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Hello, we aback again and now we are interviewing Ade the boy who was saved.

- Please Ade, tell us about your story.

- Ofcourse! One day, woman in TV said: a shop on blucher street fell down. That day at school we
told jokes ;about it, but more building feel and it wasn’t funny anymore. One day when I came
from school my mom wasn’t at the work. She looked tired and she was asleep. I had one friend.
Her name is Gaia. She was the best thing about school. She always helpedme and sometimes I
helped her too. We were in same class. One day, our teacher said that our friend was dead and
our teacher too,. In the TV they said that Blushers were eating humans. After that lots of people
died. Gaia said that I should not go to the shop. But I had to because my mum was ill. After that
people left. But I didn’t keave. School was closed and I couldn’t meet Gaia. I missed her so much.
I needed water. I was very thirsty. I heared noise. I opened the door and there was a big bottle of
water. I drunk it and I walked on the different floors and I saw Obi the caretaker of our tower. He
got me to the Dor’s flat. They gave me lunch for me and my mom. That night I saw light of Gaias
tower. Next morning blushers were close to gaias tower. I ran to Obi and I said to him: “ Obi,
blushers are eating Gaias tower!” Obi put on the white bottle of oxygen and went out to save
other people. Dori also gave me some food to eat. When I came back, Obi was there but the only
one he found was Ben. He was worried, blushers wouldkill his wife. We threw sal t out of
windows, because salt killed the blushers. One day I found cat and I named him pigeon, because
that evening we ate pigeon meat and it was very tasty. One day mom waked up and she was
surprised. I was raining and she was surprised. It was raining it washed down the salt. We were
in danger. Suddenly helicopter came and was climbed on it and it flew us to the Brigton. There
we lived peacefully and happily.

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