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number 37.

1. Im 12 y/old
2.I do not do sports but i usually go walking and like 4 times a week i walk like
80 000
3. idk there are many choises of sport most of tenagers like football walleyball or
4.there avaliable: figure skating Walleball basketball football and many other
sports like swin
5. i thinck its more comfortable for every person to be thick
6. i will advice to walk around 20 000 steps a day!

number 38
1. modern tenagers enjoy many kinds of books like Manga or Manxua in japan and in
many other country.
2.There are not a lot of libaryes in our citie but there is a popular book shop
3.i have read many books but the las one was Haryki murakami Norway forest

this is a novel about youth, about love, about difficult choices,

about hopelessness and loneliness.
безисходность и одиночество

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