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Research Article

Examining the Role of Physical Activity on

Word Learning in School-Aged Children
Madison Pruitta and Giovanna Morinia

Purpose: Previous studies show that there is increased (i.e., swimming in Experiment 1) or anaerobic exercise (i.e., a
brain activity after exercise, leading to improved word recall CrossFit-like workout in Experiment 2).
in adults. The aim of this study was to examine whether Results: In Experiment 1, accuracy of word recognition was
different types of exercise (i.e., aerobic vs. anaerobic) may significantly higher for words that were trained in the aerobic
also lead to improved performance during vocabulary learning exercise compared to the resting condition. In Experiment 2,
in children. there was no significant difference in performance between
Method: A total of 48 participants (24 in Experiment 1 and the anaerobic exercise and resting conditions.
24 in Experiment 2) between the ages of 6 and 12 years Conclusions: These findings suggest that previously identified
completed a word learning task. Training of words took place benefits of exercise on language abilities in adults also extend
in a resting and in an exercise condition using a within-subject to school-aged children. However, not all types of physical
design. In the resting measure, children were taught names activity lead to this boost in performance, as only aerobic
of novel objects and then colored for 3 min before being (but not anaerobic) exercise improved children’s ability to
tested on their ability to recognize the words. In the exercise acquire new word–object relations.
condition, the same steps were followed, but instead of Supplemental Material:
coloring, children engaged in 3 min of either aerobic exercise 14462187

n order to be proficient communicators, children Previous research with adults has explored the idea
must rapidly and constantly learn words to inter- that exercise might facilitate word learning (Miles & Hardman,
act with the world around them. Word learning may 1998; Schmidt-Kassow et al., 2010, 2013). Specifically, the data
initially be associated with infants and toddlers due to the suggest that, when completing tasks where participants are
rapid vocabulary development that takes place early in asked to memorize and later recall novel words, performance
life. However, even older children are constantly exposed improves (i.e., the ability to recognize newly acquired words
to and engaged in learning new words (Gaskell & Ellis, is higher) when the encoding/learning phase involves physical
2009). The acquisition of new words facilitates interac- activity (e.g., walking or bicycling) compared to when learn-
tions with objects and people in everyday life and is par- ing takes place in a physically passive (no exercise) condition
ticularly important in school-aged children. Learning (Schmidt-Kassow et al., 2010, 2013). Considering physical
new vocabulary is crucial during this period to promote activity as a way of “boosting” vocabulary acquisition is im-
phonological awareness, decoding skills, social commu- portant given that it is an element that can easily be incorpo-
nication, and reading (Duff et al., 2015; Verhoeven et al., rated into activities targeting word learning. However, this
2011). With this in mind, it is important to identify topic has not been widely examined in children, so it is un-
which factors may facilitate vocabulary growth during clear whether or not the same relations between exercise and
the school-age years. Furthermore, this information can performance on language tasks that have been identified
advise clinical practices for children with word learning with adults extend to this younger population. In the sections
difficulties. that follow, we will (a) summarize existing work on the
effects of exercise on cognition, (b) discuss previously re-
ported findings regarding variations in physiological re-
Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders, University of sponses across different types of exercise, (c) outline some of
Delaware, Newark the main connections between cognitive skills and vocabu-
Correspondence to Giovanna Morini: lary learning, and (d) provide information on previous data
Editor-in-Chief: Stephen M. Camarata connecting exercise to learning in the language domain. Fur-
Editor: Filip Smolík thermore, we will present findings from two experiments
Received June 24, 2020
Revision received December 1, 2020
Accepted January 28, 2021 Disclosure: The authors have declared that no competing interests existed at the time of publication.

1712 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 64 • 1712–1725 • May 2021 • Copyright © 2021 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
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examining the relation between exercise and word learning during tasks that are cognitively demanding (Audiffren
in school-aged children. et al., 2008; McMorris & Graydon, 2000).

Exercise and Its Influence on Cognition Variations Across Different Types of Exercise
and Learning Previous work has also explored the characteristics
Over the years, there has been considerable work sug- of various types of physical activity and whether they may
gesting that exercise can improve general cognitive processes be linked to different effects when it comes to cognitive
in a variety of ways (Tomporowski, 2003; Tomporowski performance. There are two types of exercise: aerobic and
et al., 2008; Verburgh et al., 2014). Specifically, physical anaerobic. Aerobic exercise is defined as cardiorespiratory
activity has been linked to improvements in executive func- repetitive physical activity that increases the heart rate by
tion skills (Chang et al., 2012), as well as enhanced per- using oxygen (Hasan et al., 2016). This type of exercise can
formance during memory tasks that require individuals to be done for a long time and is used to improve overall car-
encode and consolidate newly acquired information (Roig diovascular health (e.g., swimming, walking, bicycling). An-
et al., 2013, 2016). aerobic exercise, on the other hand, is defined as vigorous
Findings linking physical activity with enhanced cog- physical activity that occurs in short bursts and is often fast.
nitive performance have come from studies with young As a result, this type of exercise can be done without relying
children (Álvarez-Bueno et al., 2017; Hillman et al., 2011; on oxygen as its energy source (Patel et al., 2017) and re-
Singh et al., 2019), adolescents (Mavilidi et al., 2018; Zervas quires rest periods due to the high intensity (e.g., weight lift-
et al., 1991), and adults (Stroth et al., 2010) and have been ing, calisthenics, sprinting, CrossFit).
extended all the way to older adulthood (Bherer et al., 2013; Correlational studies and experimental randomized
Paillard, 2015). Additionally, studies have shown improved controlled trials with both children and adults suggest that
cognitive performance when participants engaged in exercise aerobic activity is linked to improvements in attention,
during the learning phase (Mavilidi et al., 2016), as well as problem-solving, and executive function (Fedewa & Ahn,
when the physical activity was completed before or after the 2011; Hillman et al., 2009; Loprinzi et al., 2018; Tomporowski,
memory encoding task (Coles & Tomporowski, 2008; Frith 2003). For example, in preadolescent children, a single bout
et al., 2017; Hotting et al., 2016; Labban & Etnier, 2011; of moderate aerobic exercise (i.e., walking on the treadmill
Loprinzi et al., 2019; Sng et al., 2018). Together, these find- for 20 min) led to (a) an increase in neural responses that
ings suggest that the effect of exercise on cognition is robust have been linked to enhanced allocation of attentional re-
and persists across the life span. sources, (b) improved scores on academic achievement mea-
A widely accepted account is that the cognitive per- sures, and (c) higher response accuracy during an executive
formance that is captured through behavioral responses function (flanker) task relative to when no exercise was per-
(during memory, inhibition, decision-making, and other cog- formed (Hillman et al., 2009). Additionally, a meta-analysis
nitive tasks) is mediated by changes at the neural level that by Fedewa and Ahn (2011) found that aerobic exercise
result from engaging in physical activity. In fact, there are interventions resulted in significant improvements in total
many changes that occur in the brain during exercise. Using academic achievement in school-aged children (e.g., grade
animal models, Vaynman et al. (2003) found that physical point average, IQ, math achievement, reading achieve-
exercise promotes (a) the development of new blood vessels, ment, science achievement, and English/language art
(b) the formation of new synapses between neurons, and achievement).
(c) the formation of new neurons in the gyrus dentatus and Furthermore, Davranche and Audiffren (2004) ex-
hippocampus (two structures that are largely dedicated to amined the impact of exercise on reaction time and accu-
memory and learning). Other studies (a combination of an- racy measures. Experienced athletes between the ages of 20
imal models and work with human adults) indicate that and 25 years were asked to perform a choice reaction time
physiological changes from exercise include greater blood task where they operated two levers with their hands and
flow in the brain (leading to changes in the release of neuro- had to press them as quickly and accurately as possible in
transmitters), changes in arousal levels, and changes in response to a visual stimulus that indicated which lever to
the structure of the central nervous system (Cotman & move (e.g., flexing or stretching of the right or left lever).
Berchtold, 2002; Gligoroska & Manchevska, 2012; Szuhany The task was completed (a) at rest, (b) while cycling at 20%
et al., 2015). The increase in blood flow has been linked to of their maximal aerobic capacity, and (c) while cycling at
greater supply of “nutrients.” One of the most crucial com- 50% of their maximal aerobic capacity. The results indicated
ponents correlated to learning after exercise is brain-derived that the moderate-intensity exercise (i.e., the 50% condition)
neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which is a type of molecule improved cognitive performance the most, with the fastest
used for learning and memory (Gligoroska & Manchevska, reaction times. However, there was no significant difference
2012; Huang et al., 2014). Exercise increases BDNF pro- in performance during the low-intensity exercise (i.e., the
duction in the brain, specifically in the hippocampus, which 20% condition) and the rest measure. These results support
facilitates learning (Vaynman et al., 2003). In other words, the relation between exercise and improved cognitive per-
engaging in physical activity promotes neurological and formance but also suggest that exercise intensity might be
physiological arousal and supports optimal performance a contributing factor in this relation.

Pruitt & Morini: Exercise and Word Learning 1713

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Studies that examine the role of anaerobic exercise concept and can be used (with some flexibility) to refer to
on cognitive abilities tell a story that is less clear. While that concept in different contexts (Stager & Werker, 1997;
some have shown that high-intensity anaerobic exercise Werker et al., 1998, 2002). Additionally, word learning is
may lead to greater cognitive benefits than aerobic exercise believed to take place in steps: first creating the initial word–
in young adults (Ferris et al., 2007), several studies (with object connection (through a process called fast mapping)
both children and adults) that used anaerobic exercise as and then solidifying the information learned so that it can
part of an intervention did not find significant cognitive be retrieved later on (Samuelson & McMurray, 2017). Fast
benefits associated with it (Chang et al., 2012; Lambourne mapping has been defined as the ability to acquire some
& Tomporowski, 2010). Wilke et al. (2019) argue that, while notion of a word’s meaning, given brief exposure, and is a
resistance training (i.e., anaerobic exercise) may be associ- necessary step for word learning to take place (Heibeck &
ated with some improvements in cognitive function, this Markman, 1987). Moreover, it relies on specific cognitive
type of exercise does not appear to result in as much cog- abilities, such as working memory to encode new informa-
nitive benefits as engaging in aerobic exercise. A meta- tion (Gray, 2006; Jackson et al., 2016).
analysis conducted by Chang et al. (2012) indicated that In real-world situations, children regularly encounter
engaging in anaerobic exercise might actually result in nega- many familiar and unfamiliar words that they might or might
tive effects during cognitive tasks. Additionally, Lambourne not know the meaning of (a concept that has been referred
and Tomporowski (2010) stated that performance during to as referential ambiguity; Samuelson & McMurray, 2017).
information-processing tasks (e.g., simple-choice tasks) im- This means that, in order to learn words, children must
proved with aerobic exercise but was negatively impacted “reject” the objects that are familiar (already-learned items)
with anaerobic exercise; this was true for studies with chil- and focus their attention on the novel word–object pairings.
dren and adults. There is evidence indicating that BDNF Furthermore, these associations must be generated and
production occurs differently, depending on the type of physi- stored relatively fast in order for vocabulary growth to
cal activity. Specifically, greater increases in BDNF levels occur at the speed that it does (i.e., children’s vocabulary
have been associated with aerobic exercise, whereas ana- increases rapidly, and it is not the case that children spend
erobic physical activity does not appear to be as effective months or even weeks learning a single word). Previous
at increasing the production of this molecule (Szuhany et al., work has suggested that children develop word learning heu-
2015). ristics to limit the number of plausible referents that can be
To summarize, this physiological model suggests that assigned to a novel word and that the process of rejecting
engaging in certain types of physical activity (aerobic exer- competitors and identifying items to be learned relies heavily
cise in particular) can lead to an increase in BDNF, which, on cognitive processes (Horst et al., 2010).
in turn, results in improved cognitive functioning and learn- Taken together, there appears to be a clear connec-
ing. One question that needs to be further explored, how- tion between broad cognitive skills and the ability to learn
ever, is whether this “improved learning” extends to the new vocabulary items. Critically, under this model, enhanc-
language domain, specifically to the acquisition of vocabu- ing cognitive performance during learning tasks (i.e., boosting
lary in young children. working memory and attention) may then lead to improve-
ments in word learning.
Relation Between Broad Cognitive Skills
and Vocabulary Learning Exercise and Vocabulary Learning
A core area of research in language science has been Learning new words has many benefits in everyday
to understand how words are learned and whether this com- life, especially for young children, which is why identifying
plex process is accomplished via specialized mechanisms ways in which to enhance vocabulary learning is of great
(within the language domain) or through more general de- importance. As discussed earlier, exercise leads to changes
velopmental mechanisms that are shared across domains. at the neural level and improvements in the cognitive
Most of the work on this topic has come from studies with domain—specifically linked to enhanced learning. One pos-
young children and has attempted to understand not only sibility is that exercise also contributes to learning during
how words are learned but also what it actually means to language tasks more specifically.
acquire new vocabulary items (Samuelson & McMurray, Previous research has primarily examined this topic
2017). with adults, and much of it has relied on tasks where par-
Theoretical insights from the past 40 years have in- ticipants were taught novel words in a foreign language
creasingly supported the notion that simple, domain-general (e.g., native speakers of German were taught translation
cognitive skills come together to support word learning equivalents in French). Schmidt-Kassow et al. (2010) found
(Aslin, 2017; McMurray et al., 2012). These skills include that bicycling for 30 min while encoding the novel word
(a) the ability to establish connections between specific pairs (e.g., a novel word in French paired with its correspond-
sound patterns (which make up the word) and a concrete ing familiar meaning in German) was associated with better
referent (the meaning) as well as (b) the ability to acquire learning of the words compared to a baseline (no exercise)
word–referent relations that are more symbolic and that condition. In this case, “learning” was evaluated through a
lead to the understanding that a label stands for a particular vocabulary test in which participants were provided with

1714 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 64 • 1712–1725 • May 2021
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the French words they were trained on and were asked to was carried out prior to being asked to memorize the words).
provide the German translation. Similar findings have been Data from this work indicated that learning of the words
reported in a study where Polish–German word pairs were was significantly better for children in the exercise condition,
trained (Schmidt-Kassow et al., 2013), as well as in a study compared to the control group. Nevertheless, this study
with Chinese–English second-language learners who were really provides information about the role of exercise on
trained on picture–name pairs in English (Liu et al., 2017). memory performance, but not children’s ability to establish
In the latter study, instead of providing pairs of words, par- novel word–object relations. In other words, during this
ticipants were shown a picture and taught a word that cor- task, children had to retain a list of words, but they were
responded to that picture. Similarly though, the ability to not tested on whether they could encode and recall the
recall the words that corresponded to the pictures was better meaning of those words.
when the encoding of the words took place while bicycling In another study by Toumpaniari et al. (2015), 4-year-
compared to a no-exercise condition. old native speakers of Greek were taught novel words of
Other studies with adults have explored whether (a) the animals in English using flash cards. Training was conducted
type of exercise (aerobic, anaerobic, none) or (b) the timing using three experimental conditions: (a) physical activity
of the exercise (e.g., before or after exposure to new words) (acting out the movements of the animals and moving around
plays a role in vocabulary learning. For example, Salis the room) plus gesturing, (b) just gesturing (with no move-
(2013) found that engaging in vigorous physical activity ment around the room), and (c) no movement at all. When
(i.e., anaerobic exercise) before and after word training participants were asked to produce the English words that
(using flash cards that contained a word on one side and were trained, accuracy was highest for the “physical activity
the definition on the other) resulted in improved word re- plus gesturing” condition. However, this study involved a
call. Schmidt-Kassow et al. (2014), on the other hand, mea- long training period (4 weeks) and did not evaluate word
sured BDNF levels during learning of Polish–German word learning in the children’s native language. Lastly, a more
pairs while engaging in low-intensity exercise (i.e., aerobic) recent study examined the ability of participants of differ-
and during a rest condition. Their results indicated that light ent ages (including a group of 12-year-olds) to learn pseudo-
exercise during the training of the word pairs was more words that corresponded to a German word (Amico &
beneficial for word recall than training during rest. Lastly, Schaefer, 2020). Participants saw one word pair at a time
Winter et al. (2007) examined the relation between exercise, on a screen while standing still. The word pair then disap-
cognitive abilities, and associative word learning. Partici- peared, and this was immediately followed by a period of
pants saw a picture of an object and heard a corresponding 7 s in which participants either engaged in exercise (there
pseudoword. They were later presented with word–object was a “running” group and a “running plus dribbling a
pairings (some correct and some incorrect) and were asked basketball” group) or did not (“standing” group). This pro-
to judge whether or not the pairing was accurate. Training cedure was repeated for each of the word pairs until all had
was completed in three different conditions: (a) rest, (b) high- been seen. Children could recall more words when they
impact anaerobic sprints, and (c) low-impact aerobic running. were trained in the running condition compared to the stand-
After the high-impact anaerobic sprints, vocabulary was ing condition. Results were mixed when comparing accuracy
learned 20% faster compared to the other two conditions; to the running and dribbling condition, and given that the
this was based on the increase of correct responses from physical activity only took place for an extremely short time,
the earlier to the later blocks of the experiment (i.e., the it is unclear whether aerobic or anaerobic systems were en-
number of blocks required for participants to acquire the gaged. While there is limited evidence linking physical activity
word–object pairing). to improvements in word learning in children, additional re-
Taken together, the previous literature with adults search is needed to (a) confirm prior findings and (b) extend
supports the idea that physical activity can facilitate learning this work to examine whether different types of exercise might
of vocabulary items. However, this work is not very consis- lead to better word learning outcomes in this population.
tent with regard to whether aerobic or anaerobic exercise
leads to better word learning. Furthermore, the fact that this
area has primarily been explored with adult participants
limits our ability to determine whether or not similar effects Experiment 1
would be present in young children. As a first step, we examined whether aerobic exercise
To our knowledge, only three studies have previously (swimming in this case) can facilitate word learning in
explored the role of exercise on word learning in children. school-aged children. To evaluate this, we used a within-
Etnier et al. (2014) gave sixth graders an auditory verbal subject design in which participants were asked to com-
learning task, during which participants heard lists of words plete a novel word learning task in two different conditions:
that were read to them. After listening to the lists, children (a) an exercise condition, in which participants swam for
were asked to write down as many words from the list as a predetermined time in between receiving training of the
they could remember. Participants were randomly assigned novel words and being tested on their ability to recognize
either to an exercise condition (which involved engaging in the objects that corresponded to those words, and (b) a rest
aerobic exercise prior to completing the word learning task) condition, in which children completed a coloring sheet in
or to a no-treatment control condition (where no exercise between training and testing of the words but did not engage

Pruitt & Morini: Exercise and Word Learning 1715

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in any physical activity. The ability to correctly identify the embedded in the same carrier phrase (e.g., “This is a toopah!
objects corresponding to the novel words across conditions This is a toopah! This is a toopah!”). See Supplemental Ma-
was evaluated. We also included a fast mapping premea- terial S1 for the list of nonword stimuli. The researcher re-
sure to ensure that participants could successfully establish peated the training for each object two more times, for a
word–object relations using the particular paradigm that we total of 3 times (i.e., nine repetitions per word–object pair).
implemented for the experimental conditions. Additional in- Participants were simply asked to listen attentively. Imme-
formation on these various measures is provided in the sec- diately after the training phase (without any delay), partici-
tions that follow. pants were tested on their ability to recognize these word–
object relations. To do this, the researcher produced the
trained words (one by one) and asked participants to point
Method to the correct object on a single sheet containing a five-object
Participants lineup (see Figure 1). A total of five test trials (one per ob-
A total of 24 participants between the ages of 6 and ject) were included. To ensure reliability, two researchers
12 years completed the study. Detailed descriptive informa- participated in live coding and scored the number of correct
tion is presented in Table 1. Participants were raised in items identified. Comparisons of scores across coders indi-
monolingual English-speaking homes and, based on paren- cated that there was 100% agreement between coders.
tal report, had not been diagnosed with any disabilities. On the second testing session, participants completed
Three of the participants had received speech-language ther- two retention measures: one in the rest condition and one
apy when they were younger; however, none of the children in the exercise condition. The order in which the two condi-
were currently receiving services. Participants were recruited tions were completed was counterbalanced across participants
from various swim teams within the state of Delaware. As (i.e., half of the children completed the rest condition first,
part of the inclusionary criteria, participants had to be able whereas the other half completed the exercise condition first).
to swim for three consecutive minutes unassisted. All but three In between the two measures, there was a 2.5-min delay. This
participants indicated that they also participated in another time period was based on the average time it takes to bring
sport in addition to swimming, including ice hockey, gymnas- down the heart rate and “recover” after high-intensity ex-
tics, soccer, karate, motocross, flag football, running, base- ercise (Martinmäki & Rusko, 2007; Ohuchi et al., 2000).
ball, basketball, and golf. In the rest condition, participants were once again
taught the names of five novel objects, which were differ-
ent from the ones presented during Day 1. The researcher
Procedure taught the names of the objects following the exact same
All procedures were approved by the institutional re- procedures described for the fast mapping premeasure. Im-
view board at the University of Delaware. Before any test- mediately after, participants were given a coloring sheet
ing took place, consent forms and questionnaires were filled with abstract shapes (unrelated to the novel objects from
out by caregivers, and assent was provided by the partici- the task) and had 3 min to color on it. A stopwatch was
pants. Children completed two testing sessions in their every- used by the experimenter to track time. This coloring activ-
day exercise setting (i.e., the pool they regularly attended). ity was chosen because it requires minimal physical activity
Testing sessions were completed 1–3 days apart, depending but keeps children engaged. After 3 min of coloring, the
on the participant’s attendance. researcher tested the participant using the exact same pro-
During the first testing session, participants completed cedure used for test trials in the fast mapping premeasure.
a fast mapping measure, to identify if they could connect In the exercise condition, the procedure was identical
novel words to novel objects within the particular setting to the one described above. The only difference was that,
and paradigm that were implemented (i.e., to ensure that instead of coloring for 3 min, participants were asked to
children could complete the task). To accomplish this, a re- engage in aerobic exercise (i.e., swimming) for the same
searcher taught participants five nonwords corresponding amount of time. The researcher instructed participants
to five novel objects. Participants were shown a picture of to pick a stroke of choice, which mainly consisted of free-
the novel object on a laminated sheet (one at a time) while style, breaststroke, or backstroke, and swim back and forth,
simultaneously hearing the word being produced by the re- from one end of the pool to the other at a constant pace
searcher. The name of each object was repeated 3 times (which would not lead to them being out of breath), until

Table 1. Descriptive information of participants in Experiments 1 and 2.

Variable Experiment 1 Experiment 2

Sample size, N 24 24
Gender (female), n 10 8
Age (years), M (SD) 8.96 (1.83) 9.54 (1.77)
Experience in the sport (years), M (SD) 4.13 (2.08) 3.26 (1.58)
Primary caregivers’ education (years), M (SD) 16.33 (1.93) 16.67 (1.52)

1716 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 64 • 1712–1725 • May 2021
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Figure 1. Example of an object lineup.

Data Analysis
Pointing responses provided by the participants dur-
ing test trials were analyzed for accuracy, defined as the
proportion of correct words identified across all test trials
of the same condition. Accuracy scores were then used to
(a) evaluate participants’ performance during the fast map-
ping measure (i.e., to make sure children could establish
initial word–object associations within this task) and (b) com-
pare their ability to acquire the word–object relations across
the rest and exercise retention conditions.

Results and Discussion

First, we examined children’s pointing responses dur-
ing the “fast mapping” phase to obtain a measure of how
accurately children could make associations between unfa-
miliar objects and novel words using our paradigm. As a
reminder, in this measure, there was no delay between train-
told to stop. As with the rest condition, the researcher used ing and test trials, and children were simply asked to iden-
a stopwatch to track the time and told the participants to tify the objects that they had been trained on immediately
stop at the 3-min mark. Immediately after, participants were after hearing the labels. The average proportion of correct
tested on their recognition of the trained words in the same words identified for this measure was 0.73 (SD = 0.25). This
manner as described earlier for the other measures. Object meant that, while children did not correctly connect names
lineup sheets were put in a sheet protector to make it possi- to objects in every single trial, their overall performance was
ble to test the children poolside. still very good. A one-tailed single-sample t test indicated
During all testing trials, the experimenter provided that this accuracy score was reliably above chance, t(23) =
verbal feedback after the participant gave a response. The 10.63, p < .001, Cohen’s d = 2.17.
feedback consisted of positive phrases such as “Good job!” Next, we examined children’s pointing responses during
and “Nice work!” which were produced regardless of the the two experimental conditions. As shown in Figure 2, accu-
correctness of the response. In other words, the goal was racy was higher for the exercise condition (M = 0.74, SD =
not to provide information about whether or not the child 0.24) than for the rest condition (M = 0.61, SD = 0.34). Both
was completing the task correctly but, rather, to encourage of these scores were reliably above chance: t(23) = 11.48,
participants to continue to complete the task. No feedback p < .001, Cohen’s d = 2.34, and t(23) = 6.24, p < .001,
was provided during the training phase. Cohen’s d = 1.27, respectively. Additionally, a two-tailed
paired-samples t test was used to compare mean differences
in accuracy scores across the two conditions and revealed a
Stimuli significant difference, t(23) = 2.12, p = .04, Cohen’s d = 0.43.
A total of 15 nonwords were generated for the pur- Taken together, these findings suggest that children’s ability
pose of this study. All nonwords were two syllables long to acquire novel words improved by 13% when participants
and followed English phonotactic rules (e.g., toopah, gachoo). engaged in aerobic exercise between training and testing,
Words were produced live by the experimenter who was a compared to the rest condition.
female native speaker of American English. In addition to Given that a wide age range was included in this study,
the words, we selected three sets of five novel objects. These we also wanted to test whether the age of the participant was
objects were chosen to ensure that children participating in related to performance on the task. Our data indicated
this study would not have a preexisting label for the objects. that there was no significant relation between the age of
All objects within a set were of similar sizes and made from the participant and the average proportion of correct words
a similar material (e.g., all made of plastic). The same five identified during the rest condition (r = .21, p = .32) or the
colors were represented in each set (one color per object). exercise condition (r = .01, p = .95).
Pictures of all objects were presented in a white background. The goal of this experiment was to examine whether
Each object lineup consisted of five pictures. Each aerobic exercise can lead to improved word learning in
participant saw a total of three object lineups (one for the school-aged children. Our data suggest that incorporating
fast mapping premeasure, one for the rest experimental con- this type of exercise into a vocabulary training protocol
dition, and one for the exercise experimental condition). can boost learning of novel words. Specifically, we found
The location in which the individual objects appeared in that introducing a brief period of aerobic physical activity
the lineup, the nonword label that was assigned to each ob- (immediately after training children on the word–object
ject, and which object set was matched with which condi- relations) led to a significant increase in accuracy when
tions were all counterbalanced across participants. children were later asked to identify the trained words.

Pruitt & Morini: Exercise and Word Learning 1717

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Figure 2. Proportion of words correctly identified across the two retention conditions during Experiment 1. The darker
lines indicate that there were multiple data points that overlapped.

As a comparison, in the rest condition (which included In this study, swimming was used as the form of aer-
the same delay between training and testing), children’s obic exercise because testing participants in swim schools
accuracy during the task was above chance but still sig- provided a familiar environment that was also convenient
nificantly lower compared to the condition that involved for children and their families. There are underlying changes
swimming. These results align with previous findings ob- that take place at the neural level during different kinds of
tained in studies with adults (Schmidt-Kassow et al., 2010, aerobic physical activity (Vaynman et al., 2003), which are
2013) and support the idea that the previously reported ben- thought to contribute to improved performance in cognitive
efits of aerobic exercise on word learning extend down to and linguistic tasks. With this in mind, it is likely that the
children. benefits observed during our study (with swimming) would
It is also worth noting that the pattern of performance extend to other forms of aerobic exercise (e.g., walking). This
observed in this experiment supports the model of word is important, because walking down a hallway or around a
learning discussed in the introduction. Specifically, the fast playground is something that could be easily implemented
mapping measure would be the easiest, since there was no during vocabulary learning in schools and clinics. Further-
delay and children were simply required to create an initial more, in this study, we found benefits that were associated
word–object relation and recall it immediately after it was with a very brief period of physical activity (3 min), which
trained. The exercise and rest conditions would be harder also adds to the feasibility of adding an exercise component
since there was a delay between training and testing. How- during vocabulary training without major disruptions to
ever, in the case of the exercise condition, swimming likely lesson plans or clinic procedures.
enhanced cognitive skills during the learning process (i.e., While findings from this first experiment are encour-
improving working memory and attention). This led to per- aging, it is important to understand whether or not differ-
formance being boosted to result in similar accuracy to the ent types of exercise (i.e., aerobic vs. anaerobic) might lead
one observed in the easier (fast mapping) measure. to similar benefits in children’s vocabulary learning. Previous

1718 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 64 • 1712–1725 • May 2021
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findings with adults indicate that there is conflicting evi- Procedure

dence regarding the role that anaerobic exercise might play
All procedures were approved by the institutional re-
on performance during language tasks. To our knowledge,
view board at the University of Delaware. As in the previous
there are no published studies with children that evaluate
experiment, children completed two testing sessions in an en-
how more vigorous physical activity (which is centered on
vironment that was familiar to them and where they usually
strengthening or resistance) might contribute to performance
exercised (i.e., the gym they were attending or their home).
on language measures.
The procedure was identical to the one implemented in Ex-
periment 1. The only difference was the type of physical ac-
tivity the children completed during the exercise condition.
Experiment 2 Here, the experimenter guided participants through a short
workout that included completing as many rounds of 10 push
As a next step, we examined whether anaerobic physi- presses followed by 10 burpees until told to stop (as fast as
cal activity (CrossFit exercises in this case) can also boost possible). To relieve the cognitive load for the participants,
word learning in school-aged children. CrossFit combines the experimenter counted the repetitions aloud. The experi-
aspects from gymnastics, weight lifting, bodyweight training menter used a stopwatch to track time and told participants
(such as squats and pull-ups), and endurance training (such when the period of exercise was over. After 3 min of Cross-
as jumping and climbing ropes). CrossFit programs for Fit activity, the researcher tested recognition of the trained
children are popular both as a stand-alone activity and in words in the same manner that was described in the first ex-
combination with other sports to help with physical strength- periment. To ensure reliability, two researchers participated
ening. We used a within-subject design identical to the one in live coding and scored the number of correct items identi-
described in Experiment 1. The only difference was that, in fied. Comparisons of scores across coders once again indi-
the exercise condition, instead of swimming, participants cated that there was 100% agreement between coders.
engaged in an anaerobic physical strengthening workout. The
ability to correctly identify the objects corresponding to the
novel words across the exercise and rest conditions was once
Stimuli and Data Analysis
again evaluated. As with the first experiment, we included a
fast mapping premeasure to ensure that participants could All stimuli and data analysis procedures were identi-
successfully establish word–object relations using our partic- cal to the ones described in Experiment 1.
ular paradigm.

Results and Discussion

We first examined children’s pointing responses dur-
Participants ing the “fast mapping” phase, where participants were sim-
A new group of 24 children between the ages of 6 and ply asked to identify the objects that they had been trained
12 years was included in the study. Detailed descriptive in- on immediately after being familiarized with the labels. The
formation for this group is also included in Table 1. There average proportion of correct words identified for this mea-
were no significant differences in age, t(46) = 1.12, p = .27, sure was 0.80 (SD = 0.25). A one-tailed single-sample t test
Cohen’s d = 0.16, or primary caregivers’ education, t(46) = indicated that this accuracy score was reliably above chance,
0.67, p = .51, Cohen’s d = 0.10, between participants in Ex- t(23) = 8.01, p < .001, Cohen’s d = 1.64, which meant that
periments 1 and 2. Only the amount of experience practicing children’s overall ability to learn the words and their mean-
the sport was marginally different between the two groups, ings was good.
t(46) = 1.94, p = .06, Cohen’s d = 0.28. Additionally, a Next, we examined children’s pointing responses dur-
chi-square test was performed to examine the relation be- ing the two experimental conditions. As shown in Figure 3,
tween gender and group (Experiment 1 vs. Experiment 2). accuracy was comparable for the exercise (M = 0.67, SD =
This test indicated that there was no significant association 0.29) and rest (M = 0.68, SD = 0.30) conditions. In fact, a
between the two variables, χ2(1, N = 48) = 0.36, p = .77. two-tailed paired-samples t test indicated that the mean dif-
According to parental report, participants in this second ferences in accuracy scores across the two conditions were
experiment were also being raised in monolingual English- not significant, t(23) = 0.24, p = .81, Cohen’s d = 0.05. Per-
speaking homes and had not been diagnosed with any dis- formance on both the exercise and rest conditions was reli-
abilities. Five of the participants had received speech-language ably above chance: t(23) = 8.22, p < .001, Cohen’s d = 1.68,
therapy when they were younger; however, none of the children and t(23) = 8.17, p < .001, Cohen’s d = 1.68, respectively.
were currently receiving services. As part of the inclusionary Taken together, these findings suggest that, while children’s
criteria, children had to have participated in CrossFit activ- ability to acquire novel words was not negatively affected
ities and be able to exercise for three consecutive minutes. by anaerobic exercise (i.e., they were still able to acquire
All but four participants indicated that they practiced another word–object relations), this type of exercise did not lead
sport, including ice hockey, gymnastics, soccer, karate, moto- to an improvement in performance (i.e., accuracy was the
cross, flag football, running, baseball, basketball, and golf. same when participants engaged in anaerobic exercise

Pruitt & Morini: Exercise and Word Learning 1719

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Figure 3. Proportion of words correctly identified across the two retention conditions during Experiment 2. The darker
lines indicate that there were multiple data points that overlapped.

between training and testing and when they completed et al., 2015) and (b) the production of BDNF after ana-
the task in the rest condition). erobic exercise is not enough to lead to improvements in
As in the first experiment, we also tested whether there “learning.” Additionally, our findings are in conflict with
was a relation between age and performance on the task. previous studies, which claim that anaerobic exercise may actu-
Once again, we found no significant relation between the ally lead to negative effects (Chang et al., 2012; Lambourne
age of the participant and the average proportion of correct & Tomporowski, 2010). In our study, the anaerobic exercise
words identified during the rest condition (r = .30, p = .15) condition did not lead to a significant difference in perfor-
or the exercise condition (r = .27, p = .21). mance compared to the resting condition, which suggests
The goal of Experiment 2 was to examine whether that while this type of physical activity did not improve
anaerobic exercise might lead to benefits during word learn- word learning in children, it also did not hinder it.
ing similar to the ones identified with aerobic exercise (in
Experiment 1). Data from this second experiment suggest
that this is not the case and that all forms of exercise might
not facilitate word learning in children. In fact, we do not General Discussion
see the enhanced cognitive skills during learning that were This work serves as a critical first step in evaluating
documented in the swimming condition of Experiment 1. the relation between physical activity and performance on
Here, accuracy is high for the easiest (fast mapping) mea- language-related tasks. Specifically, this work examined
sure and equally low in the two experimental conditions. whether aerobic (Experiment 1) and anaerobic (Experi-
These findings are consistent with prior research with adults, ment 2) exercise might facilitate word learning in school-
which suggests that (a) there is a greater increase in BDNF aged children. Previous work on this topic has primarily been
levels with aerobic compared to anaerobic exercise (Szuhany conducted with adults (Liu et al., 2017; Schmidt-Kassow

1720 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 64 • 1712–1725 • May 2021
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et al., 2013, 2014; Winter et al., 2007). The present data ex- identified benefits that result from aerobic physical activ-
pand this work to a pediatric population and suggest that, ity. Related to this point, we also found that the short
while certain types of physical activity might help boost delay between training and testing resulted in the task being
children’s ability to establish word–object relations, not all too easy for some children in the first experiment (i.e., five
types of exercise lead to the same advantage. of the 24 participants performed at ceiling; see Figure 2).
Studies with adults have provided mixed results, es- Increasing the delay could also help address this.
pecially when it comes to the role of anaerobic physical ac- Second, in this study, we only taught children five
tivity. There are data that link both aerobic (Schmidt- word–object pairings at a time. Initially, this may not seem
Kassow et al., 2014) and anaerobic (Salis, 2013) exercise like many words, especially when working with school-aged
to improved encoding and learning of words as well as find- children. However, targeting small sets of words (e.g., 10–
ings that suggest that aerobic, but not anaerobic, physical 12 words per week) is a common practice in clinical settings
activity might lead to learning advantages (Chang et al., and as part of school curricula (Biemiller, 2004; Biemiller
2012). Prior to our work, it was unclear whether a rela- & Boote, 2006). Nevertheless, there is room for future work
tion between exercise and vocabulary learning could also to examine whether the number of vocabulary items that
be observed with children and whether the type of exercise are trained during a single session might interact with the
might lead to different effects in this younger population. observed benefits of aerobic exercise. In other words, it is
This work suggests that, while anaerobic exercise did possible that, in the aerobic exercise condition, children might
not facilitate or harm word learning, incorporating aerobic be able to correctly acquire (and later identify) a greater num-
exercise during the word learning task did result in better ber of word–object pairs, compared to the resting condition.
vocabulary acquisition. Specifically, participants in Experi- Another important element to consider is whether
ment 1 were significantly better at recognizing words that the 3-min period of exercise (a relatively short duration)
were trained in the condition that included a brief period was sufficient to generate enough physiological differences
of aerobic exercise (swimming), compared to the rest con- between the two types of exercise that were implemented.
dition. On the other hand, children in Experiment 2 identi- Although the participants’ heart rates were not tracked, the
fied approximately the same number of words when trained researchers (a) gave different instructions to participants
in the anaerobic exercise (CrossFit workout) and rest condi- across the two experiments and (b) monitored the pacing
tions. Taken together, findings from these two experiments of each participant. During the aerobic exercise measure
provide important insight into the role of physical activity (Experiment 1), children were asked to swim at a “constant
on word learning skills in children. They suggest that incor- pace that would not lead to them being out of breath.” Dur-
porating short bouts of aerobic exercise (e.g., swimming, ing the anaerobic exercise measure (Experiment 2), the par-
walking, or using a static bicycle) can aid the process by ticipants were asked to go as fast as possible. After 3 min of
which children acquire new vocabulary items. This has im- anaerobic exercise, the participants’ rate of breathing was
portant implications for speech-language pathologists, visibly higher (based on notes from informal observations
caregivers, and educators, as it offers a strategy that can made by the experimenter), compared to what was observed
facilitate word learning in school-aged children and poten- with the aerobic group in the first experiment. This sug-
tially help keep children engaged in learning. Additionally, gested that (at least based on breathing patterns) there were
this work can be expanded to examine different measure- physiological differences between participants in the two
ments of word learning. Specifically, it could be extended to groups. There has not been consistent documentation in-
study differences in spoken word productions, variations in dicating the exact minimum duration of exercise needed
the ability to learn word definitions, and word spelling abili- for BDNF or neurotransmitter levels to increase. In fact,
ties that may be influenced by different types of exercise. improved task performance linked to physical activity has
Furthermore, extensions that focus on comparisons across been reported in studies that have used widely varying time
age groups would also be extremely relevant. periods of exercise, including durations considerably shorter
There are, however, limitations associated with this than the 3 min implemented in this work (e.g., Amico &
study that need to be acknowledged and that should be ad- Schaefer, 2020).
dressed in future work. Word retention was only tested after One last consideration related to the study design is
a short amount of time (i.e., 3 min). In reality, incorporating the duration of the break that participants took in between
a longer delay between training and testing (e.g., completing completing the two experimental conditions. One possibil-
test trials a day or a week after training) would provide addi- ity is that when children completed the exercise condition
tional evidence about vocabulary retention. In order to use first, the 2.5-min break did not provide sufficient time for
newly acquired words in “the real world,” children must re- exercise-induced arousal to subside; this could have led to
member them not just a few minutes after they were taught spillover effects that could have influenced performance dur-
but for days after. In the current study, we were concerned ing the rest condition that followed. This time period was
about dropout rates, which motivated our decision to pro- chosen based on research with both adults (Martinmäki &
ceed with the short time frame, as a starting point. Neverthe- Rusko, 2007) and children (Ohuchi et al., 2000), which sug-
less, future work should focus on implementing longitudinal gests that heart rate recovery consistently happens 1–2 min
studies that provide additional information about the word after exercise. In this work, the order in which the experi-
learning and retention process and how it relates to the mental conditions were completed (i.e., whether the exercise

Pruitt & Morini: Exercise and Word Learning 1721

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or the rest condition was first) was counterbalanced across that there is a vocabulary gap between children from low-
participants within each experiment. This meant that any SES households and children from high-SES homes, with
spillover effects would have washed out. children from high-SES families typically having more ex-
There are also limitations associated with the partici- tensive vocabulary skills (Burkam & Lee, 2002; Golinkoff
pants that were included in this work. First, children in the et al., 2019; Ridge et al., 2015; Rowe & Goldin-Meadow,
two experiments were all typically developing (based on 2009). Furthermore, children from lower SES families have
parental report), which makes it difficult to generalize the greater difficulty relying on known vocabulary to derive
results to clinical populations (e.g., children with word the meanings of unknown words, which suggests that they
learning difficulties). It is possible that the findings would are less “effective” at using strategies that can typically help
vary, depending on a given diagnosis or disorder (and the with vocabulary learning (Maguire et al., 2018). If some-
characteristics that go along with a particular clinical group). thing as simple as aerobic exercise could facilitate word
For example, in children with developmental language dis- learning in children from low-SES communities, it might
order, there are associated comorbidities (in addition to the be a key component in closing the language gap. To fur-
difficulties with vocabulary learning), which include deficits ther explore this topic, future research should include a
in attention, motor skills, and social skills (Webster et al., more diverse sample.
2006). There is evidence suggesting that aerobic exercise can One last point to consider is that children in this work
lead to improvements in attention, problem-solving, and had varying levels of experience practicing the sports; this
executive function (Fedewa & Ahn, 2011; Hillman et al., included a range of 6 months to 8 years of swimming for
2011; Tomporowski, 2003), and so, this type of physical children in Experiment 1 and 6 months to 7 years of com-
activity could potentially contribute to improvements in both pleting CrossFit-like workouts for children in Experiment 2.
attention and vocabulary learning in children with develop- However, we found no indication that there was a rela-
mental language disorder. On the other hand, it is possible tion between the number of years the participants had been
that introducing exercise as part of an intervention with this swimming and their performance during the exercise condi-
population may increase cognitive load and end up being tion (r = .08, p = .71). The same was true for the CrossFit
more distracting, especially if children have motor deficits. condition in Experiment 2 (r = .21, p = .33). This would
Some work with children who have been diagnosed with suggest that the pattern of results we observed was not
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder suggests that exercise dependent on the amount of experience the children have
can lead to a decreased amount of disruptive behaviors and had with the sport and that the word learning benefits as-
more sustained attention in this population (Bustamante sociated with aerobic exercise would be generalizable to
et al., 2016; Medina et al., 2010). There have also been stud- children with various degrees of experience with the type
ies showing that exercise may have a positive effect on behav- of physical activity.
ior (e.g., decreased aggression, stereotypy) in individuals In conclusion, findings from the two experiments pre-
with autism spectrum disorder (Lang et al., 2010; Sowa & sented here indicate that benefits of exercise on language
Meulenbroek, 2012). While these lines of research suggest abilities that have been previously identified with adults also
that physical activity can lead to benefits in some areas for extend to school-aged children. Critically, only aerobic (but
children with clinical diagnoses, many questions remain spe- not anaerobic) exercise improved children’s ability to ac-
cifically regarding the role of exercise on language outcomes. quire new word–object relations. This information provides
Another limitation was the lack of a direct measure a potential strategy that parents, teachers, and speech-
of participants’ language and literacy abilities. While none language pathologists can incorporate when targeting
of the children who completed the study were currently re- word learning to improve vocabulary outcomes.
ceiving speech-language therapy, based on parental report,
eight participants (n = 3 in Experiment 1 and n = 5 in Ex-
periment 2) had received services in the past. Specifically, Acknowledgments
therapy had been provided for articulation issues (n = 5), flu- This work was funded by start-up funds from the University
ency problems (n = 2), and feeding as an infant (n = 1), but of Delaware. The work in this article was part of a master’s cap-
not for language disorders. Nevertheless, there is evidence stone project for the first author. We particularly thank the fami-
suggesting that caregivers sometimes may be unaware lies who participated and who made this work possible. We also
of their child’s language ability (Hendricks et al., 2019; thank the following individuals for helpful discussions regarding
the project and for assistance in testing and coding of participants:
Wittke & Spaulding, 2018) and that children with an early
Emily Fritzson, Aurora Reible-Gunter, Katherine Richard, Mackensie
history of speech-language therapy are more likely to have Blair, Ben Cushman, Silpa Annavarapu, Katrina Conner, Mariann
later language and literacy impairments (Adlof & Hogan, Angela Agapito, Sophia Emery, Brianna Postorino, Sarah Blum,
2019). Hence, future work should include direct measures Aashaka Desai, Kat Filliben, Chaithra Reddy, Sarah Dombroski,
of children’s language abilities to better understand whether and Lauren Mellor.
linguistic skills might interact with the ability to benefit
from physical activity during vocabulary learning.
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nomic status (SES). There is extensive research suggesting Measuring language development to inform literacy instruction.

1722 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 64 • 1712–1725 • May 2021
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