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I think creativity is not something that pops out of a brain in isolation, but rather is the result of a a

very heightened state of perception.

Firstly, this perception means using the senses very vividly, and being sensitive to subtle changes in
the environment. Secondly, this also means the ability to quickly connect what is being perceived
with previous experiences of reality.

The source of creativity is the desire to listen, the fearlessness to express, the ability to
communicate and the power to share. At the end of the day, any profound creative ideas should
send out a message so that people reacts to.

There must be billions of creative answers to this question. I think it is about being in tune with the
world, including your own inner world and your senses. The more I look and listen, the more creative
my ideas. Then, of course, comes the hard work.

Musician Jack White, just one of the artists interviewed, implies that inspiration can come from our
surroundings: "You can't live next to factories without being influenced by them. Living next to a train
track, there's no way that doesn't influence you subconsciously," he says.

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