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Gökçe Özel, PET vocab 5 key | March 2020

PET vocab 5 key

Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

data appointment equipment destination

subject instructions invent connection
departure pronunciation argue exhibition
connect ache production mention

1. I want to connect Wi-Fi, but I think there is no connection.

2. There has to be good internet connection if you want to teach online.

3. We keep company’s data safe.

4. Do we need any special equipment for pilates?

5. Alan Turing invented the first computer during World War II.

6. You need to follow the instructions that are written on the box.

7. I really want to go to the art exhibition.

8. What is your favorite subject in Math?

9. Companies should stop production immediately.

10. I have stomach ache.

11. Can you remind me my appointment?

12. Why do you argue with your husband?

13. I want to mention another detail.

14. She improved her pronunciation very well.

15. The departure of the plane will be delayed.

16. There is no exact destination. We will just go wherever we want.

Gökçe Özel, PET vocab 5 key | March 2020

data (n) = veri

subject (n) = konu
departure (n) = kalkış
connect (v) = bağla(n)mak
appointment (n) = randevu
instructions (n) = talimatlar
pronunciation (n) = telaffuz, söyleyiş
ache (n) = ağrı
invent (v)= icat etmek
equipment (n) = ekipman
argue (v) = tartışmak
production (n) = üretim
destination (n) = gidilecek yer
connection (n) = bağlantı
exhibition (n) = sergi
mention (v) = bahsetmek

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