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Final Reflection and Action

Think about these questions and complete the form.

- How am I developing as a language teacher?
- What are my strengths and weaknesses at present?
- How can I improve my teaching?
- How can I help my students?
- What satisfaction does language teaching give me?

Overall Reflection

During the last 2 terms, the courses that I’m studying at university are proving to
be a lot more challenging than before, and I personally like challenges since you
always come out of them with more competence than before, and this process
creates a great deal of growth in me as a teacher, and I’m achieving a new level
of mastery in terms of teaching English as a foreign language.

I have heard from friends and peers that my utterance is very close to native
speakers, and I’ve had conversations online with native speakers who did not
notice that I was not a native speaker, therefore I believe that is my strength. As
for my weakness, a lot of times I speak a bit too fast and some people find it hard
to understand everything I say.

I can improve my teaching by studying more about the art of teaching and also
gaining more practical experience in the classroom, and presently observe the
professors at our universities and notice how they manage their classes and

I can help my students by being the best teacher I possibly can be, and also
provide them with a tailored and personalised learning experience that best
matches their needs and wants.

Future Actions

I believe that I’m on the right path, therefore I’m going to continue honing my
teaching skills, read more teaching-related books, and perhaps in the future sign
up for extra teaching courses such as CELTA.
Mehdi Naderi, Jan 22, 2023

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