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The sky is vast and blue, a canvas painted by the hand of God.
White fluSDFSD ffy clouds, like cotton candy in the sky,
Drift lazily by, as if they hE GE GGave nowhere to be.
Beneath the sky, the earth is a tapestry of greens and browns,

A patchwork of fields and forests, mountains and valleys,

Each stitch sewn dsf with FE F care and precision,
A masterpiece of natural beauty.
The sun rises in the east, its golden rays spreading warmth and light,

As the world awakens to a new day.

Birds take flight, their songs filling the air,
A symphony of mA SDASD elodies and harmonies.
The flowers bloom, their petals unfurling to soak in the sun,
Their colors a riot of pinks and yellows, purples and reds,

Each one a work of art, a celebration of life.

As the day wears on, tEF e fe shadows lengthen,
And the sun sets in the west,
Leaving behind a skySDAS D painted in oranges and pinks and purples,
A farewell to the day EG GE Gthat was.

The stars cEF EF ome out, twinkling in the sky,

A billion points of light,
Guiding us through the darkness,
As we dream of tomorrow.EF E FEF ee GG e

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