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for the Future

Покрај тоа што искажуваме работи кои се случуваат СЕГА/ ВО МОМЕНТОТ , со формата
Present Continuous искажуваме некои дејства кои се нарекуваат FUTURE
A future arrangement is a plan that you have decided and organised
with another person in the past to happen in future – е план за кој
имаме одлучено и го имаме организирано се некоја друга личност во минатото за да
се случи во иднина

I am having a date
on 6 May with Ben.

Што е прикажано на сликчево? Јас и некоја друга личност Бен , имаме договорено да се сретнеме на
6ти мај ( тоа сме си го запишале во дневникот ) Тој наш план ќе го изразиме со Present Continuous
според дадената формула за формирање на ова време
FORMULA: BE (am, is, are) + VERB+ ing

ex : I am having a date on 6th of May with Ben

I am spending Christmas and New Year with my Mum and Dad.
We're meeting Susan at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
This is Linda's diary and her plans for the weekend.


10.00am Go to hairdresser

11.30am Meet Jenny for coffee

1.00pm Have lunch at Pizza Hut with Lisa

3.00pm Buy birthday present for Tim (Lisa & I)

7.00pm Go to Tim’s birthday party

Linda is going to hairdresser at 10 am on Saturday

Linda is meeting Jenny for coffee at 11:30

Linda is having lunch at Pizza Hut with Lisa an 1 pm ( Linda and Lisa are having linch

at .... )

Linda and Lisa are buying birthday present for Tim at 3 pm

11.00am Wash the car
12.00pm Walk the dog

2.00pm Visit grandparents (with Mum & Dad)

5.00pm Do homework

7.00pm Meet Debbie - Go to cinema

Lisa is washing the car at 11 am on Sunday

She is walking the dog at 12 pm on Sunday

Linda with her Mum and her Dad are visiting grandparents at 2 pm on Sunday.

Linda is doing her homework at 5 pm on Sunday

She is meeting Debbie at 7 pm and they are going to cinema on Sunday

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