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Gynecomastia: Surgery, Treatment, Causes, And Symptoms

Gynecomastia is a frequent disorder that affects both men and boys. It

causes the breasts to expand and enlarge abnormally. Males and females
both have breast glands, but male breasts are less visible. Breast gland
enlargement can afflict men of all ages, including babies, adolescents,
and the elderly. Gynecomastia is caused by extra breast tissue rather
than fat. Exercising or losing weight will not cause gynecomastia breast
tissue to decrease. Gynecomastia usually resolves on its own within 6
months to 2-3 years. However, if an underlying condition exists, it may
necessitate treatment. Keep reading to learn more.

What is Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is the medical term for the swelling of male breast tissues.
Gynecomastia is a male-specific disorder caused by hormonal
imbalance. This medical condition can affect either or both breasts

The breasts of men or boys become larger, either evenly or unevenly,

due to overdevelopment or enlargement of the breast tissues in this

Causes Of Gynecomastia
The disorder of enlarged breasts in men is caused by an imbalance of
their sex hormones estrogen and testosterone. Typically, testosterone
levels are higher in men and estrogen levels are lower. In women,
testosterone levels are typically lower and estrogen levels are higher.
Gynecomastia occurs when the effects of testosterone are blocked or its
level is reduced in comparison to estrogen. Several factors may be to
blame for your dissatisfaction. They are mentioned below;

1. Male Body's Natural Hormonal Changes

Gynecomastia can be caused by natural variations in hormone levels.
Both estrogen and testosterone, which are hormones, define sex
characteristics in males and women. As estrogen is a feminine hormone,
a natural increase in estrogen levels in men appears to be a cause of
breast growth.

2. Medicines
Several drugs, including those listed below, can also induce
a. Cancer therapy drugs
b. Anti-AIDS drugs
c. Cardiovascular medicines
d. Anti-ulcer drugs
e. Anxiety medicines
f. Antidepressant medication
g. Anabolic steroids and estrogens utilized for muscle growth and
performance enhancement
h. Antibiotics
i. Anti-diarrheal meds
j. Recreational drugs such as heroin, methadone, steroids, and so on.
3. Alcohol and illegal drugs

Gynecomastia can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

a. Alcohol
b. Heroin
c. Marijuana
d. Methadone
e. Amphetamines used to treat hyperactivity or attention deficit problem

4. Medical Conditions
The following are some medical problems that might produce enlarged
breasts in men:
Some tumors, particularly those involving the adrenal glands, pituitary
glands, and testes, might cause male-female hormone balance.
b. Hypogonadism is another condition in which testosterone levels are
disrupted due to pituitary insufficiency or Klinefelter syndrome.
c. In another kind of Hyperthyroidism, excessive thyroxine production
by the thyroid gland might result in a hormonal imbalance.

What are the symptoms and indicators of Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia symptoms can include any of the following combinations:

1. Breast gland tissue swelling and discomfort in one or both breasts
2. Uneven lumps around the nipples of a person
3. Male breast pain in adolescence
4. Nipple sensitivity when rubbed against a material of any kind
5. Breast discharge from either one or both breasts

How is Gynecomastia diagnosed?

Gynecomastia must be diagnosed by a physical examination by a doctor.

To help determine the cause of your medical issue, a doctor or
healthcare practitioner will ask you about your medical, family, and drug
history. In addition, physical examination exams may include:

a. Hormone level blood tests

b. X-ray or low dosage mammography
c. Urine tests d. Biopsy (breast tissue sample)
e. Computerized tomography (CT) scans
f. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scans
g. Ultrasounds of the testicles

What is the cure for Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia treatment is rarely required for most males. However,

because of the causes stated in this page, you may need to be treated.
If your meds are causing Gynecomastia, your doctor may advise you to
switch to a different medication. The main cause of gynecomastia in
adolescents is natural hormonal changes during puberty. Your doctor's
prescription would be to have frequent re-evaluations every three to six
months to evaluate if the condition improves on its own. It has also been
observed that Gynecomastia in teens commonly resolves without
treatment in less than two years. If gynecomastia causes substantial pain,
soreness, or humiliation, or if it does not improve on its own, we
prescribe treatment or surgery.

Medications for the treatment of gynecomastia

No medical treatment has been proven to be completely beneficial.

Surgery for the treatment of Gynecomastia

If the medications don’t work for you, your doctor may advise surgery
or a gynecomastia operation in case your enlarged breasts are significant
and bothersome. The two options for gynecomastia surgery that may be
recommended by your doctor are:

1. Liposuction
Liposuction, often known as liposuction, is a type of fat-removal
treatment performed in plastic surgery. Liposuction is a male
gynecomastia operation that eliminates only the breast fat and not the
breast gland tissue itself.

2. Mastectomy
A mastectomy is a surgical procedure that removes breast gland tissue.
Male gynecomastia surgery is only indicated when puberty is complete
since there is a risk of breast tissue regeneration if the procedure is
carried out before puberty is complete. The scope of surgery is
determined by the severity of the enlarged breast and the presence of
excess fatty tissue.

Men who have gynecomastia may experience anxiety and discomfort.
This medical condition can be both stressful and embarrassing. If you
are concerned about your breast size due to an underlying medical
condition, we urge that you consult a doctor for an appropriate diagnosis
and treatment.

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