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What can be done to bridge the generation gap between parents and children?

To my way of thinking generation gap between parents and children is a common challenge these
days. This term expresses the difference between the way they see the world and everything around
them, also different values, attitudes and beliefs. I consider that this phenomenon is a problem that
needs to be solved.
First of all, I want to emphasize that this generation gap can be caused by a lot of factors If this
problem is not fixed at the right time it can contribute to inevitable conflicts of interests. This
tremendous gap of communication is a result of different factors. It’s important to mention that our
parents were born in different periods under different conditions, and expecting them to understand
our personal attitude towards things it’s much more complicated. The perfect relationship between
you, as a teen and your parents is a far cry from reality. Sometimes, teenagers feel like no one can
truly understand what they want and consider the whole world to be against them. Aftermath they
strive to detach them from parents. Generally, I am firmly convinced that our parents want the best
for us as we mean the world to them. But sometimes they are too concern with having control under
us that they forget we need our personal space. Furthermore, some parents bend over backwards
trying to make their children the exact version like them. I reckon the real reason of this is not only
about loving and carrying about them so much, but also an attempt to fulfill their dreams through
their children.
Some of the real reason that lead to this gap between adults and teenagers are
1. Forcing children to do things they don’t want and see no values in doing that.
2. Becoming obsessively involved in your child’s activities
3. The lack of understanding
4. When you make decision for your child without considering what they really are into
5. Punishing them for mistakes
6. Comparing them to others
All these reasons are in case if parents are too much concerned with their child’s life. But we all
know that there can be some cases when parents do not carry about their children and this thing also
can have a negative impact on their relationship. The greatest disadvantage of generation gap is that
children can’t disclosure and confess about their feelings. Also there are situations when parents
work a lot and after a stressed day at work all they want to do at home is to relax and they literally
have no power for anything else. But this lack of communication will take a toll on their
However, all problems have solutions, here are some tips that can fix and improve the situation
1. Both parents al children should learn to adjust to each other’s flaws.
2. Parents should me more open minded and to try to understand their children.
3. To communicate as much as possible
4. Finding compromises where they can be find
Finally, I want to say that solving this problem will definitely have a positive influence and will
bridge that
generation gap. Knowing that you have parents who will always support you and appreciate what
you do is
one of the most precious reward you can get.

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