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1. Number 1-20 (Chapter 1, Chapter 4, Chapter 9, Chapter 10)

● Matching the numbers with their quantities

● Ordering the numbers from the smallest to the greatest or from the
greatest to the smallest.
● Mentioning the numbers less than/more than given numbers.
● Comparing two numbers within 20 (smaller/larger)
● Mentioning numbers which come after, before, and between.
● Matching the numbers with the sight words.
● Finding 1, 2 more/or less than given numbers.
● Making number pairs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8, 9 and 10.

2. Naming Position (Chapter 2)

● Telling the position of the objects either from the right or from the left
by using ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and so on)
● Days of the week that comes after and before/yesterday and tomorrow

3. Measuring length and mass (Chapter 3 and Chapter 12)

● Identifying objects whether they are as long as, longer than, shorter
than, the longest, or the shortest.
● Identifying objects whether they are as tall as, taller than, shorter
than, the tallest, or the shortest.
● Identifying objects whether they are as heavy as, heavier than, lighter
than, the heaviest, or the lightest.
● Recognizing the measurement of lengths and masses of objects using non-
standard units (paper clips, cubes)

3. Telling time

● Recognizing the time based on the picture shown

● Recognizing the use of in the morning, at noon, in the afternoon, at noon.

4. Addition and subtraction 1-10 (Chapter 5 and Chapter 6)

 Solving addition and subtraction sentences within 10
 Solving addition and subtraction sentences within 10 by finding the
missing numbers
 Solving addition and subtraction problems within 10

5. Addition and subtraction 1-20 (Chapter 11)

 Solving addition and subtraction sentences within 20

 Solving addition and subtraction sentences within 20 by making 10
 Solving addition and subtraction problems within 20

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