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.The laughter was cheerful.

It was also infectious

It began as a silent chuckle,then slowly it turend into a
mirthful but stilted giggle.Now ,it had finaly transformed
.into a full-fledged chortle.I stopped awhile to listen
MY plan was not to evavesdrop .God forbid that I should
be that kind of mother who surreptitiously listend on
.her childrens private conversations
But there was something about the lauther that was
.compelling and arresting
Bint,My five-year-old daughter,appeared to be the
narrative voice.She was telling her two sisters the story
of her classroom encounter with their meddlesome
.Social studies teacher the previous week
The narration was so vivid you could actually visualize
what transpired.The teacher believed he knew a little bit
about every subject under the sun,especially French
which most of the students found strange .Bint herself
.was new in the school

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