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What is euthaniasia?

Euthanasia is the practice of ending the life of a patient to limit the patient’s
suffering. The patient in question would typically be terminally ill or
experiencing great pain and suffering.

Types of euthanasia

Voluntary euthanasia: with the consent of the patient.

Involuntary euthanasia: without the consent of the patient, for example, if the
patient is unconscious and his or her wishes are unknown.. Some ethicists
distinguish between “involuntary” (against the patient’s wishes) and
“nonvoluntary” (without the patient’s consent but wishes are unknown) forms.

Mercy-killing: The term “mercy-killing” usually refers to active, involuntary or

nonvoluntary, other-administered euthanasia. In other words, someone kills a
patient without their explicit consent to end the patient’s suffering.

What does the bible says about taking one’s life

The Bible does not specifically discuss euthanasia. * However, what it does
say about life and death offers a balanced perspective. Causing death is
unacceptable, but there is no requirement to go to desperate lengths to
prolong life during the dying process.

The Bible identifies God as our Creator, “the source of life.” (Psalm 36:9;
Acts 17:28) In God’s eyes, life is very precious. For this reason, God
condemns both taking the life of another and taking one’s own life.
(Exodus 20:13; 1 John 3:​15) Additionally, the Bible indicates that we should
take reasonable precautions to protect our own life and the lives of others.
(Deuteronomy 22:8) Clearly, God wants us to value the gift of life.
The value of human life in all its forms and at all stages is the central theme
of the gospel, for it is the very purpose of Christ’s birth, death, and
resurrection. To fail to respect human life at any point mocks the very essence
of Christ’s mission to humanity.

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