You are on page 1of 14


Enter String: HELLOWORLD

Final String: GDKKNVNQKC
Enter Full Name: Mahendra Singh Dhoni

Final String: M.S.Dhoni
Enter the number: 987654321

Reverse of the number is : 123456789
Enter name of the employee: Devashish

Enter salary and working hours of the employee: 2500 20

Enter name of the employee: Tushar

Enter salary and working hours of the employee: 30000 15

Enter name of the employee: Shubham

Enter salary and working hours of the employee: 1200 18

Enter name of the employee: Piyush

Enter salary and working hours of the employee: 1000 20

Enter name of the employee: Rishabh

Enter salary and working hours of the employee: 1100 16

Enter name of the employee: Priyanshu

Enter salary and working hours of the employee: 17000 8

Enter name of the employee: Chaitanya

Enter salary and working hours of the employee: 23000 12

Enter name of the employee: Ankit

Enter salary and working hours of the employee: 1990 5

Enter name of the employee: Dhruv

Enter salary and working hours of the employee: 1000 7

Enter name of the employee: abhinav

Enter salary and working hours of the employee: 5600 14

Name of the employee is: Devashish

New salary is: 10000.000000

Name of the employee is: Tushar

New salary is: 37500.000000

Name of the employee is: Shubham

New salary is: 8700.000000

Name of the employee is: Piyush

New salary is: 8500.000000

Name of the employee is: Rishabh
New salary is: 8600.000000
Name of the employee is: Priyanshu

New salary is: 19500.000000

Name of the employee is: Chaitanya

New salary is: 30500.000000

Name of the employee is: Ankit

New salary is: 1990.000000

Name of the employee is: Dhruv

New salary is: 1000.000000

Name of the employee is: abhinav

New salary is: 13100.000000

Enter elements: 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
38 39 40

23 29 31 37
20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 30 32 33 34 35 36 38 39
Enter the content: Coding is satisfaction

Enter the character :i

Coding is satisfaction
The positions are: 3 7 13 19
Enter a number for which the factorial to be calculated: -5
Number is negative. Factorial can't be calculated.

Enter a number for which the factorial to be calculated: 0
Factorial of zero is 0.

Enter a number for which the factorial to be calculated: 5
Factorial of 7 is 5040

Enter the age of first person : 25

Enter the age of second person : 35
Enter the age of third person : 45

Third person is the oldest

First person is the youngest


Enter the age of first person : -12

Enter the age of second person : 24
Enter the age of third person : 88

Age must be a positive value


Enter the age of first person : 24

Enter the age of second person : 24
Enter the age of third person : 36

Third person is the oldest

First and Second person are of same age
first string must be entered: silent
second string must be entered: listen

The two entered strings are Anagram

first string must be entered: coding
second string must be entered: gingid

The two entered strings are not Anagram

first string must be entered: computer
second string must be entered: retupmocm

same number of characters must be present in both the strings to be an

Name : Tushar Kukreti
Section : L
Roll No : 2019190

7.WAP to add elements of two unequal size array into 3 rd array using
Dynamic Memory Allocation. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void main()
int *p1,*p2,*p3,m,n,i,max;
printf("Enter the size of first array\n");
p1 = (int*)calloc(m,sizeof(int));
printf("Enter the elements in the array\n");
printf("Enter the size of the second array\n");
p2 = (int*)calloc(n,sizeof(int));
printf("Enter the elements in the array\n");
max = (n>m)?n:m;
p3 = (int*)calloc(max,sizeof(int));
*(p3+i) = *(p1+i) + *(p2+i);
printf("%d ",*(p3+i));
Enter the size of first array
Enter the elements in the array
Enter the size of the second array
Enter the elements in the array
2 4 6 8 10 6

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