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PLOT UNFOLDING MACHINE ‘The Plot Unfolding Machine (PUM) is a Game Master Emulator that allows you to play any tabletop RPGs without a GM. On your own, or with another player. WHAT MAKES IT SPECIAL? PUM follows a Seene based structure, meaning you start and end scenes to separate chunks of game. ‘Asa GM Emulator, PUM will prompt you with scene ideas, challenges and outcomes for your PCs. BEFORE YOU START + Game: An RPG you like, and a bunch of dice * Characters: One or more. Two is good so they talk. + Adventure: An engaging plot hook & start location + Random Tables: Can help a lot if properly selected, ScENE SETUP PUM works through Seenes that are driven by your characters. Before each scene, take a moment to build up a scene, considering the context of your PCs, their current goals. There are two Types of Scene: A. SCENE PROPOSAL WITH EXPECTATIONS Many times, your characters know what to do or where to go next. Such as when they take extra time to investigate a crime scene, take a break or pay a visit, to the local tavern. In such cases, just check if things go as expected by rolling the Expectation Checker. B. Sceng DESIGNER WITH PROMPTS On the other hand, characters might have a direction but not sure what happens next. Such as when travelling across unknown lands, or boarding a new colony for the first time. There, you might find yourself blank, so roll the Scene Prompt, and give yourself a moment to come up with a scene proposal. ScENE DESIGNER The following tables inspire you setup Tantastic scenes for your PCs to traverse. Use them only as needed, so knowing them before hand helps. They may also call each other through a i in the results. CHALLENGE Contfliet is important for driving your PCs into action and decision making. This table can be used to come up with trouble for them, to make them work hard for their goals. An example: “Strength, force or might”, could mean there's a door to be forced open. GAIN AND Risk These represent outcomes, discoveries and findings that advance or hinder your PCs goals. These tables ‘work well both in a scene setup, o refine them, or as ‘well during a scene, when the opportunity arises, Roll Gain for example, when finding a clue or when your PCs persuade an NPC to reveal new information. Likewise, roll a Risk when things don’t go so well, JeANSENVAARS PUM Wi @conymsst 2022 CIRCUMSTANCE This table is used to complicate challenges, as well as combats. It may be invoked with i from a scene check, or used whenever you need a bit more of flavor in any of your challenges during a scene setup. COMPLICATION Complications are usually called from other i tables, but feel free to use it anytime there is a plot twist around the corner. Did things get worse? How? Context ‘These serve as inspiration for adding flavor to your scenes, although they can also be called i for. PLAYING A SCENE As soon as you have an idea of the scene, jump into the shoes of your characters. A GM Emulator is not unlike any real GM of few words. So, Ask Questions! Try not to be obsessed with asking everything to the last detail. Just when you feel you have enough information, make an interpretation that makes the ‘most sense, and play on with that ORACLE INSTRUCTIONS YesorNo Are there any traps? Do they accept the desl? What Random events or subject matters and topics Who Determines the role ofa new NPC in your game Intent Describes the intention ar goal ofa given NPC Activity Reason The inner motivation of an NPC for their choices Describe Kind of Current doings or actions of an NPC or Faction Visual or apparent description ofan element The specific nature of an element. Roll twice. Remember to ask these questions when your characters are capable of knowing the answer. ‘TAKE NOTES * List of active threads, goals and tasks * Open questions and mysteries to answer + Known NPCs so far, and their main features Prot Score (orTronAt) The following system helps you conclude your games: Note down the thread(s) your characters follow, and assign each of them a starting Plot Seore of 3. When a scene ends, score it relative based on how much progress was made toward any ofthe tracked threads. ‘Score range can be any number between -3 and +3, where negative represents setbacks, and positive progress. The larger the number, stronger the impact, ‘When any plot reaches 10, start thinking of wrapping up, o when falling down to 0, consider critical scenes. For extended GM Emulation, check out my auxiliary system Seene Unfolding Machine (SUM). JV. PLOT UNFOLDING MACHINE - EXAMPLE Game Szrur ‘We will be playing in the world of Dragon Age, fantasy medieval game where humans and elves may born mages, with powers that expose them to demonic posession and can cause terrible harm. Tur HOOK Eron and Setia are Templars, and have been invoked. to the town of Niteras, to investigate demonic appearances, The Organization suspects this can be a renegade mage let loose, and the situation is dire. Eron is trained a knight, whose weaknesses are an addiction to Lyrium, Setia is a Mage-Hunter archer, her weakness is her cold-blooded reputation, SCENE 1 Since I have no idea how can the game start, I will use Scene Prompt and a Challenge: + & Prompt: Active opposition + & Challenge: Only a professional can do Alright, this is telling me the game is going to start with Active opposition, so I will ask an oracle i “Is this a demon?” —> No - so in that case I am going to read this as someone resisting the templars from doing the job in town, Since the Challenge said this is a Professional thing, it means the Templars powers will be relevant in such scene, probably by invoking their order treaties and laws. I proceed to wrap up the Seene ‘Setup: There are some complices in town trying to, protect a mage that they think innocent. Now I play with my characters point of view, tir the ‘Templars will check their abilities to detect foul magic in town, despite what townfolk say, and they succeed. Next, The templars will try to convince the guards that they are just trying to help, &* and they succeed the persuasion roll. Finally I need to know what the templars learn from the guards, and since they succeeded, we roll a Gain % Learn about a location. The guards tell that there is indeed a mage, but outside, in the forest. ScENE 2 ‘The templars will go to the forest the guards pointed out (i Deseribe area: Knowingly Abandoned), a place not traversed anymore since ( ti Reason: Matter of culture or history) there was an earthquake ‘and it destroyed the trade routes coming across, will use again two Scene Designer clements to figure out what happens when travelling in the forest. + & Prompt: Risk about to trigger + Risk: Fight or be killed + & Challenge: Sanity, spirit or willpower tested My scene interpretation, is that the Templars will have to resort to their powers, because they will be JeANSENVAARS PUM Wi @conymsst 2022 facing a demon, that can be in fact banished and the combat avoided! I picture a foul demon showing up from another dimension, ineredibly dangerous. ‘i With the Templars Powers, the PCs actually fail 0 avoid this combat and get into a Fight. [ decide this fight is incredibly difficult, and they actually lose the fight. Taking a look at a consequence Risk and read there is t Expose weaknesses or plans. Unfortunately, the demon now knows Templars are on the hunt. And happen to know that templars are vulnerable (weakness) to Lyrium. ScENE 3 ‘The demon escaped and the templars got hurt, things doesn't look good for them, Lam deciding that they will want to take a break and make camp. However, since I am making a scene proposal, I roll on the Expectaetion Checker which ‘ie Happens as expected. This means the templars, finally get a moment of respite and safe recovery. ScENE 4 The templars will want to keep looking for the Demon, so off they go. Iam picturing a scene where they are travelling across the Forest but I really don't know what can happen, so let's setup the seene: Prompt: Problem or challenge + Challenge: Charisma or a strong personality ‘We mentioned earlier an earthquake in this forest but it will take a social related challenge. Based on Charisma ora strong personality | read we will find a wanderer, whose & Intent — (Demand Plans}. He is angry, and demands the Templars to tell their leaders that “The Doomed" will never forget what happened. ‘The templars intimidate this erazy man and put him. back in his place, & since they succeed, we learn from the man (i? Seene Gain: New way of solving thread) that through the Earthquake Cliffs in the forest, the Templars might be able to track the dangerous mage faster, than through elsewhere. ConcLusion As you can see, the Seene Setup elements helped me unfold the plot hook, used my RPG of choice to solve problems, and made oracle questions to clarify things. This is of course a simplified game, but you should be able to do similarly. Notice how Gain and Risk helped figuring out what was learned or risked, and how by ‘making additional questions, we clarified further topics. AGM Emulator acts like a guide of few words. Try to take the most of it, by making many questions, but not that many so to slow dowa. At some point, it won't be able to clarify any further, and it will be up to you 3) f PLOT UNFOLDING MACHINE - SETUP ‘ScEnz Prompr (110) 1 Scene complication ti 2 Invoke context event & 3 Problem or challenge * 5 Someone in there PCs presence effects Catch enemy in action Discover enemy deeds ‘Active opposition Risk about to trigger Gain for plot progress 1 SCENE DESIGNER CHALLENGE (1D20) 1. Having special tools or equipment helps Have to endure, resist or withstand Strength, force or might can be of help ‘Things here may take long time to solve Presence of magic, divine or technology Room for hidden things or intentions ‘An element is hard to reach out or get Something only @ professional ean do Presence of guards, sentinels or security Have sanity, spirit or willpower tested Gain (1D10) 1 Answer an open question 6 Learn enemy weakness 2. Meet or learn of someone 7 Learn about a location 3 Useful abject or resource & Influence or relationship 4 New way of solving thread 9 Confirma hope or theory 5 Learn enemy secret or plan 10 Progress or solve thread CrrcumsTANcE (1D20) 1. There is more trouble than expected Presence of special equipment or feats Deception, hazards or traps are laid out Information oF knowledge is missing ‘There is elevation of vertical terrain Location is dangerous or problematic Someone supporting from a distance Unexpected help or supports acriving Something needs to be done in parallel Time limit or intense pressure Compiication (1D10 + 1D20) JeANSENVAARS PUM Wi @conymsst 2022 EXPECTATION CHEOKER (1D10) 1 Scene complication tir «6 Happens as expected 2 Circumstance added & 7 Happens as expected 3 Areanat what expected «8 Happens as expected 4 Someone shows up 9 Happens as expected 5. Happens as expected 10. Better than expected 11 Something to crack, unlock or enable 12. Something needs protection or care 13. Magic or superpowers would be helpful 14 Driving, piloting, handling to be done 15 Charisma ora strong personality can help 16 Requires keen senses or extreme intuition 17 Something only for scholars to understand 18 Could use a soft hand, empathy or wisdom 19. Something is broken, damaged or failing 20 Confronting or fighting might be one way Risk (1D10) 1 Lose atrace orwaste time 6 Give enemy advantage 2 Compromise someone else 7 Confirm a concern 3 Lose or sacrifice something 8 Harm a relationship 4 Take harm or risk own object 9 Fight or get captured 5 Expose weaknesses or plans 10 Fight or be killed 11 Presence of innocents or bystanders 12. Location is moving or unstable 13. There are atmospheric difficulties 14 Tactical devices may be utilized 15. Vehicle or machine can be utilized 16 May have secret passages or routes 17 Hidden presence sneaking or watching 18 Willpower, spirit or faith is needed 19° Strength, power or might is needed 20. Intellect, resolve or presence is needed 1 Enemy 1. Missing, Lost, Forgotten 11. Mistaken, Discarded, Wrong 2 Faction 2 Delicate, Dangerous, Sensitive 12 Leaked, Discovered, Revealed 3 Plan 3 Blocked, Hidden, Trapped 13. Unreliable, Erratic, Insufficient 4 Target 4 Problematic, Disastrous, Rebelled 14. Disrupted, Modified, Altered 5 Location 5 Dead, Destroyed, Unrecoverable 15. Concerning, Unsettling, Feared 6 Ally 6 Broken, Damaged, Injured 16 Useless, Abandoned, Obsolete 7 Being 7. Flooded, Overloaded, Exceeded 17. Sick, Hazardous, Weak, Incapable 8 Object 8 Sabotaged, Captured, Taken 1B Prepared, Defended, Ready 9 Information 9 Corrupted, Twisted, Cursed 19. Unprepared, Unarmed, Surprised 10 Ability 10 False, Fake, Corrupt, Concealed 20 Delayed, Late, Hindered Context (1p20) 1 History or past recalled 6 Local faction activities 2 Social event occurrence 7 Atrade opportunity 3 Setting aspect featured 8 Alternative route found 4 PCsbackstories referred -9_Find something of use 5 Location detail invoked 10. Call character strengths 11 It's about to happen. 16 Test for keen senses 12 Besummonedorcalled 17. Change in environment 13 Anesoteric occult event 18 Route or path blocked 14 Someone else's troubles 19. Character flaws recalled 15 Impacts ofremote event 20 Danger nearby... JeANSENVAARS PUM Wi @conymsst 2022 PLOT UNFOLDING MACHINE - ORACLES ‘YES OR No WaT 10 even unlikely —_‘Tikely ao 10" action HO ype HO subject 705 No No | possibly 1 Regret 1 Known 1 Weakness ZiguetNo No No | at ist 2 Expose 2 Sensitive 2_—Event 3 Ne No Don't know |, but. 3. Find 3 Conflicting —3_—Result 4 No No Hard to say 4 Oppose 4 -Valuable 4 Backstory 5 Don'tknow No Yes 5 Destroy 5 Surprising 5 Location 6 Hardtossy No Yes 6 Hinder 6 Personal «6 Politics 7 Yes Don'tknow Yes 7 Observe 7 Dangerous. 7 Business B Yes Hardtosay Yes sand 3 Prepare 8 Own 8 Encounter 9 Yes Yes Yes less 9 Empower 9 Secretive «Decision 10 Yes Yes yes | , obviously 1 Control 10 Unique 10 Request WHO INTENT 0 subject 0 ype a0 they 0 subject 1 an unimportant 1 Ally 1 Fight 1 Enemies 2 astrange 2 Aly 2 Oppose 2 Alles 3 alocal 3 Aly 3. Demand 3 Cause 4 anold 4 Person 4 Request 4 Situation 5 afamily related 5 Person 5 Need 5 Object 6 ascared & Person 6 Ofer & Location 7 anangry 7 Being 7 Explain 7 Information 8 adesperate 3 Enemy 3 Join 3 Plans 9 apowerul 9 Enemy 9 Trade 9 Resources 10 animportant 10 Enemy 10 Help 10 Power ACTIVITY REASON 10 they are HO subject 10 anaction ‘G0 a motive 1 Claiming 1 Business 1 Seek 1 Power or status 2 Supporting 2 Authority 2 Recover 2 Revenge ora debt 3 Searching 3 Place 3 Control 3. Glory or reputation 4 Preparing 4 Faction 4 Matter of 4 Chaos or destruction 5S Hindering 5 Someone 5 Need 5) Culture or history 6 Holding 6 Defense 6 Eradicate 6 Knowledge or interest 7 Requesting 7 Knowledge 7 Deal with 7 Contractor an order 3 Contelling 8 Words 3 Desire 8 Justice or rights 9 Attacking 9 Resources 9 Secure 9 Safety or survival 10 Expeliing 10 Agreement 10 Prevent 10. Resources or wealth DESCRIBE Kind oF 0 adverb | area Someone object 10 item ability person enemy 1 Curiously | Ruined Injured Broken 1 | Regenerative Absorbing Fighter Nimble 2° Specialy | Ancient Clever. Antique 2 |Deadly Harmful -—Medical—_—Detensive 3. Defensively | Abandoned Hunted Forbidden 3. | Consumable Utility Civilan Sneaky 4 Knowingly | Dangerous Dangerous Dangerous 4 | Protective Elemental Scoundrel Native 5 Strongly | Empty Skilled = Mundane 5. | Mystical Technological Inteligent Smart & Legally | Unusual Exotic Rare 6 [Technical Natural Faithful Magical 7 Actively | Secure Innocent Harmless 7 | Historical Weakening Powerful Animalistic 8 Commonly | Crowded Famous Legendary 8 | Divine Tying Technician Anifcial 9 Mostly — | Fancy Rich Valuable 8 [Transport Healing ——_—Resourceful Enormous 10 Incredibly | Fortified Powerful Reinforced 10 [Static Supporting Enforcing Horrible

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