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Variables are the backbone of any program, and thus
the backbone of any computer programming language. It
act as a “container” that “hold” information. These
container then store information for later use.
String VisitorName=“Kenneth”;
int age=26;
• Data Structures
Is a particular way of storing and organizing data in a
computer so that it can be used efficiently. It allow
programmers to streamline data collection when a large
amount of related information is involved.
String[] VisitorName = {
• Control Structure
Is a block of programming that analyzes
variables and chooses a direction in which to go based on
given parameters. The term flow control details the
direction the program.
if (yourAge < 20 && yourAge > 12) {
// you are a teenager
else {
// you are NOT a teenager
• Syntax
Just like in the English language, computer programming
follows a syntax or a set of rules that define particular
layouts of letters and symbols. Proper syntax ensures the
computer reads and interprets code accurately. Each
computer programming language has its own syntax or
appropriate order in how code should be written for the
program to understand what it is supposed to do.
String helloVariable = "Hello Everyone!";
System.out.print(“Hello World”);
• Tools
A tool in programming is a piece of software that,
when used while you code, allows you to get your
program done faster. There are probably tens of
thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of different
tools across all the programming languages.
Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, and NetBeans
The first and most important tool is an IDE. An Integrated
Development Environment is a piece of software that will
make your coding life so much easier. IDEs will check the
syntax of your code to ensure you don't have any errors, they
will organize your files and give you a nice way to view them,
they tend to have code completion as well as allow you to
navigate through your code easily. There are many other
advantages of using an IDE, but I think you get the idea.

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