
those careers that require smart way in professional life. And according to a report digital
marketing is expected to create 2.5 lakh jobs by 2016.
The Digital marketing industry is both rapidly-moving and incredibly competitive. Digital
Marketing is a job where every day is different for you. This industry requires passion and a
desire to succeed. As demand for digital marketing has grown, so has the number of specialist
digital jobs require in companies and agencies.
Choose between Full Course program that provides you material & final project or Guarantee
Program that provides material, final project, career coaching & job connect to our hiring

Career Option:

Digital Marketer Content Marketer Social media Paid Marketer SEO Specialist
Introduction to Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing 360

Content Marketing

Program Content Strategy, creation & distribution

Social Media Marketing – Part 1


Curriculum Social Media Planning and Growth Hacks

Social Media Marketing – Part 1


Rockstar Analytics and Social media Channel

Digital Marketer Performance Marketing


Measuring Performance with Analytics

Online Advertisement

Social media ads, Google Ads, Email Ads

Program Curriculum
Rockstar Digital Marketer
Value Proposition Personal Branding

Create Value Proposition & USP Personal branding, CV & Interview Hacks

SEO – Part 1 Personal Finance Management

Google search engine result page How to achieve Financial Freedom

SEO – Part 2 Presentation / Public Speaking Class

Keyword research, analysis, performance Learn to speak confidently from our expert

10 15
Soft Skill Development – Part I Mental Health

Analytical thinking, research skill, etc Mental Health Management in the Workplace

11 16
Soft Skill Development – Part II Final Project & Assignment Presentation

Communication, stress management, etc Preparation to get your dream job

Our Mentors.
From industry experts that having more than 5 years experiences.

Dyo Fathurahman Septi Riyani M Merza Z Andipa

CMO at SEO Specialist at IDN Times Program Manager at Binar Academy

Sudah berkecimpung di dunia HR enthusiast yang

Telah bekerja di bidang digital
Sales & Marketing selama 11 berpengalaman di bidang
marketing pada 5 tahun terakhir.
tahun. Dyo Rahman pernah pengembangan SDM dan
Septi berpengalaman dalam
menjadi Senior Sales Specialist di teknologi. Pernah menjadi Head
mengerjakan SEO berbagai
Cashbac by Sinar Mas Group dan of HR Flock Creative Network dan
startup besar seperti Lazada dan
juga Digital Sales & Consultant Digital Learning Product Manager
Manager Zomato. Alterra.

And many more

Our Corporate Partner
Are you ready to be Capable,
Reliable, & Remarkable?
+62 812 2175 4337 (Revina)

Email: harisenincom

Office: harisenincom
Conclave Simatupang, Cilandak
Jakarta Selatan /

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