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{relationship in their youth}

Yumitsuko is 19
Yukamari is 18
[Strong NSFW, CNC]

The two men had hidden themselves behind a section of their campus, Yumitsuko holding his
partners wrists above his head, and kissing against his collarbone, his significantly shorter
partner whining and whimpering with each kiss, dark marks being left with each kiss, Yukamari
having a tent in his sweats, as he spoke, desperation in his tone.

"Yu..Yumitsuko– Unf..I- I think this is enough– Please, Sir–"

The taller male shifted as he was close to his lovers face as he spoke.

"My sweet Yukamari, you don't think I'm stopping here, do you? You told me you could handle

He kissed Yukamari passionately, shifting a knee between his legs as he grabbed his ass,
gripping it as his partners erotic sounds melted within the kiss, Yukamari wrapping his arms
around Yumitsuko's neck as he started thrusting gently against his partners knee, whining
desperately as Yumitsuko slid their sweats down as he broke the kiss to speak.

"Am I allowed to proceed further, Darling?"

Yukamari nodded as

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