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Area on Connection Challenge Concept Changes

Teaching and
Instructional As part of the The challenges Instructional The availability of the
Materials classroom that most material instructional
instructional encountered in should be materials in the
material, I’ve the instructional appropriate to school. Everyone
realized during material as I the discussion should be provided
our observation observed was and also with books as
that there is a the visual aid of consider the everyone is learning
need to use some teachers minimal independently. 
material that is are not visible usage of the
appropriate to to every material. 
the topic a student. The
teacher should font size is too
discuss. Also the little that results
instructional as not clear on
materials used the students on
were simple and the last seats.
pleasing to the Also there are
eyes for the not enough
learners.  textbooks in the

Classroom I realized that in Not every In the

Management order to have a learner is easy classroom
well managed to follow there are
classroom, a instructions and students who
teacher must not all learners are disruptive
have a power are as good as and hard to
beyond itself. A the others. control,
teacher who is in There are somehow as
the middle of learners that part of our
being strict and are hard to professional
being nice please and courses, there
towards his/her hardheaded is a way on
learner manages ones that how to handle
the classroom whatever the this kind of
well, in fact there teachers students, it
is a little issue in instruct, they may be
terms of how the will just ignore through
classroom runs it.  talking to
during a those certain
discussion.  students in a
nice tone of
has its way on
how to
manage a

Preparatory The preparatory Not everyone in That an

Activities activity must be the class preparatory
captivating to the participated in activities
students. I the discussion, should be
observed that especially interesting as
when the first those who do at this level
teacher's activity not love the serves as the
is fun, the subject beginning
students mathematics.  points of
participation in students
the whole learning in the
duration of discussion. 
discussion rises.
So the activity at
first should
arouse the
interest of the According to Lewis,
learners. Tom, August 2005,
Teaching Children
Developmental Developmental The challenge The teachers Mathematics that the
Activities activity should in this area of upon classroom should be
be in line with teaching as in presenting the provided with
the discussion the teachers lesson must engaging activities
the teacher had. point of view is be prepared for improving their
I had realized proceeding in on the topic computational
that giving the activity she/he is fluency, making
activities should even if not teaching, one effective use of time,
not be too many everyone or should know and as a medium of
or many items, there’s how to self motivation.
5-8 activities is someone who discuss the
enough for the does not topic in a way
students to understand the that the
assess their topic clearly. students will
learnings However as the understand.
throughout the activity runs,
discussion.  the  challenge
will go right,
Synthesizing I realized that Not everyone The use of
Activities learning and or not all teaching
discussion must students strategies
be considered in realized the were present.
this learning importance of Teachers
area.  the activity.  must have a
approach as
to how he/she
delivered the

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