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Question 1

  I have been able to apply my results from the StrengthsFinder assessment in a team

setting by utilizing my strengths to improve the team's performance. For instance, because I am a

very organized person, I have been able to assist the team in monitoring our progress and

ensuring that we are on schedule. Because I am also quite creative, I have been able to assist the

team in coming up with fresh concepts and thinking beyond the box.

Question 2

I have attempted to deal with free riders by requesting some sort of contribution from

them when working on a group project in college. I've asked them to help with research or to

come up with ideas, for instance. The best method to deal with freeloaders, in my opinion, is to

make them feel like they are a part of the team and not just a freeloader by asking them to

contribute in some way.

  Question 3 

In teams, I typically serve as the task specialist. I put a lot of effort into achieving the

objectives; group cohesion and unity are not as important to me. This is one of my strengths, in

my opinion, as it keeps the team on track and concentrated on the current work. To prevent the

team from becoming overly tense and agitated, I do believe that it is crucial to strike a balance

between the task specialized and socioemotional roles.

How do you believe you could use your skills to assist the team succeed if you were put

on a team with individuals who have different strengths than you?

I believe that the best way for me to use my capabilities if I'm put on a team with people

who are stronger than me is to use them to enhance the abilities of the other team members. For

instance, if the team is made up largely of creative individuals, I could use my organizing

abilities to help the group stay on task. If the company contains a lot of research-inclined

individuals, I may use my creative abilities to generate fresh concepts.

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