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The Intersection Where Science, Technology, and Arts Meet

Submitted by: Mark Gabriel A. Domingo | ABPHILO 1-1

Starry Night
By Vincent Van Gogh
Oil on canvas

Vincent van Gogh painted The Starry

Night in 1889 while he was staying in
Saint-Paul asylum in Saint-Rémy,
France, where he lived for a year
following a breakdown and the
mutilation of his left ear (Carouthers,
Vincent Van Gogh created this luminous and somewhat hypnotizing masterpiece inside a mental
asylum he voluntarily entered as a way of coping after mutilating his ear. Van Gogh wrote to his
art-dealer brother, Theo, about his inspiration when painting his most notable masterpiece. He
said, "This morning, I saw the countryside from my window a long time before sunrise, with nothing
but the morning star, which looked very big." (Carouthers, 2021). From a general vision, one can
notice the bizarre strokes and vibrant colors that he used to compose the overall tone of this
artwork. The combination of blue and yellow contrasted by black seems to work magnificently,
and the image it portrays is refreshing.
On the other hand, some researchers have found a more profound sense of the artwork itself.
Critical analysis proved that the light's mobility was shown in Van Gogh's painting by the constant
movement in the intensity of light over its surface (Khan, 2021). He painted this scenario as if he
thought it was in motion, hence, the unusual strokes visible in the sky portion of the painting.
Impressionists — artists who use strokes and colors to portray natural appearances of subjects in
a given setting with various lighting — are known for using this technique when making their

As an exercise, you may use a

Venn diagram to illustrate the
points of convergence and Both are
Art is mostly a Science is rooted
divergence of art and ways of
product of creative from curiosity and
science. perceiving
expression. analytical visions.
the world.
Art uses canvas, Scientists utilizes
Both are
paper, and other used to carefully measured
things artists can express the and documented
freely think of as discoveries mediums in
mediums for one can have experiments and
expressing their about application of their
visions creatively. everything. scientific research
and discoveries.

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