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La comparaison

I) Mettez les adjectifs au comparatif d'égalité (=),

supériorité (+) ou d'infériorité (-).

1. Henryis (+ good ) at French ……Jimmy.

2. This boy is (- clever) …… I thought he was.

3. TV programmes are (+boring) ……. they used to be.

4. I live (+ far) from the city ……. you.

5. I advise you to take this bed. It's (+ comfortable) ………

that one.

6. His house is (= big) ……… mine.

7. I think that it is (- important) to be rich to be healthy.

8. It was (+ easy) …………. I expected.

9. This winter is much (+ cold) ……….. last year’s winter.

10. This school year is not different for me. I have (= bad)
marks ……… last year.

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