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10/20/21, 9:26 AM Tutorial for processing LiDAR datasets and visualization (for Slovenian lidar)

From cloud to landscape

Tutorial for processing LiDAR datasets and visualization (for Slovenian lidar)

Three hillforts above village Grahovo - near Cerkniško lake, Central Slovenia, Notranjska region


2. Something about tutorial | 3. Software | 4. Slovenia - LiDAR portal | 5. From LiDAR

pointcloud to ground points | 6. Further to DTM raster and 2D visualization | 7. Final word | 8.
About author | 9. Literature

1. Introduction

This tutorial is based on a workflow how to process Slovenian lidar data, but it can
also be applied to other countries lidar data available in LAZ/LAS format. If you
have lidar data available only (or already) classified and rasterized DTM see
chapter 6.

A number of papers in Slovenian archaeological literature has been written about

LiDAR and the use of LiDAR data in archaeology. If I only list the few: Štular 2011;
Mlekuž and Budja 2008; Štular, Kokalj, Oštir, Nuninger 2012; Milk 2009, 2013,
2015, Mlekuž and Rutar 2013.

You probably thought when reading these (and others!) papers and admiring the maps
that were made from the data of the LiDAR surface recording – how can I do this
myself. Usually there is an issue right after downloading a file from the Slovenian
environment agency portal in an unknown LAZ format. What to do next? How to
open it?

Before we can use the LiDAR data point clouds for mapping, this data needs to be
processed and put into the appropriate format. How to do this was my question few
years ago when I started to get interested in LiDAR. I was a complete novice in the 1/13
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GIS environment. When I started, I haven’t found any integrated or slightly complete
workflow on the internet about processing LiDAR that included the open-source GIS
software. There were just some pieces on different GIS boards and forums.

This tutorial is product of experimenting and trying how to get things running from a
classified cloud of lidar points to 2D visualization (maps) that is useful for
archaeological research.

Data obtained through LiDAR recording is an exceptional set of information about

the physical space (landscape) that can be used to explore archaeological sites and, in
particular, landscapes. Even though LiDAR data is accessible online without
restrictions, the value of these data is zero if we don’t know how to use it. The
purpose of this tutorial is, in particular, to show one of the paths based on open-source
and free software, how to bring this data to a level of readability and record that is
useful for archaeological research.

2. Instructions

These workflow instructions here are an upgrade and a more detailed version of
published paper in ARHEO no. X, journal of Slovenian archaeological society. In the
future, there certainly will be some changes due to new programs and software
updates. These changes will be clearly marked.

3. Software that we need

For our work we need to install programs and tools listed bellow. Most of them are
open-source and all of them are free to use.

QGIS - One of the leading and most developed open source GIS programs. In
addition to many features for creating maps and spatial functions, it also offers a wide
range of plug-ins and languages. This is ArcGIS of open source scene….or even
better. In this tutorial we are using 2.18.18 version, as version 3.0.xis not supported
(yet!) by all plugins that we need. But you can have both installed to work with.

LAStools - A collection of tools for processing data in point clouds. Optimized for
full data processing of LiDAR data. Some tools in the collection are open source and
we'll use them in this workflow.

FUSION - Open source program with a full spectrum of algorithms for processing
point clouds. It is being developed mainly for use in forestry. Please read install 2/13
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instructions, especially LASZip.dll file placement.

SAGA - GIS open source program, used and developed mainly for raster and vector
analysis. It has so many tool, that experimenting is fun!

RVT - The main tool in our workflow for making DTM visualizations. Easy to use
and simple, but powerful.

4. Source of LiDAR pointcloud data for Slovenian territory

For Slovenian territory all LiDAR data is available on a Slovenian enviroment agency
portal. Here you can download data in different stages of data processing, formats and
coordination systems.

4.1. Coordinate system

Lidar data is available in two coordinate systems (CRS): D48GK (EPSG: 3912) and
D96TM (EPSG:3794). D48GK coordinate system. Most of the available raster and
vector data managed and provided by the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the
Republic of Slovenia (GURS) is written in the D48GK coordinate system. D96TM is
a new and updated coordinate system in which all Slovenian GIS data will be
recorded (or transformed) in the following years. If you have data from GURS that
you have acquired over the years, I recommend using the D48GK. I also use D48GK
for aesthetic reasons, because the edges are nice when overlaying different layers and
it is easier to manage if we use same CRS - less room for errors. QGIS supports on- 3/13
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the-fly transformation of CRS within the project; there is nothing wrong with using
D96TM, especially if you use data that was surveyed recently with GPS.

4.2. Formats of LiDAR data pointclouds

On the portal we have two different pointcloud formats available.

zLAS is a proprietary format developed by company ESRI. It is supported and it is

native in ArcGIS program. Because it is not an open-source format we will not use it
in this tutorial.

LAZ is open-source compressed pointcloud format and it is supported (is readable) by

most open-source and free software. Uncompressed format is LAS. As LAZ is not
100% supported by software that we will use (SAGA), we will in first steps transform
it to LAS format.

More information about LAZ/LAS format and its properties: LAS format

Something about "battle" between zLAS in LAS/LAZ formats: zLAS vs. LAS/LAZ

4.3. Levels of processed data

We have three different levels of processed data available.

GKOT – Files that include pointcloud that is already classified. This means that every
point was assigned (based on an algorithm for classification) to a single class - basically
interpretation what this point represents physically in space. More about classes later on at
an end of a chapter 5 where we will talk about how to get ground points.
OTR – Pointcloud that has only points that were classified as ground points.
DMR – Gridded point cloud in *.asc format that has only interpolated points that were
classified as ground points. Resolution is 1x1m. Useful only if we are in a hurry - we can
use them in RVT tool (readable) for visualization. WARNING - from my experience and
testing the quality of data is not not good for use in archaeological research.

5. From LiDAR pointcloud to ground points

At this point, we need to have installed all software that is listed above. At the
beginning, we need to set some things to make the work easier. In order to be able to
run the LAS and FUSION tools from the Command Prompt (Cmd), we need to set
the path to the programs. Open the Control Panel and look for Edit the System
Environment Variables and then click System Variables. In the System variables
window, we will find Variable (PATH), mark it and click Edit. At the end of already
entered paths to the folders in the Variable value field paste 4/13
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"C:\lastools\bin;C:\FUSION;". This paths are the folders where I have both programs
installed. If you have folders with the programs Lastools and Fusion installed
elsewhere, edit it accordingly. To check if you set it up correctly open a Command
Prompt (Cmd) and type laszip.exe. If LAStools graphical interface opens, we are
ready to go. If it does not work, check if you have entered correct path to the
installation folders.



Within the QGIS in toolbox, we need to configure and enable LAStools and FUSION
tools to work.

In QGIS we open Processing – Options. Inside Options window we enable under

Providers Tools for LiDAR data both tools (FUSION in LAStools) with simply
entering their install folder paths in blank fields and check box Activate. If we get
error when we click OK saying that msys (wrong value) is missing, we need to set up
under tab Providers – GRASS commands - line Msys folder like you see on screenshot

Both previous steps in chapter 5 where we set up cmd paths and QGIS tollbox
need to be done ONLY FOR THE FIRST TIME :)

Now we can start working with *.LAZ format GKOT file(s), that we downloaded
from eVode portal. First we will extract all points that are representing surface points.
As I have mentioned before not all software that we use supports compressed LAZ
format, so we have to decompress it.

We will do this with a tool called laszip.exe that we can run in few different ways. We
can open it directly from a folder that we installed LAStools (C:LAStools\bin -
default install folder). We can also run it through Command prompt (Cmd) or as a tool 5/13
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in QGIS. To work in Cmd, we need to run it and then go to folder where we have our
LAZ files. When path is correct we enter laszip.exe and run it. The GUI of LAStools
will open. Then we select all LAZ files that we want to decompress, mark output file
as LAS and run decompress. If we want to run everything in cmd the command is
laszip *****.LAZ or laszip -lof file_list.txt if we have more files. LAS file(s) will be
in a folder where we have LAZ file(s)

We can also run LAStools GUI through QGIS. We find in toolbox laszip and with
doubleclick run it. When QGIS GUI opens we find in input LAS/LAZ file field our
LAZ file, then mark open LAStools GUI and press Run to open LAStools GUI. From
here on it is the same as steps above.

As we usually have more than one LAZ file to work with, we can also do merging
and decompressing in one go with lasmerge.exe tool. Procedure on how to run it it the
same as laszip.exe. Here we select all file that we want to merge, file will be named
by default merged.las, but we can change it. The only thing that we need to be careful
is selecting LAS format before clicking RUN. 6/13
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As LiDAR data for Slovenia is already classified we can use LAZ files with only
ground points (OTR files, see the end of chapter 4). I usually use it when I am lazy.
But it is better to make your own pointcloud of ground points. From my experience
you gain some more info on potentially interesting features such as drywalls, stone
mounds etc...

To get a pointcloud that represents surface we have to run GroundFilter tool that is
part of FUSION software. We can run it through QGIS toolbox on the right side. We
can find it under Tools for LiDAR data -> Fusion or just use search. In GroundFilter
we enter Input LAS layer a *.LAS file that we created in previous step. Under Output
LAS we enter a new *.LAS file where a new surface pointcloud will be stored. Under
Cellsize for intermediate surfaces we need to enter 1 to get the most detailed surface
pointcloud. It is important that if we have classified LAS file we can put under
Additional modifiers a modifier /class:0,2,6. With this setting we will remove all
vegetation and other points that are almost 100% above surface. We also gain some
time with this as logarithm doesn't need to calculate all points. When we run this tool
we will get a surface pointcloud.

Now a little about classified pointclouds. Classified pointcloud in LAS/LAZ format

has 13 possible different classes. Not in every file we will have all of them.
Classification is done with special tools that automatically define what a point in 7/13
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space represents in reality. When processing surface pointclouds I usually use class 0
(points that algorithm didnt classified), 2 (points classified as surface) and 6 (points
classified as buildings). I don't recommend usage of other classes as they usually
bring more noise into the surface pointcloud. This choice of classes is for Slovenian
LiDAR data. For data from other countries try experimentig a little. :)

More about classes of classified pointcloud in LAS format you can find in FUSION
manual, that you can find ithere.

6. Further to DTM raster and 2D visualization

For next step we will need SAGA software. First we have to open it and the on the
left side inside toolbox menu we need to open Import/Export – LAS – Import LAS
files tool, so we can import LAS file that we created in previous steps. Next we need
to open in left toolbox menu a tool Shapes – Point clouds – orodje Point Cloud to
Grid. In this tool we need to write into cellsize filed a value of 0.5 or 1. When this
tool finish its work we will get a grid (raster) made out of pointcloud.

Now we have a grid made out of points, but space between them is empty. We need to
fill it and this process is called interpolation. Again in (SAGA) left toolbox menu we
runGrid – Gridding – Inverse Distance Weighted tool. In this tool we need to be
careful to properly set 3 things. In Attribute field we need to choose value Z, then in
Target Grid System field we need to choose grid or grid system and in Target Grid
choose »create«. When we finish this process we have made a DTM raster. 8/13
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I personally favour the tool we used (IDW) and another one that we find in SAGA
toolbox (left side menu) Grid - Tools - CloseGaps tool. It is much faster tool than
IDWV and it is easier set up, but sometimes it smoothens low profile features a little
to much. Try it and decide it for yourself.

For all of you that wants to know more about different interpolation methods and
what method produces best results in different terrains here is the link.

Before we start with visualization of created raster we need to export it in a readable

file format (in our case GeoTIFF format). In left (SAGA) toolbox menu we open 9/13
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Import/Export – GDAL/OGR – orodje Export GeoTIFF tool. In tool under Grid field
we choose raster, that we created last. It has if we created it with IDW method of
interpolation a Inverse Distance Weighted name in it. With this we have finished
working in SAGA software and we have created DTM raster of surface.

Now we need to make visualisation of DMR/DMT. We will do this in RVT tool,

where we have all types of visualisation that we need in archaeology on our disposal.
You can read more about different methods of visiualization in RVT manual. There is
also a good article about different LiDAR visualizations that are avaliable in RVT

Output of visualization is in *.tif format and in two versions, 32 and 8 bit. The 8bit
version is optimised for viewing in non-GIS software and it can be viewed in
Microsoft Windows photo viewer and any other photo viewer (GIMP, Photoshop,

Now that we have made visualizations that we wanted we can open them in QGIS or
any other GIS software. In QGIS go to Add Raster function to import it to project. It
will ask us to select right coordination system. In our case we have to select MGI
1901/Slovene National Grid; EPSG:3912 if we used and downloaded files in D48GK
coordination system. Slovenia 1996/Slovenian national grid EPSG:3794 coordinate
system we need to use if we downloaded and used files in D96TM coordinate system.

We are ready to start to work on interpretation, creating maps or 3D models in QGIS.

I have in plan to write some other tutorials about this themes in near future.

If you want to read more about QGIS - link. And Google finds almost anything :).

7. And for the end of tutorial

This tutorial is not set in stone and probably there are some other ways how to do it
(maybe shorter, more easy?). I regularly check and test new things in GIS open
source world. I will add new things to tutorial and update it. I'm open to feedback,
opinions and new ideas. Please don't hesitate :)

8. Author

My name is Jošt Hobič and I am a archaeologist. I have worked for over 10 years as
field arcaheologist in Slovenia. I have experience working in almost all environments
(except under the water). I was also working for one year in UK for Cotswold
archaeology - it was great!. As field archaeologist I have specialised in field 10/13
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photography. I am working as a volunteer raising awareness of local heritage and

local archeological sites. I currently work at Ministry of Culture of Republic of
Slovenia on a GIS/National heritage project.

What I love is researching landscapes and through this I started to work with GIS and
LiDAR. Although I had some GIS lessons during my study I didn't get much out of it.
That meant that i needed to learn almost everything anew (I am still learning).

Im regular user of Twitter where I usually publish different LiDAR visualizations of

archaeological sites, most of them under #FridayLiDAR or #HillfortsWednesday.

I'm also publishing 3D models of LiDAR visualizations on a Sketchfab. You can

check them out here.

On my blog I write in very irregular time intervals articles about archaeological sites
in a landscape where I live and about LiDAR. There I maintain a list of List of freely
accessible LiDAR data and digital terrain models from all over the World. You can
find it here.

9. Literature

BUDJA, M., MLEKUŽ, D. Poplavna ravnica Ižice in prazgodovinska kolišča. Arheološki

vestnik, ISSN 0570-8966, 2008, [Št.] 59, str. 359-370

MLEKUŽ, D. 2009, Poplavne ravnice v novi luči : LiDAR in tafonomija aluvialnih krajin.
– V: Arheo 26, 7-22.

MLEKUŽ, D. 2013, Messy landscapes : lidar and the practices of landscaping. - V:

OPITZ, Rachel (ur.), COWLEY, David (ur.). Interpreting archaeological topography :
airborne laser scanning, 3D data and ground observation. Oxford; Oakville: Oxbow
Books, 88-99.

MLEKUŽ, D., RUTAR, G. 2013, Koliko točk? Gostota lidarskih snemanj za arheološke
prospekcije. – V: Arheo 30, 27'46.

MLEKUŽ, D. 2015, Oblike prazgodovinske poljske razdelitve na Krasu. - V:

PREINFALK, M. (ur.), Iz zgodovine Krasa, 675-690.

ŠTULAR, B., KOKALJ, Ž., OŠTIR, K., NUNINGER, L. 2012, Visualization of lidar-
derived relief models for detection of archaeological features. - V: Journal of
archaeological science, vol. 39, issue 11, 3354-3360.

ŠTULAR, B. 2011, The use of lidar-derived relief models in archaeological topography :

the Kobarid region (Slovenia) case study. – V: Arheološki vestnik 62, 393-432. 12/13
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