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Linux commands

1.) Mkdir = making a directory/folder

2.) Touch = making a file
3.) Cd = change directory/change one file to another file
4.) Cd .. = remove directory/come back drom directory
5.) Vi = open a deta sheet
6.) Esc = to save the deta
7.) :wq = quit & exit from deta sheet
8.) Ls = to know the file/folder as we created
9.) Ls -ltr = to know the long table of file/folder as we created
10.)Pwd = present working directory/present working folder/file
11.)Help = it shows all commands in linux
12.)History = it shows all the history of we done in linux
13.)Mkdir -p = to create a sub folder
14.)Mkdir -p file/file1{1,2,3} = to create a sub folders in a sub folder
15.)Rm = remove a text file
16.)Rm -r = remove a directory/folder
17.)Mv = move a file one folder to another folder
18.)Cp =copy a file from one folder to anther folder
19.)Rm -ri = remove total folders/files
20.)Rm -ri /? Press ‘y’ = check and remove total folders/files
21.)Rmdir = remove directory/folder
22.)Cat>filename = create new file and writes the content CTRL+D to save the
23.)cat = display the content of file
24.)cat file1 file2>file3 = create new file and content of both files to be copied into the

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