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Report Content Format for Final year Project

Front Sheet and First sheet: University & College Logo

which includes University name and its logo, Project title, Team members name, Guide name
and their designation & lastly department name and college name.

Second sheet: Certificate

which includes a Project title , team members name & Principal, guide & external name &

Third sheet: Acknowledgement Sheet: Ordering in the Acknowledgement

Principal, HOD, Internal Guide, External Guide(if any), Parents ,friends……

Fourth sheet: Abstract

The Project Abstract shall include a statement of objectives, methods to be employed,

and the significance of the proposed activity. This information collection shall not be more than
one page in length and shall be written in the third person.

The information in the first PARAGRAPH

● should state the main objective and rationale of your project,

● should outline the methods you used to accomplish your objectives,

The information in the Second PARAGRAPH

● it should list the project’s results or product (or projected or intended results or product,
if project is not yet complete),
● and it should draw conclusions about the implications of your project

Fifth Sheet: Table of Contents

Sixth sheet: List of Figures

Seventh Sheet: List of Table (if any tables are there include this sheet)

Chapter 1[left justified, font size 16, bold]

INTRODUCTION[centered , font size of chapter title 18]

(This chapter should contain 4-6 pages)

1.1 overview[section such as 1.1 should be left justified with font size 16, bold,
subsection such as 1.1.1 should be left justified with font size 14]

[1 tab space at beginning of each para]A project overview is similar to an outline and
should not exceed one page. In the project overview you must include many of the main
ideas of the project. You do not have to go into details since this is an overview and hence
the main ideas should be included [font size of inner text 12].
[Top-Margin : 1; Bottom-Margin : 1 ; Left-Margin : 1.25 ; Right-Margin : 0.75 ; Font-
Family : Times New Roman; text should be justified ; Line Spacing : 1.5]

1.2 Problem statement

What the problem is that you're trying to find the answer to, why it's a problem (should
not exceed one page).
[One Line of Gap should be maintained b/n each headings like this]

1.3 The solution

how your project will help answer it. (should not exceed one page).

1.4 Existing System

Explain briefly about the existing manual application and/or system the algorithm or
technique it is using to solve the problem and its limitations. (should at the minimum be 2
paragraphs and may not exceed a page.)

1.5 Proposed System

Explain in “detail” about the new method or technique you will use to solve the problem
and its advantage over Existing system( should be at least a page.)

1.6 Software and Hardware Requirement Specifications

1.6.1 Software Requirements
1.6.2 Hardware Requirements

1.7 Organization of project report

The report is organized in the following manner
The chapter 1 gives the…….
The chapter 2 specifies……..
The chapter 3 gives the…..
The chapter 4 gives the…

Chapter 2[left justified, font size 16, bold]

LITERATURE SURVEY[centered , font size of chapter title 18]

(This chapter should contain 10 survey papers and advantages & disadvantages of each
paper. Chapter should contain 8-10 pages )

2.1 Survey Papers

For your literature survey review information from various sources (books, journals,
conference proceedings, web sites, product literature, etc.). The goal is to show that you have
read the information about the system from various sources and understand the problems/issues
of the system.
Your goal at this point is to “present an overview of what your source offers its topic,
Include the following content:
a) What the topic is
b) What problems and issues it addresses
c) What are the different technical approaches (explain in detail in context of Existing System
and proposed System), and a comparison of their specific benefits and issues.

2.2 Survey Findings

Outline the main findings of the documents you reviewed, Overall impression and
assessment of the system “formulate brief and succinct report about the topic”, summarizing the
understanding of the study undertaken from different references or sources.
Note: Survey info should be derived from books, journals, conference proceedings, web sites,
product literature, etc. Do not discuss about technologies you are using

Chapter 3[left justified, font size 16, bold]


[centered , font size of chapter title 18]

3.1 Objectives Of The Proposed System

Should contain atleast 4 objectives

3.2 Expected Outcomes

Should contain atleast 4 outcomes…

Chapter 4[left justified, font size 16, bold]

METHODOLOGY[centered , font size of chapter title 18]

The Project methodology shall include a set of principles, tools and techniques that are used to
plan, execute and manage projects.(at least one page)…

Chapter 5[left justified, font size 16, bold]

SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN[centered , font size of chapter title

5.1 System Analysis

Analysis done for planning the design should be explained

5.2 High Level Design

5.2.1 System Architecture

Sub systems, modules, sub modules, functions and sub functions along with their
interactions, relationship with external environments and human interaction with them,
networking capabilities, internal interfaces among the components should be mentioned in detail.
Should show the interaction of devices, appliances, systems and modules completely. Possibly
should contain Control flow, data flow and process flow schematics.

5.2.2 DB Design: Use data flow diagrams to explain the flow of data in sub systems and

5.2.3 DB table structure: Should specify the tables with their various fields, indexes and
relations with an ER diagram. Show the normalization done on the tables. Highlight the
maximum number of records that the DB will hold with the design for testing.

5.3 Low Level Design

Detailed description of each module should be given. Should use class diagram,
sequence diagram, Activity diagram, data flow diagram, deployment diagram (any one is
compulsory, can use more than one diagrams to show the low level design).

This section should in simple English explain logic of the program using Pseudo code.

5.4 User Interface Design

Design of Interfaces provided for the user to interact with the system should be specified
along with screen capture.

Include all the references and sources which helped you in the execution of the project work.

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