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Gender equality

Babenco Vitalie
What is the gender equality?
Gender equality, also known as sexual equality or
equality of the sexes, is the state of equal ease of
access to resources and opportunities regardless of
gender, including economic participation and
decision-making, and the state of valuing different
behaviors, aspirations and needs equally, regardless
of gender Gender equality is the goal, while gender
neutrality and gender equity are practices and ways
of thinking that help in achieving the goal. Gender
equality is more than just equal representation, it is
strongly tied to women's rights, and often requires
policy changes.
Example of women who fought for the right to vote
Women gained the right to vote in 1920 with the
passage of the 19th Amendment.

Perhaps the most well-known women’s rights

activist in history, Susan B. Anthony was born
on February 15, 1820, to a Quaker family in
Massachusetts. Anthony was raised to be
independent and outspoken: Her parents, like Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady
many Quakers, believed that men and women Stanton, pioneers of the Women's
Rights Movement, 1891.
should study, live and work as equals and
should commit themselves equally to the
eradication of cruelty and injustice in the

Alice Paul was the leader of the

most militant wing of the
woman suffrage movement.
Born in 1885 to a wealthy
Quaker family in New Jersey,
Paul was well-educated she
earned an undergraduate Alice Paul, 1885-1977
degree in biology from

Swarthmore College and a PhD

in sociology from the University
of Pennsylvania and was
determined to win the vote by
any means necessary.

Boys Girls
Boys should play with trucks Girls should play with dolls
Boys should be directed to like girls toward red and pink
blue and green Girls are better at reading
Boys should not wear dresses Girls should be well
or other clothes typically behaved
associated with "girl's Girls and are not as
clothes" interested as boys in STEM
Boys are better at math subjects
Boys are expected to act out There is something wrong
Boys should engage in sports with a woman who doesn’t
and refrain from more want children
creative pursuits Cant drive car
Boys and men are expected to
use violence and aggression to
prove their manliness
In conclusion, I can say that gender
equality is an important thing that
must be respected in society, for a
harmonious life between the sexes.
Thank you for

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