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Nigrosin or India ink is a simple and indirect stain used for determining bacterial morphology.
The shapes and sizes of the organisms are seen as color-free outlines against the dark
An advantage of using this method is that prior fixation by heat is not needed, so the
organisms are seen in more lifelike shapes.
Nigrosin or India ink is an acidic stain which becomes negatively charged. Since the surface of
most bacterial cells is negatively charged, the cell surface repels the stain.
The glass of the slide will stain, but the bacterial cells will not.

- Transfer a drop of nigrosin/india ink with a pasteur pipette on the microscope slide (at
one end of the slide)
- Using sterilized inoculation loop take a small amount of bacteria (inoculum) and mix
with stain
- Using second microscobe slide gently spread the mix (place it near the sample-dye
mixture at an angle of about 30°- 45°) across the slide. Generate a smear.
- Allow to air dry
- Observe under 100x objective

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