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On your Personal Relationships: Discuss about the different relationships you

Why do you think these relationships are important?
My relationships are with my family, friends, peers, and acquaintances. For me
these kinds of relationships play a big part in our life because these relationships
are the center or core of our happiness for example our friends, when we’re sad
they’re always there to cheer us up and make us smile, just like what we do to
them when they’re sad, and this simple act of care has a big impact on us and our
mental health because knowing that someone is there when we need them is
comforting it gives us a feeling that we are loved and we are cared for. It makes
us feel important. Also, in these relationships are the people who give us a will
and reasons to live, to enjoy life, the reason why we wake up in the morning, and
the reason why we keep on trying every day. they are the people who provide us
with a sense of connection, and purpose. Because of them, we’re inspired to work
hard, to work on ourselves, to do better, and to be better. They are the people
who support us in every step and choice we make, having someone supporting us
also has a big impact on our mental and physical well-being, knowing someone
supports us helps us feel less lonely, boosts our confidence, and helps us stay
motivated to do certain tasks.
Moreover, personal relationships are the people who give us better health and
longevity, because having people you can count on helps us on relieving harmful
levels of stress which is somehow connected to the immune system. a person
without these kinds of relationships is lonely and somehow miserable because
they don’t have people to talk to and people to support and guide them it will be
hard for them to live life without someone to care for them, somebody to lean
on, to call whenever they have a problem. and their life will be difficult. Just like
the proverb; "Man does not live by bread alone" which means that a man cannot
live by himself. He needs company. He needs a friend with whom he can express
his thoughts. this proverb is a simple explanation of why personal relationships
are important. Life would be dull and meaningless without having someone to
count on and support us.

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