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08 September 2021 CURRENT AFFAIRS

1. The 13th edition of the BRICS summit will be held on 9

September 2021n under the chairmanship of which country?

2. Where are the 3 species of crocodile found? kendrapara

3. Who has won the Dutch Grand Prix 2021 title? Max Verstappen

4. Exercise "Bright Star" is a multinational military exercise

organized in which country? Egypt

5. India and which country have announced a package of $ 1.2

billion to finance the green development of Asia? United

6. Which actress has been made the brand ambassador of

"Sugar Puffrey"? Katrina Kaif

7. Gujarat government has planned to start "Watan Prem

Yojana" costing how many crores? 1 thousand crore rupees

8. Which state government has appointed Lovlina Borgohain as

the brand ambassador of Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan? Assam

9. Which edition of Durand Cup has started in Calcutta? 130th


10. Which state assembly has passed the "University of Health

Sciences Bill 2021"? Odisha
1. ब्रिक्स शिखर सम्मेलन का 13 वाां सांस्करण 9 शसतांबर 2021 को ब्रकस देि
की अध्यक्षता में आयोशित ब्रकया िाएगा? भारत

2. मगरमच्छ की 3 प्रिाब्रतयााँ कहााँ पाई िाती हैं? केंद्रपाडा

3. डच ग्ाां प्री 2021 का खखताब ब्रकसने िीता है? मैक्स वर्स्ाापेन

4. अभ्यास "िाइट र्स्ार" ब्रकस देि में आयोशित एक बहुराष्ट्रीय सैन्य अभ्यास
है? ममस्र

5. भारत और ब्रकस देि ने एशिया के हररत ब्रवकास को ब्रवत्तपोब्रित करने के

मलए 1.2 ब्रबमलयन डॉलर के पैकेि की घोिणा की है? यूनाइटे ड ब्रकिंगडम

6. ब्रकस अशभनेत्री को "िुगर पफ्रे" का िाांड एां बेसडर बनाया गया है ? कैटरीना

7. गुिरात सरकार ने ब्रकतने करोड की लागत से "वतन प्रेम योिना" िुरू

करने की योिना बनाई है? 1 हिार करोड रुपए

8. ब्रकस राज्य सरकार ने लवलीना बोरगोहेन को समग् शिक्षा अशभयान का

िाांड एां बेसडर मनयुक्त ब्रकया है? असम

9. डूरांड कप का कौन सा सांस्करण कलकत्ता में िुरू हुआ है? 130वाां सांस्करण

10. ब्रकस राज्य की ब्रवधानसभा ने "स्वास्थ्य ब्रवज्ञान ब्रवश्वब्रवद्यालय ब्रवधेयक

2021" पाररत ब्रकया है? उडीसा

1 .IMMEDIATE (ADJECTIVE): (तत्काल):Instant

 Synonyms: Instantaneous, On-the-spot

 Antonyms: Delayed
 Example Sentence:
 The authorities took no immediate action then and there.

2. AWFUL (ADJECTIVE): (भयंकर): Disgusting

 Synonyms: Nasty, Terrible

 Antonyms: Lovely
 Example Sentence:
 The place was filled with awful smell and dirt.

3. RELIEVE (VERB): (राहत देना): Counteract

 Synonyms: Reduce, Alleviate

 Antonyms: Exacerbate
 Example Sentence:
 The bird's body is black, relieved only by white under the

4. DEFER (VERB): (योग्यता को स्वीकार करना): Yield

 Synonyms: Submit, Give way

 Antonyms: Stand up to
 Example Sentence:
 You must defer to him in my absence as you do me.

5. EXECUTIVE (ADJECTIVE): (शासनात्मक): Administrative

 Synonyms: Decision-making, Directorial

 Antonyms: Subordinate
 Example Sentence:
 The executive chairman threw him out.

6. SUCCOUR (VERB): (सहायता करना): Aid

 Synonyms: Help, Assist

 Antonyms: Oppose
 Example Sentence:
 Prisoners of war were liberated and succoured.

7. ZEAL (NOUN): (जोश): Passion

 Synonyms: Ardour, Fervour

 Antonyms: Apathy
 Example Sentence:
 His zeal for his work led to his success.

8. TRIBULATION (NOUN): (आपत्ति): Trouble

 Synonyms: Worry, Anxiety
 Antonyms: Joy
 Example Sentence:
 His time of tribulation was just beginning.

9. RIGOROUS (ADJECTIVE): (सख्त): Strict

 Synonyms: Severe, Stern

 Antonyms: Lax
 Example Sentence:
 Rigorous controls on mergers need to be taken.

10. FILTH (NOUN): (गंदगी): Dirt

 Synonyms: Muck, Grime

 Antonyms: Cleanliness
 Example Sentence:
 The filth wasn’t removed properly.


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