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According to the author each leader has to identify his True North, the internal compass
that guides to success. This True North is based on what is most important to you, your
most cherished values, your passions and motivations, the sources of satisfaction in your
life. Discovering your True North and aligning it with your “real me” it will make your
leadership authentic.
“The most important thing about leadership is your character and the values that guide
your life.” Brenda Barnes.

The leadership crisis.

Part One.
Leadership is a Journey.
In this paragraph the author compares leadership to a journey, to achieve authenticity
in leadership style and to stay true to your True North you have to understand your life
story and feel passionate about it.

The Journey to authentic Leadership.

“Leadership is a journey, not a destination”
“It is a marathon, not a sprint”
“It is a process, not an outcome”.
In this paragraph the author narrates the life story of Schultz, the founder of Starbucks.
With the objective of creating a fully humane company and with the best social benefits
to counteract the feeling of seeing his father fired after suffering a work accident, he led
Starbucks and was able to make this company the first American company to provide
access to social security and provide his employees with flexible hours, everything his
father couldn't have. A clear example of what a life story can motivate you to do and
achieve without ever forgetting where you come from and what your principles are.
He began his career towards his dream in the sports world but quickly switched to the
business world until he found Starbuck Coffee which he decided to buy and implement
his goals and vision. He never knew the importance of his father until he passed away,
after which he knew that all his success was thanks to his father's failure.

Your Life Story Defines Your Leadership.

Authentic leaders are inspired by their life stories and these life stories guide them to
find their True North. No person is born a leader, there is no single model of leader that
must be followed. A good leader is one who was inspired by his life story to be able to
make it a path to follow.

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